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Posts posted by meep.meep

  1. 6 hours ago, 2soon2tell said:

    But I guess I have had this problem with the whole show. It isn’t really a contest if one person is always making Italian and one is always making seafood, etc.  They need to set some parameters around each challenge.  At least say everyone will make a chicken dish today.  I would prefer, chicken pot pie is an American classic, everyone make one.

    It's just so shapeless.  The contestants could legitimately make the same dishes day after day, and they'd meet the criteria for each day's "challenge."  

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  2. 1 hour ago, DanaK said:

    I felt so bad for John’s mom and grandmother trying to retrieve his body.

    Most of Lily and Jason’s fellow anarchists pretty much left them on their own, which was a clear sign of how soulless these people were

    Me too.

    Isn't that the definition of anarchists?  You do you and I won't care.

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  3. That's just wrong.  Wordle should be played as a lonely quest - just you against the machine.  To increase your streak and do better than your friend/son/brother/daughter/spouse/co-worker/random person on the internet.

    But I did get a 1 once!

  4. Could the glitter guy be Oscar using his father's phone?  They wouldn't know the number, but he could have been in the building and texted them.

    Or it could be related to Mabel's father who (dun dun dun dun) just got brought up in this episode.  Fathers and how they may not be what they're made out to be are a real theme this season.

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  5. 4 hours ago, SoMuchTV said:

    I also think the peanut butter box ad (with the very big dog and very small dog) is adorable, but I have a hard time watching it without thinking, what if cats came in that variety of sizes? 

    I've had a 20 pound cat and I've had a 6 pound cat - they kind of do.

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  6. On 7/17/2022 at 9:39 AM, janie jones said:

    The Great Wolf Lodge commercial came on several times last night, and I kept looking at the wolves' legs, and they all appear to have four legs to me. There is one shot where you can only see the toes on one hind leg though.

    There are several different Great Wolf Lodge commercials and the CGI on the wolves varies from horrific to bad.  The worst problem is that the aspect ratio is terribly off, probably in order to keep the kids looking normal and like they are actually riding something.  Wolves are low slung and long - the GWL wolves are high and too short from nose to rump.  When they introduce movement, the legs appear and vanish leading me to label them as three legged.  Shortening the aspect also results in the wolves looking overweight.  I don't know why they appear overly fluffy.

    No one actually goes to these places expecting to see wolves, do they?  Put the kids on ponies.

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  7. 20 hours ago, Taeolas said:

    That said, I wonder if Food Network might be trying to set up a new personality to tap into the Drag Queen craze going on at the moment.  Sugar certainly wouldn't be the one I'd want to be the Drag-face on Food Network, but they will probably try and push her nonetheless. 

    If that was the case, why not go with the Queen from Mystika Massala who could actually cook great food?

    I hope the Senoreatas win because they can cook.  There has never before been a truck who served bad food - food that someone ordered, waited for, paid a high price for, and then discarded because it tasted horrible.  And this is on a show that had an actual financial cheating scandal.

    But I won't be watching.  The show is over for me.  Bye, Tyler.  Hire ESO.

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  8. I'm 5'3".  24 inches from armpit to fingertips.  You gotta kind of fling yourself into it.  We also keep a flashlight around because the rodents keep chewing the lighting wires (it's in an exterior garage) - that can be useful for moving things closer to the front so the flinging works better.

    You are a member of a tool-using race after all.  But it is peevy.

  9. On 7/12/2022 at 2:29 PM, Colorado David said:

      that and the whole concept - yes mac n cheese fine. i can see a line based on pasta but not solely mac n cheese, that is wayyyyyyyyy too narrow. but then again, bbq does that all the time, so who am i to say?

    There's a restaurant in San Francisco, Homeroom, that sells nothing but mac&cheese - very popular too.

    It's surprising after all these seasons, that someone's come up with a new way to game the show.  

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  10. On 7/6/2022 at 9:03 AM, Stuckathome said:

    I really felt for Joe when Emma just went ahead and said Sally could stay with them....I know it only seems right that she could and would do that as she said it is what she wanted and was right, but this is 1971....I am guessing most wives were not so opinionated and strong willed. Love the cast and the scenery, the music, all of it. 

    Navajo men and women are equals, no one is subservient.  In tribal matters everyone gets a say and everyone else is supposed to listen.

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  11. I don't understand how Mike could have sealed the cans up either.

    On 7/6/2022 at 12:19 PM, Tom Holmberg said:

    I was going to suggest they make their own giardiniera, which is big in Chicago and a staple of Italian beef sandwiches.  A good Italian beef place would pride itself on making its own giardiniera.


    In the 7th episode, Carm told Richie to start making giardiniera so he took Sydney's carrots.  Which set her off.  I know why Carm forgave her, but the upset was totally her fault.  First she gave away the ribs and risotto to the wrong person, then she set up the tablet system and didn't turn off the pre-order function.  Both examples of being impatient.

    I read the critics raving over this and for once they were correct.  Can't wait for season 2.

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  12. 3 hours ago, Redrum said:

    On Mike. Mike has never been a favorite of mine for similar reasons. I am now going to say something mean and not very politically correct but....the school kids treat Mike like ass because yes they're bullies.... but also because he's an asshole. Mike is all about Mike and what Mike wants, with little to no thought on how it impacts others. Mike is that smart geeky kid in school who treats everyone not in his circle like dumb stooges and isn't shy about making it clear how stupid he thinks you are.

    Are you saying that Mike is Sheldon Cooper?

    I don't think they've ever said if any of these kids (except Nancy) are actually smart academically.

  13. There's a blink and you miss it shot in the opening credits of Bunny walking the bird on a leash in front of the building.

    None of the apartment locations have ever made sense to me and I doubt that the producers/writers even care.   If they need a secret vent between Bunny's apartment and Mabel's, they put it in.  Ditto the secret elevator.

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  14. 22 hours ago, aghst said:

    Then again, I question why Delos would re-open any theme parks after the massacres there.  They said the original WW was near the Chinese coast.  But in this episode, Maeve and Caleb pass by NYC or some other modern city skyline in the distance on their train towards the Golden Age park.

    The discussion between William and the VP at the golf course centered on Delos building in the US, rather than off-shore.  VP was against it.  So the parks are no longer at the site of the original WW, but somewhere in the western US, judging by the dam shot in the previous episode.

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