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Posts posted by meep.meep

  1. Yeah, I was noticing that in the scenes with Mischka - he's escaped from the gulag, walked across Russia, plus the 30 years, and then they can't even give him crows feet.  The whole makeup budget is on MacGregor.

    In the book there are many significant political meetings in the hotel before this - they seem to have been skipped for dramatic purposes.

    A good episode.

  2. Downtoneers!

    I have only watched the series on PBS but I know that they recut the ITV episodes for some reason and that scenes were deleted.  Do any of the streaming services have the full British episodes?

  3. On 5/6/2024 at 6:31 PM, CrazyInAlabama said:


    St. Cloud, Minnesota, Joe & Jack's AmazingTechnicolor Prison   It's aqua/mint, with a round front door entrance.  Joe and Jack Two turrets on top.  $250,000, bought sight unseen six months ago. One turret is a banquette.   The house is solid concrete walls that will survive a tornado.  Living room is pink, in various shades, and the rug is blazind red. Kitchen looks like a 50's argyle floor diner, and a fold down ironing board.  Kitchen is small.  Dishwasher is below the wall oven.  Mail slot is above the kitchen counter.   Then ther's a bathroom right off the kitchen, 30 sq ft, the main bedroom is painted like the Texas flag.  No ensuite, only one tiny bath on the main floor.  Ice dams in the winter caused water damages in the main bedroom, that used their reno budget to fix.  .  Patio is only accessible from the outside.  Closet is very long and narrow.  Reeta is 5'8", other bathroom half bath is 5'6" doorway, and it's a circus theme, I guess for kids.   I think they could redo this one for $150,000


    Winner is Joe & Jack's Amazing Technicolor Prison.    I think this one could be done for $150,000. 



    I think this is a contender - I'd love to see Allison tell the fabulously gay couple that she's going to paint their house black.  She would have to remodel the bathrooms.

    The thing I bolded - this is actually a good item, my mother had it in her kitchen.  Means your mail is delivered into your house - no staying in an outside mailbox that people can riffle through. Mail theft is one of the main causes of identify theft.   It's their own fault for putting the coffee maker too close to it.

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  4. I wonder if the chefs get to ask how experienced the servers are.  If they are all newbies, couldn't you decorate the individual tables to differentiate them?  Like this is for the table with the owl statue.  Or use different colored table cloths.

    Danny's idea of the template for tickets was really good also.  There were only two choices per course after all.

    • Like 10
  5. 5 hours ago, Lassus said:

    It's my annual RESTAURANT WARS IS TRASH post!

    Anyhow, I know I'm not objective, but this is always my least favorite episode of the season.  Mostly because it's a set up meant to fail, and after DECADES of watching this episode, the chefs still make the SAME ERRORS EVERY YEAR.  Y'all watched this show last year, and the year before, and the year before, and the year before, and you STILL FUCK UP TICKETS?  You still can't manage to be a host?


    I get that it's a fine dining and gourmand thing, but I have never in the history of eating out been to a high-end restaurant and thought "oh, this menu is very cohesive", so I generally end up finding that Colicchio complaint kinda bullshit. 


    I'm with you.  I hate RW and only once has it ever been worth watching.  My idea is they should say it's RW, pick teams, and then cut away and show RW from the Portland season so we can see how it's supposed to be done, then cut back and say who won and who was eliminated.  Because it's never going to be better than Maria and Shota and the Asian/Hispanic kaiseki menu.

    Not only am I not looking at a restaurant menu for cohesion, I'm often looking at it for something I can actually eat.  They never recognize that people have different restrictions in what they eat.  Good for the gal who made the vegan gumbo - bet all the vegans and vegetarians guests were happily eating it.

    • Like 12
  6. On 5/6/2024 at 6:41 PM, tabloidlover said:

    Race to Survive:New Zealand popped up tonight.  Premieres May 20th on USA

    I saw that!  Hope there's a Maori version of Oliver and Wilson among the competitors.

  7. 4 hours ago, Rammchick said:

    And then to have Nancy complain that the red roses/green leaves look Christmassy??  

    I agree that Stephen deserved his win.  But I also agree with Nancy - he should have done a different color flower on top.  The red looked like Christmas and more importantly it did not look bridal.  He should have repeated the yellow flower he did in the stained glass on the top of the cake.


    • Like 16
  8. Barbie and Kyle are cute together!  Glad she woke up to the fact that she's a grownup and can make her decisions without her father.  The way that she and her sister were going on you'd think she was under 18 and still living at home.  She's 28, works on a yacht, and is on a TV show.  

    Frasier is delusional about the chef.

    • Like 8
  9. I've never DVR'd House Hunters - it's just always on.  Sounds like I missed out with the nudists episode.  In high school I dated a guy whose parents were nudists.  You can know about it intellectually but when confronted by it, it's another story.

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  10. Arghh!  Nobody else watched?  Enjoying it so far.

    It's very much like the book.  Matthew and Barak are perfectly cast.  I'm not sure about Sean Bean.  Cromwell in this series is different than in Mantell's. Gotta keep remembering that.

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  11. Marcel and Illan also have had their own TV shows.  What happened on Top Chef happened years ago and everyone involved seems to have moved on.  It's not a factor on this show.

    I think it's the need for creativity that's making them more tired.  Most of them are used to being on the line for hours on end - the difference is that then they are doing the same thing over and over, and here they need to come up with new dishes for each round.

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  12. It's too bad this ended so sadly.  Teams shouldn't be eliminated because of production errors.  Maybe they will get to come back.

    But there was a lot of good in this episode.  The street tennis was fun - Angie did great and even got a backhand in at one point.  You could tell the teams really like each other.  The footballer yelling out "Be great babe!" to his wife.

    I couldn't figure out why anyone would build the fish cage and get all cut up.  Seaweed, especially dried seaweed, is light.  You didn't have to fill the wheelbarrows to the brim.  Run it down to the water where the sand is compact and it won't be hard to push.

    For whoever was wondering - Barbados is in the Caribbean, not South America.


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  13. 11 hours ago, Skooma said:

    Oh boy let's watch this funny sitcom about the buzzkill mother-in-law and the annoying wife and the now civilized "generic Georgie" as they give us tons of laughs dooming their first marriage.  This should be side-splitting hilarious ... not.

    They sure aren't doing anything to make people want to watch it.  A spinoff has to attract viewers not repel them.

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  14. 1 hour ago, fishcakes said:

    I'm glad Q didn't let Maria or Kenzie give Liz the reward. He earned it; he gets to pick who he wants. If they want to give it up and he has to pick again, that's one thing, but they shouldn't get to choose for him.

    Also, it seems that even before the challenge, Liz was trying to guilt people into taking her on the reward and said in a TH that she didn't want to win it, she wanted someone to give it to her. So this tells me again that it wasn't about the food so much as it was about her wanting to feel like she's in charge. Crazy that she thinks Q should give her anything after she's been so obviously against him.

    She's a big ole drama queen for sure.  Q didn't owe her anything.

    One thing I've noticed is that no one this season is even trying to fish.  Not even Hunter.  If Liz is truly starving, there are things out there that she could try to catch.  She doesn't want to try at all, just like she couldn't make fire to cook her own rice.

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  15. 1 hour ago, joanne3482 said:

    I agree. I think that's what got her the win. He made a tiramisu cake but it was basically the same thing as a tiramisu. She made something completely different that gave the idea of a key lime pie without being an actual pie.   

    This!  They were supposed to put their own spin on the recipes and he just made a tiramisu.  If there was anything to criticize about that, he wasn't going to win.

    You can see that in the finale pre-heat where no one just made the recipe from the judges, they adapted them.  Bundt pound cake turned into madelines, tea cakes into rock cookies, and sandwich cookies into linzer cookies.

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  16. On 4/27/2024 at 8:11 AM, Calvada said:

    On Thursday night, the Make a Wish kid was booed, because he was wearing a Chiefs jersey!  Stay classy, NFL fans.  

    I was home sick and watched a bunch of this since it's truly mindless TV.  As a SF fan, it seemed like all our picks happened during commercial breaks.  The one they showed got lots of boos.  I think the mostly Detroit crowd just boos everyone else, although I can see they might have a bit of a grudge from the NFC Championship game.

    • Like 1
  17. Finally finished - loved the ending.

    The season really pointed out how difficult it is to be perceptive and persuasive. They may have been dumdums but lots of the faithful figured out that Sam was a traitor, they just couldn't persuade enough of the others to vote for him.  Luke, Annabel, Hannah, Gloria - all had him pegged.

    Sam just had to point back at his accusers and then they got banished.  He's lucky they picked him for traitor, he would have been a failure as faithful.

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