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Posts posted by JustHereForFood

  1. 7 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

    I was looking for something to watch on Tuesday night and came across a remake of 12 Angry Men from 1997. Good cast. But I was so exhausted that I fell asleep about a half hour in. I wanted to resume watching last night, but couldn't find it. What showed up was the original 1957 version and so I watched that again.

    I have the dvd, and this was the second time I watched it. Still so very, very good. And shallow, but Henry Fonda was sooooooooo hawt.

    I've only seen the original version, it was really very good. And knowing almost nothing about it going in, from the title I expected to dislike it, lol.

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  2. Pros: I like early spring when the first flowers start blooming, all the new colors. I am not religious, but I love Easter for all the decorations, especially when it's about newly born animals, like sheep, chicken, ducklings, etc., all the bright colors and of course the food.

    Cons: it's getting warmer and by the late spring, it gets too hot for my taste. By May-June, there's so much insect everywhere, some of the flowers that bloom later have heavy smell that I don't like, in past few years I began to suspect I might have some allergies, even though I've never had that problem before.

    Basically, I like March-early May (only because we get two bank holidays in the first week of May) and dislike mid May-June.

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  3. I usually remember episodes by their number, like season 2, ep. 13. The only exceptions when I'm aware of the titles are some shows when I'm watching for the first time and getting into the fandom at the same time, like I did with Buffy.

    Which is why some discussions here get confusing for me when people refer to some episode by it's title and don't even mention which season it's from and everyone seems to know immediately what they're talking about.

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  4. 5 hours ago, PRgal said:

    My grandmother died in 2013 and her rant about getting HIV from the pool was back in the early 90s.  No internet, only print, radio and TV (she only watched the Chinese language channel).  Like I said, she read a lot of tabloids. 


    Sure, that's why I said it got worse, but it has always been there.  We still have one (at least one that I'm aware of) print magazine that is full of misinformation, mostly medical (recent years have been a goldmine for those creeps) and they try very hard to look legit, print in on nice expensive paper, etc. I guess for some people, that looks more legit than if the same stuff is on the internet. 

    And facebook makes everything worse.

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  5. I love some movies that are considered "B" movies or movies that many people seem to dislike. Van Helsing is one of my favorite movies ever and I really liked X-Men Origins: Wolverine. Yes, that one.

    But I watch these movies because I like them, not because I think they are "so bad it's good", or "guilty pleasure" or what ever else people call it. I wouldn't want to waste my time on hate-waching, I already waste too much of it on watching stuff that is considered classic or that everyone recommends and I just feel like I need to watch it to be able to properly talk about it, even if I suspect I won't like it.

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  6. On 3/17/2023 at 5:25 PM, Spartan Girl said:

    Don't want to watch the movie? THEN DON'T SEE IT. Don't ruin it for the ones that do want to see it and keep your hateful bile to yourself!

    I would bet that most people complaining wouldn't even watch it if it had a white actress. They just want to complain about this stuff and don't care how many people who are actual fans they hurt. (OK, that is a generous statement, some of them DO care and that is why they do it.)

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  7. On 3/15/2023 at 10:37 PM, PRgal said:

    I wonder if it's a generational thing.  My grandmother was born in the 1920s in a different part of the world (Macau).  She didn't read much in English (her English skills were fairly basic, though she was educated at an English medium school.  I guess it's like kids who do French immersion in Canada.  Are many truly bilingual?  Maybe when they finish high school, but if they don't USE it, they forget.  And my grandmother forgot, despite coming to Canada.  If you're Cantonese-speaking, you really don't need to be THAT fluent in English to survive in Toronto, even back in the 80s) and got all her news sources from various Chinese publications.  Some of which are tabloid-y (she loved celebrity gossip rags).  She didn't drive and her life was basically reading those rags, taking care of me while my parents were at work and maybe seeing her friends once in a while (she had some close friends in the Toronto area, but not super-close to where we were living).  

    Misinformation is a widespread problem. It was always here, but got much worse with the expansion of internet access. The older generation that doesn't have much understanding about the safety on internet is particularly vulnerable, but it's not limited just to them, I've seen young people completely brainwashed by that stuff. I could go on a long rant against misinformation crap, but considering who tends to support it, I'm unable to not go into politics when talking about it.

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  8. There's more and more talk about terrorist countries russia and belarus being potentially allowed in Olympics next year. Fuck every single person that isn't disgusted by this and is willing to watch if that happens. We need to make sure that everyone understands there's going to be massive boycotts and not repeat the fucking embarrassment that was the World Cup in Qatar last year.



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  9. 5 hours ago, Annber03 said:

    Fully agreed with you on this. On the one hand we hear people say all the time that a woman shouldn't have more kids than she can afford, 'cause strain on the system and all...

    ...but then if she tries to actually make that decision for herself in terms of deciding whether or not to continue a pregnancy that she knows will only add to her financial struggles, nope, can't do that, she's gotta be forced to have the kid, 'cause "responsibility" and all...but of course, nobody'll help her with this baby they're forcing her to have, nope, she and her kid gotta sink or swim on their own. Oh, people will be more than happy to protect that clump of cells when it's IN her body, but after that? Tough shit. 

    Yeah. Logic is not exactly the strong suit with these kinds of policies and attitudes here, no. 

    But God forbid if people try to help in advance, by offering free or affordable birth control or better sex education. The same people usually fight those solutions too, even though those would probably be much less expensive and people wouldn't have to feel bad about killing a fetus. But we can't have reasonable solutions, apparently.

    • Like 11
  10. What a shock that someone who publicly preaches conservative values with a special emphasis on anti-LGBT+ rhetoric is secretly* enjoying gay content on social media. I am shocked, shocked I say!

    *I had to pause, but it seemed like he was writing under his own name, complete with a title. You know, my first thought in such case would be that someone is just making fun with that screen name and it's not really the politician, but considering his reaction, he probably really was posting under his own name. What. a. moron.

    And I'm not having one bit of sympathy for all of these people, like when John said it's a bit sad because they could have enjoyed their lives more if they were just open about it and instead of all the hateful laws they support would try to make their state a better place to live for everyone. Well, despite all these laws, the US at the current time is still one of the best places for LGB people (T is left out intentionally) to live, compared to some countries where they could still get killed, or other countries where they still can't get married or adopt kids. Especially for white, wealthy men with successful carrers, so nope, not feeling sorry for these politicians. They chose to live a double life, with all the benefits it gives them, so fuck them. I wouldn't really mind, everyone should live their lives as they want, what angers me is that they often are the most vicious supporters of anti-LGBT+ agenda. My theory is that they are jealous of people who decide to live their lives freely and act out of spite. I repeat, fuck them!


    Regarding Tucker Carlson's messages, I wish I could believe that it might change the opinion of some people once they se how hypocritical all of these "reporters" are, but who am I kidding?


    As for the main topic, not very surprised that a system designed to help those who need it the most ends up being used by people or corporations that don't really need it. Which is exactly what some have been worried about since the beginning, but since it's not people they expected to misuse it, it's probably fine, right? I wonder how is it possible, that some people don't qualify because they make "too much" and yet others who probably make more do. 

    And of course, with the emphasis on the right families (two parents, obviously a married heterosexual couple, even if that was not said out loud, probably also white), single parents end up screwed, as usual. But hey, good news, crisis pregnancy centers receive the funds, so there will be more single mothers who will get persuaded to continue with their pregnancy, probably with empty promises of help that will not come later. Because, logic. (Note: I am not against promising help to pregnant women who only want to have abortion due to their financial situation. I would really welcome it, because being pro-choice doesn't mean we want women to have abortions, but it would be really nice if the agenda behind that help was actually really about helping those women and their eventual babies and not, as it usually is, only about putting pressure on these women until the time they could have an abortion is over.)

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  11. 23 hours ago, kiddo82 said:

    I heard on a podcast that the year after Dangerous Liaisons came out there was another version adapted by Milos Forman called Valmont.  It starred Annette Benning as Merteuil, Meg Tilly as Tourvel, and Colin Firth as Valmont.  Frankly, I don't have much desire to watch another version of this story but I definitely can get behind Firth in this role as well.  

    I preferred that one.

    There's also a TV version with Catherine Deneuve, Rupert Everett and Nastassja Kinski, set in the 1960's. I used to confuse Colin Firth and Rupert Everett a long time ago and them playing the same character didn't really help.

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  12. On 3/7/2023 at 12:08 AM, CheshireCat said:


    Plum (prune) cake is extremely popular in Germany. It's a simple yeast dough spread out on a baking sheet and halved prunes on top, usually with cinnamon. Then it goes into the oven. Or you can put Streusel on top (which I prefer). Traditionally, it's then eaten with whipped cream.

    It's popular here in Slovakia as well (minus the whipped cream - I've never seen that). Alternatively, you can also use fresh apricots.

    IMO, both plums and apricots belong to a category of fruit that tastes much better when heat treated -  baked, cooked in dumplings, compote, etc.

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  13. Agree with what most people are saying. The guy looks like an asshole, but the real problem is that enough people like what he's saying and would vote for him (or the other, equally horrible guy).

    On 3/6/2023 at 9:23 PM, peeayebee said:

    I hadn't heard of his "thigh food" technique or the earbuds thing. Again, what. A. Dick. I wonder what his wife is like. 

    Presumably, she doesn't correct him.


    Also, WTF was that guy trying to say about his wife being a Scorpio? I am a Scorpio, though I don't subscribe to any of that astrology nonsense. But I would like to know what is apparently so horrible about us that saying what we are is supposed to be enough explanation.

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  14. On 3/6/2023 at 11:49 PM, Mabinogia said:

    Seriously though, what could she possibly have done that makes him zero in on her so specifically? He really seems to have some kind of beef with her. I mean, I don't even like her and I don't get why he just keeps piling on her. 

    I don't follow celebrity gossip, so this will be just pure speculation, but when a man is focusing on a woman in this way, a good guess IMO is often that she rejected him. I mean, men are not that complicated (not meaning that in a bad way.) And if it's true that she and Will have some sort of open relationship, at least that's how I understand it from how people commented on the whole situation, then I can easily see that some guy might take that information as an encouragement that he has a chance too.

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  15. On 3/7/2023 at 5:32 AM, Avaleigh said:

    I've yet to meet anyone who thinks what Will did is more objectionable than what Polanski did. If people really think that what Will did is worse than Polanski being a child rapist then they need to seek help. 

    It's not about saying that it's worse. I was talking about the way the outrage towards Smith was so incomparable to other people who did much worse, including several people who are proven rapists and are still revered by the Oscar audience. The ban he received is way out of proportion, IMO, I could see maybe banning him from this year, but no more than that.

    It's like some people are applying.... wait for it... selective outrage towards Will Smith.

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  16. On 3/4/2023 at 6:17 PM, Zella said:

    I didn't read them until I was in my mid-20s, so my reading experience was very different as an adult than most of my peers, who mostly read them as kids. I've learned I can't really talk about the books or movies with most people because I enjoyed them for what they were but hardly considered them ground-breaking literature, but so many people act like you're ruining their childhood if you criticize them. I saw so many plot holes and internal contradictions. I was also coming off being a TA for a grad program when I read them/watched the movies, and all I could think about was how atrocious the pedagogy was at Hogwarts. 😂😂😂

    I've read the books at the ages 11-16, so I was just the right type and I loved them. But I certainly like to nitpick on some stuff, because there is a lot of inconsistencies.

    The logistics behind teaching at the school are so messed up. There's one teacher for every subject, whether it's a subject that everyone has to learn with several lessons in a week or a selective. I guess some teachers take some good drugs to be able to teach all of that, or they use time-turners.

    Also, how many students are there? There's 8 of them in Harry's year and house, which means 32 in his year if they are sorted evenly. I give them 40 if there's fewer people in Gryffindor. That means about 280 kids in total, unless Harry's year is unusually small. There were about 600 of us in my school and Hogwarts was made to look much bigger than that.

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