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Posts posted by meep.meep

  1. You mean you want to see the heart rate?  You slide up a few screens and there it is.  Once you have the fitbit synced to your phone, you can look at the rate there as well.

    I've had several fitbits over the years.  Looking back at my pictures (I take a picture whenever I buy something important), they've each lasted 3-4 years.

    • Useful 3
  2. I thought she said it while she was walking out to get into the car to go to the resort.

    But in more exciting news, review of Instagram indicates that Ben and Sunny are still together one year later.


    • Mind Blown 6
  3. On 5/3/2024 at 4:04 AM, EtheltoTillie said:

    I don’t have the cookbook. I was curious about the web site, so I tried their “free” membership to see what it was all about. The full recipe was not available. It’s not clear whether it would be available on the paid version. Strange web site. Good concept but probably a lot of copyright problems so not really useful. 
    Your best bet might be to get the hard copy from the library. I bet they’d have it. 

    Eat Your Books is a website designed for people who have too many cookbooks.  You give it a list of ingredients or a dish you'd like to make, along with a list of your cookbooks, and it will find a recipe and tell you which cookbook it's in.

    Kind of like what happened here where someone owned the cookbook with the recipe and copied it out for the person who needed it.

    • Useful 4
  4. There was so much in this episode!

    What did Janine think the fuse box was?  A tiny room for mice?

    And everybody heading to the bedroom to watch Wakanda Forever!

    • Like 3
    • LOL 4
  5. The South Island goes to almost 45degrees South latitude - that's the equivalent of Portland, OR and the border between Montana and Wyoming in the U.S.

    I felt a bit miffed at not having a winner at the end of the episode.  And doing something this stressful with your divorced spouse has got to be a bad idea.

    • Like 2
  6. I would have preferred Charlie to win but Kenzie is OK.

    What made me incredibly happy about this episode was the fantastic final challenge - that almost made up for the endless dig through the mud, balance beams, untie puzzle pieces, assemble puzzle challenges they have been doing all season long. 

    • Like 4
  7. 5 hours ago, Seelouis said:

    What I find most ridiculous about this commercial is that the list of ingredients they rattle off for both options sound almost the same to me. I can never tell what’s supposed to be so bad about the cheaper option ingredients. 

    Many dogs are sensitive to corn which is a common ingredient in the "less expensive" brands.  I don't remember if that's featured in this commercial.  Finding a dry dog food that's completely without corn is difficult.

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  8. Keely does seem like a mean girl but her work is neat and impeccable.  When the judge said her bonbons tasted like the pink and white animal crackers I lost it.  I ate so many of those!

    I loved them saying they were going to the most romantic place in Paris, followed by a shot of torrential rain!

    • Like 3
  9. On 5/14/2024 at 11:33 AM, bluegirl147 said:

    Wonder what the odds are he knocks him out again? Asking for a friend.

    Token 49ers fan here - we're hoping he can do it in 3 plays this time.

    On another note Jim Otto has passed away.  He played all of his career for the Raiders with number 00 on his jersey.  He was the first AFC player to be voted into the Hall of Fame.

    • Sad 1
  10. 8 hours ago, Soapy Goddess said:

    Winner? What a joke!  I'm really starting to believe that the "winner" is strictly chosen by how far they can stretch 150K...and the ease of doing the "make over".

    All they did was add drywall and paint. And a concrete pad with scribble on it. The rest is cosmetic. Easy for Alison.

    Of course they pick the one where they can make the biggest difference and produce a finished product.  I was convinced they would go for the Seattle house because once you remove the mirrors, it was in pretty good shape.

    Here, they completely replaced a non-functional bathroom.  Plus with all the walls being made out of cinder blocks, when removed they had to do a lot of structural framing and support.

    And Allison didn't paint it black!


    • Like 3
  11. On 5/18/2024 at 11:18 PM, Lonesome Rhodes said:

    Glebnik's gradual softening/conversion was well paced and consistent.  His actions at the very end, to include his actual coming demise, made sense.  I did not understand if his wife had been arrested (or worse) and he was on the run for days, or if he was anticipating he would never see her again because he was distancing himself.  But, why wouldn't he have tried to broker a deal where he turned  himself in, hoping for decent treatment for his soon to be widow?  He knew he was a dead man walking.  So he heroically attempted a redemption of sorts to help the Count and Anna? 


    Overall, the series tried to do too much, which was still woefully inadequate, in too few episodes.  The book required a master's touch, which was not at all what happened.  There were some fantastic moments, especially the early depiction of the chaos of Lenin's tyranny and the super random basis on which many were tortured and/or killed.  In the end, I'm glad to have watched it and I am very disappointed in this adaptation of a profoundly intricate story.


    Glebnik explained that:  they always went after the families no matter what deal was struck.  There was no getting away from that.  He had sent his wife off and Alexander had to do the same with Sophia and Anna.  

    I actually thought this was one of the better adaptations of a novel that I've ever seen.  They had to leave out heaps of things from the book, but did so judiciously.  The whole premise is ludicrous, but it lets you see the growth in Alexander as well as the sacrifices he has made for others.

    • Like 4
  12. On 5/17/2024 at 4:53 AM, mrsbagnet said:


    Regent is for royalty only, but I do wonder what the Mondriches's situation is called. I'm researching it.

    They are managing their son's affairs until he achieves his majority.


    • Like 3
  13. My current favorite is the Wayfare one with Titus Burgess and the people who don't get how to play Musical Chairs.

    "I explained it so many times!"

    But the reason it's funny to me is that when my son turned 5 he had his first kids birthday party and we tried to play musical chairs.  And they did not get it.  The music stops and every one but his little sister got a chair.  "Oh no, Sarah doesn't have a chair!"  And they went and found her one.

    • Like 1
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  14. Finally got to watch.  Congratulations to Ricky and Cesar!  They came from behind, handled some tough challenges, and pulled off a decisive victory.  And are finally getting paid!

    I hope those of you filling out the CBS surveys are saying 90 minutes is a terrible idea.

    My personal suspicious belief is that they wanted to hide the season after tanking the blue team for something they had no control over.  If the chase car gets lost, that's on them not the competitors.  Otherwise, make them take the bus.

    The only times I have been to Philly were flying to and from Madrid.  Returning from Madrid we had a 3 hour delay in the airport.  Everyone on the flight missed their connecting flights and the airlines had to put us up.  We finally got on a bus to the hotel, I started looking out the window and asked the bus driver "Are we in New Jersey?"  He said yes. 

    • Like 1
    • LOL 1
  15. 8 hours ago, emma675 said:

    Congrats on the new job! I would keep it simple to "sorry I can't, I have work" so people can't argue with it. And I've found repeating the same reason, without deviation or additional details, over and over until they stop asking works best for those persistent people who want to argue.

    The other one that works is "It's not possible."  Just repeat over and over - never get drawn into an argument.

    Many of us have had, or have to work second jobs.  I was a single mother of two working two jobs to make ends meet.  It got better, I paid my debts, and eventually was able to stop working the second job.

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  16. I'm late to finish - but this was a really good finish.  Glad to see the final two and that they figured it out without a hint.

    I agree that the final challenge was epic and seeing Brooke have to sit in the bugs was hilarious.

    • Like 2
  17. They've had celebrity cameos since the beginning - in season 1 we find out that Ava is dating Andre Iguadala.

    I wish they had delayed the hands-on Gregory a few more minutes, just to show him facing all that food that you know he's not going to eat.

    And I still don't understand what Jacob did with the drag brunch attendees.

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