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Posts posted by JustHereForFood

  1. I am totally like Isaac, buying more books than I can carry on a trip abroad.

    I actually find it refreshing when we see teenagers on TV who want to take it slow. I am only about 15 years older than the kids here, but I am starting to get uncomfortable at how young some of the teenagers in TV shows start having sex nowadays.

    And I was completely clueless why they ran for the teachers when Darcy got sick. Like, that is the opposite than what you do in such situations from what I remember. You just throw up and hope nobody notices how sick you look the next day. Of course, we never had understanding teachers like these kids, so...

    • Like 2
  2. Is there any reason at all, why Charlie could not just wear a scarf? Or a shirt with a collar? If he doesn't have one, Tao wore one in this episode, he could have lent it to him, it would probably hide the hickey. 

    Isaac telling Harry off was my favorite moment.

    • Like 1
  3. Good for Imogen to break up with Ben, although she probably didn't need to do it publicly. 

    I hope this show would not go anywhere dangerous, but I still feel a bit uneasy when the kids are so casual about being gay in public, especiall the girls. I am glad that people are feeling more free nowadays and I know France is mostly ok, but there are lots of people living in Paris and it's not safe everywhere, so I would probably welcome a scene when the teacher tells them to be more careful when they are alone outside. 

  4. It's easier for some people to talk about personal stuff than it is for others. I expect that if straight and cis people were expected to come out, many would still keep quiet about it even if they had no reason to expect any consequences.

  5. I like the ending to most Cinderella movies. Not because she finds a guy, but because she gets out of an abusive household and moves in with someone who will love and respect her.

    Also love the ending to Pride (2014) when


    all of the miners come to London Pride.

    "What does he mean, too many?" 

    " I think he means them."

    Never fails to make me cry.

    • Like 4
  6. 19 minutes ago, SoMuchTV said:

    Which don't you get?  We could probably help you out, if you want to dive deeper.  But basically each bullet point is an example (or in some cases, a blatant violation) of the grammar rule or literary category it mentions.

    Thanks. Yeah, I get how it works and I even understood most of them once I googled what simile or gerund is, but I'm not sure about these:

    • A misplaced modifier walks into a bar owned by a man with a glass eye named Ralph.

    • A hyphenated word and a non-hyphenated word walk into a bar and the bartender nearly chokes on the irony


  7. I admit that as second language speaker, I don't really get all of these, but those I do are pretty funny:


    • An Oxford comma walks into a bar, where it spends the evening watching the television, getting drunk, and smoking cigars.

    • A dangling participle walks into a bar. Enjoying a cocktail and chatting with the bartender, the evening passes pleasantly.

    • A bar was walked into by the passive voice.

    • An oxymoron walked into a bar, and the silence was deafening.

    • Two quotation marks walk into a “bar.”

    • A malapropism walks into a bar, looking for all intensive purposes like a wolf in cheap clothing, muttering epitaphs and casting dispersions on his magnificent other, who takes him for granite.

    • Hyperbole totally rips into this insane bar and absolutely destroys everything.

    • A question mark walks into a bar?

    • A non sequitur walks into a bar. In a strong wind, even turkeys can fly.

    • Papyrus and Comic Sans walk into a bar. The bartender says, “Get out – we don’t serve your type.”

    • A mixed metaphor walks into a bar, seeing the handwriting on the wall but hoping to nip it in the bud.

    • A comma splice walks into a bar, it has a drink and then leaves.

    • Three intransitive verbs walk into a bar. They sit. They converse. They depart.

    • A synonym strolls into a tavern.

    • At the end of the day, a cliché walks into a bar – fresh as a daisy, cute as a button, and sharp as a tack.

    • A run-on sentence walks into a bar it starts flirting. With a cute little sentence fragment.

    • Falling slowly, softly falling, the chiasmus collapses to the bar floor.

    • A figure of speech literally walks into a bar and ends up getting figuratively hammered.

    • An allusion walks into a bar, despite the fact that alcohol is its Achilles heel.

    • The subjunctive would have walked into a bar, had it only known.

    • A misplaced modifier walks into a bar owned by a man with a glass eye named Ralph.

    • The past, present, and future walked into a bar. It was tense.

    • A dyslexic walks into a bra.

    • A verb walks into a bar, sees a beautiful noun, and suggests they conjugate. The noun declines.

    • A simile walks into a bar, as parched as a desert.

    • A gerund and an infinitive walk into a bar, drinking to forget.

    • A hyphenated word and a non-hyphenated word walk into a bar and the bartender nearly chokes on the irony

    • LOL 12
  8. On 8/14/2023 at 11:35 PM, festivus said:

    I think my favorite theories are the ones about who Crowley was. I've seen some good arguments for Raphael or Lucifer. That's the thing I needs to know the most. I do think it will be a huge part of season three. Or book if we don't get it. 😥


    3 hours ago, Morrigan2575 said:

    Crowley isn't Lucifer, we met Lucifer/the Devil in S1, Raphael is a possibility but; that would have made him an archangel and, you'd think Michael, Gabriel, or Uriel would have mentioned that...not to say that Gaimen couldn't retcon Crowley to be Raphael but, I'd rather he didn't and,  just let Crowley be a generic fallen angel.

    I would prefer if they don't go there and concentrate more on who he is now. He said in one of the episodes that he's not the angel that Aziraphale knew anyway.

    And Neil refuted the Lucifer theory:



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  9. It's a sign of good storytelling for me, when I can see both people's perspective. I can totally relate to Tao feeling jealous of Elle's new friends, even though it's completely involuntarily and he probably feels bad about it. At the same time, I am happy for Elle to have new friends who probably share many experiences with her and "get" her without her having to explain anything.

    Nick's brother is a total dick. At least with Ben, we can kind of see why he's behaving like he is, but this guy seems to be just a dick for no reason. First he is just a typical dick brother to Nick, then he sneaks into his room and takes his things, then he's a total dick about Nick being bi. I hope Olivia Colman tells him to move to their dad's instead if he can't behave like an adult. 

  10. A good start. I need some cute comfort TV right now (well, always). 

    I hope we get to see more of Isaac this season. I love how he hangs out with his friends while reading and no one gives him any shit about it.

    • Like 3
  11. 11 hours ago, Llywela said:

    I feel like some of the folks here might be interested in reading this very long essay analysing Good Omens 2 and theorising about what Neil might be up to, setting up the cards for season 3:

    The Magic Trick You Didn’t See: Being An Analysis of Good Omens Season 2

    It's an extremely long essay and I don't agree with all of it, but it does present some very interesting food for thought. Let's hope we get that season 3 and can find out!

    Regarding the credits, I didn't notice much because they go pretty fast, but there are behind the scenes videos on Amazon Prime and one is just about the credits and what easter eggs are in them. There were apparently actual red herrings in one shot.


    • Like 1
  12. Episode 5:

    - I did not particularly like the whole set-up about trying to make Nina/Maggie happen, maybe because I kept forgetting why are they even doing it. The whole meeting seemed too long, IMO, but on the other hand, seeing two women dance in a Jane Austen era setting brought a smile to my face.

    - Crowley threatening Gabriel was expected, but I was surprised he told him about their season 1 switch. What if Gabriel remembered it once he regained his memory and put two and two together?

    I also don't really "get" John Hamm, I'm not sure I even saw him in anything else, but I have to give him credit for playing "Jim" in a way that made him look like a completely different character and yet still I could see a bit of Gabriel in there.

    - "Wait and see? Do you have any idea how irritating that is?" Neil is so chill and self-aware.

    - Nina and Maggie seem to be obvious parallels to Crowley and Aziraphale, so Crowley telling Nina to trust someone for once in her life is interesting, considering his own trust issues (and of course heartbreaking, considering how the leap of trust goes for him in the next episode). 


    Episode 6:

    - If you had told me in advance about the Gabriel/Beelzebub romance, I wouldn't have thought it would work, but somehow it did. 

    - Crowley tidying up the place and looking forward to have some "us" time with Aziraphale was so cute.

    - I liked that Nina and Maggie told Crowley that it was not cool to try to pair them up for their own reasons, but I don't really buy that they needed to tell him to sort his own relationship with Aziraphale. My understanding was that they are both probably aware of how close their relationship is to romance and don't need someone from the outside to point it out.

    - What can I say about the ending that hasn't been said yet? My first reaction was that it's super sad and depressing, and yet everytime I see it, I like it more and more. The writing and acting is just so damn good and I have to admit, it's a good idea and I would never have guessed it. If only there was a guarantee of the next season, it would be fine. Now it's too much of a risk that it won't get a happy ending and honestly, this was one of the few things I was counting on to have a happy ending. Maybe it's pathetic, but with so much crap in the real world, I had been way too fixed on expecting this season and sometimes just reminding myself that it's going to come has helped me a lot to deal with other stuff. I wish I could start looking forward to the next season now.

    - Rewatching that scene, it's so sad to see Aziraphale beeing so happy about the idea of Crowley becoming an angel again. I am completely on Crowley's side here, but still feel sad for Aziraphale too. I am not quite sure how to understand him here. He seeemed so supportive of Gabriel with Beelzebub, so it's not like he believes that demons and angels can't be together. He just got so sold on the idea of Crowley becoming an angel so quickly that he didn't even stop for a minute to consider whether Crowley would want that and once he realized it's not going to work, it probably seemed too late and he just kept insisting and digging himself deeper and deeper. It was like all his development that we've seen in this season including the flashbacks just went away. The argument was an interesting parallel to the one they had in episode 1 about whether they should help Gabriel, but while in that one I was glad that Aziraphale stood his ground and basically said that he would love to work with Crowley, but if he doesn't want to, there's the door. Here, he basically said the same, but since he was completely wrong, it had a different impact.

    Michael's acting after the kiss was so good. He looked like he went through several emotions within a second. And then said just about the worst thing he could have. I like how afterwards he still looked so torn, almost like he wanted to change his mind and run after Crowley and like he had to keep telling himself that he made the right choice every few seconds. It was really marvelously acted.

    On 8/4/2023 at 2:08 PM, paramitch said:

    The little thing that got me the most was that even after Crowley stormed out, Az steps out and -- there's Crowley. Still loyally waiting. Still hoping he will change his mind. And Aziraphale disappoints him (but I think it's interesting to note that Crowley is disappointed -- but not surprised).

    Getting back to this, I also liked that little detail. So many times on TV when people break up or have a falling out, there's a moment when they start to look like they are deliberately sabotaging the relationship and don't know how to stop. And we as viewers think that they should just take a breath, there is still time to salvage it, but the characters seem to think that it's already over. I like that here, it looked like Crowley was still waiting to see if Aziraphale might change his mind and maybe show him that there is still a chance, but unfortunately Aziraphale didn't take that chance.

    - Derek Jacobi was really good, becoming such a menacing villain in such little time. Question for anyone who understands the religious stuff, if Metatron is supposed to be the voice of God, does that mean that what he says is basically what God says? Do they have some telepathic link or something? Or is he a character who can possibly have his own agenda? I get that they are probably not going to show God as a character, so I wonder if this is meant as a sort of stand-in or as a completely separate character.

    • Like 3
    • Applause 2
  13. 7 hours ago, MissAlmond said:

    In the latest update on what's probably the wackiest of wacky PR stunts: Elon Musk wants "charity" rumble with Mark Zuckerberg live-streamed on Twitter X; Zuckerberg suggests date but "not holding his breath." Lord what fools these mortals be.






    Let them fight. I wish all of those macho types would just go somewhere away and beat each other (with appropriate safety for the environment if they want to use any weapons) and leave the rest of the world alone (and I mean it for everyone from domestic abusers to bloodthirsty politicians).

    • Like 9
    • Applause 6
  14. On 8/6/2023 at 4:56 PM, RealHousewife said:

    You guys, me trying to make humane shopping decisions has been even worse as far as the environment goes. 

    “Vegan leather can be made from plastics which take years to biodegrade, so it's actually worse for the planet than regular.” 

    I'm not obsessive about it, but I try to live a cruelty-free lifestyle. I noticed my genuine leather Michael Kors purses that were gifted to me many years ago still looked great. But the vegan stuff I purchased over the years myself all falls apart. That alone makes me think vegan purses (the fake leather, anyway) is probably even worse to buy. Frustrating when you love fashion but want to be responsible as far as no just animals but the environment, what ends up in landfills, etc. 

    I hear you. It's similar with food when you try to avoid some ingredients. Just trying to avoit palm oil is a challenge since that shit can be where one wouldn't expect it, same with some stuff of animal origin like lard or that dye from insects.

    And reading all ingredients is very time consuming. I feel for people with allergies and serious intolerances who have to be super careful about everything.

    On 8/6/2023 at 6:13 PM, Quof said:

    This.  You don't want the actual stuff, why hijack the word?  Just own it.  Don't call "frozen non-dairy dessert" "ice cream" because I might accidentally pick up that crap when I'm in a hurry.  I once saw butter chicken which was actually vegan. Bitch, there's no butter or chicken in that stuff, stop pretending.  Just like you can't call any random sparkling white wine "champagne", it means a very specific thing.  

    This is becoming more common, I believe there was a ban on calling plant-based drinks "milk" some time ago. But anyway, it's illegal for the producers, as consumers can still call it what we want in general talk. I always call sparkling wine champagne for example, same with everyone I know. It's not like I have the money to buy real champagne, lol.

    • Like 4
  15. W? T? F?

    Disney Strikes Major Blow Against Physical Media, Stops DVD & Blu-Ray In Australia


    Now, The Digital Bits reports that Disney won't be selling DVDs or Blu-ray in Australia following the release of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 in August. This story was corroborated by 7NEWS, which says that once existing DVDs and Blu-rays are sold out in Australia, they won't be replenished by Disney any longer. Disney DVD and Blu-ray collectors will have to instead rely on overseas retailers to keep getting physical copies of Disney's later releases.

    According to The Digital Bits, Disney deciding to pull physical releases from a country or region has happened in the past. Due to underwhelming sales of DVDs and Blu-rays in parts of Asia and Latin America, Disney has pulled physical releases from some countries in those regions as well. It's likely sales for physical releases in Australia simply weren't selling well enough for Disney to justify continuing to release them.


    This is seriously not good. I still buy DVDs, in fact I have most of the Disney movies I wanted already. I do currently have Disney+ and when I want to watch some movie, I usually watch it there even if I have the DVD, since I'm lazy and it's easier and because I want to contribute to their statistics, but I like the security of having the movies in physical copies. I don't want to be dependent on the whims of streaming services or even the internet access (not to mention them not having all of their movies available in all countries). Seriously, this is a bad sign. I hope Europe is not next.

    • Like 4
  16. Some more thoughts about episodes 3 & 4 after rewatch:

    - Episode 3 might be my favorite, with the flashbacks to the 1820's Edinburgh and Aziraphale's "investigation" in the present day. I liked everything about the moral dilemma around gravedigging for science (for the record, I am 100% on the "a surgeron, not a doctor" 's side here. What a mess that they were still against autopsies less than 200 years ago). It continued the theme of morality and rules from the previous episode's flashback. I also liked Crowley pointing out to Aziraphale how you can't judge people by the same standards when they start with much different circumstances (the lines were actually taken straight from the book, which I loved). I also liked how Crowley tried to talk Elspeth out of commiting suicide and made Aziraphale give her the money to start a new life. Sadly, he apparently couldn't do too obvious good deeds without hell noticing, considering how he was sucked down at the end. Poor guy.

    - I loved DT using Scottish accent in the episode and his acting drunk after drinking the laudanum. Also, did not expect to see the Loch Ness monster in the present day when Aziraphale entered Scotland, but it was hilarious.

    - Aziraphale blessing Twitter and Grindr 😄. Well, I guess you can't predict everything two years in advance, considering Twitter's current state.

    - I did not like ep. 4 flashbacks as much as the previous 2 episodes, but it was still good. I get that they wanted to show Aziraphale doing magic tricks, though it went on way too long IMO. What I liked was how Aziraphale managed to switch the photo at the end when it mattered and how Crowley managed to do the shot even with no experience with guns. And how when Aziraphale commented on it, he simply said "Well, you asked me to trust you."  Also, it is encouraging to see people during the Blitz carrying on about their lives and not lose hope, especially in current situation.

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