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Posts posted by JustHereForFood

  1. On 6/2/2023 at 1:19 AM, Bastet said:

    I've seen this posted in a couple of cooking show threads, so figured I'd post it here:

    Food Disgust Test

    My results are about what I expected: Your food disgust is very low (12.75%). 

    Also unsurprisingly, my disgust at "human contaminants" (other people touching your food or drink, sharing cutlery/glasses, etc.) was a big fat zero.  Everything else I had a little bit of, from the handful of scenarios presented I had any degree of issue with.  My biggest was mold, but I didn't object to any of the "eating something that has had the mold removed" scenarios -- it comes solely from the question asking if you eat blue cheese (nope, can't stand it).

    I got 85.25%. No surprise there, as  I would never have eaten stuff like raw meat, fish or eggs even before I became a vegetarian and don't like people touching my food (or anything, really 😄).

    Also, as we learned back in high school, if there's mold or rot in food, it doesn't matter if you eat part of the food where it's not visible, because the whole fruit or whatever has been contaminated.

  2. On 5/22/2023 at 5:38 PM, JTMacc99 said:

    Women rarely mainspain things. The need to demonstrate competence all the time isn't built into the way you communicate with each other the way it is with us. (Women mainsplainers exist, but they have a different way of constantly telling people "look at how good I am at this.")

    For what it's worth, the guy mainsplaining things to you also does the same thing to us. But we have a very different reaction to it, because demonstrating our competence in something is very much how we assign our status with each other.

    Boys, pretty much from the start, are encouraged to develop our relationships with other boys through activities. Sports, scouts, school, video games, these are where boys make friends. And the currency we use to rank our status with our friends is competency in the activities.

    As adults, where do men make new friends? Bowling league, other parents because our daughters have been on the same softball teams for years, maybe a Lions club, and again all of these relationships are based on proximity and not some other real bond. 

    So we connect in circles of circles of competence, and we establish our pecking order by our levels of competence. Demonstrating that we don't know what is going on is undesirable. Hell, the stereotype that "men don't ask for directions" is based on exactly this. 

    So for what it's worth, evolved men can both appreciate that a woman is highly competent in something AND also restrain himself from demonstrating that he is also competent in the same thing. 

    Which is not what he would naturally do with another man. 

    As usual, archaic and toxic prejudices and stereotypes about gender harm everyone.

    • Like 5
  3. On 4/26/2023 at 3:28 AM, pancake bacon said:

    This is not the freshest of unpopular opinions, but I just don't care about The Little Mermaid – original from 1989, or the upcoming live action version. Yes, partly because it's disturbing about the notion of willing to give up your voice (and I know others have pointed out the themes of the movie are actually more complex), partly because I don't enjoy Ariel and Eric. 

    Maybe a riskier unpopular opinion: I loved the live-action version of Beauty and the Beast – the new songs by Menken and Tim Rice were lovely, worthy additions and the extra context of the hand-waved moments in the animated version was good storytelling through live action. Sure, there were better options than Emma Watson, but she was not a fatal choice. 

    I agree on both points, I prefer most Disney movies to The Little Mermaid and I really liked the live action version of The Beauty and the Beast. But I would add that casting Emma Watson as Belle is one of the best casting decisions ever (say what you want about her singing).


    On 4/29/2023 at 1:43 PM, Spartan Girl said:

    Regarding Hunchback, I guess I’m the only one that realized that Quasi’s journey wasn’t about “getting the girl”. It was about breaking free of his abusive relationship with Frollo and finding acceptance from others and himself. Say what you want about Esmeralda, but she did love him—she just wasn’t IN love with him—unlike Book Esmeralda, who only tolerated him and just couldn’t get past his looks even after he saved her life.

    This Up Here GIF by Chord Overstreet

    • Like 5
  4. 10 hours ago, oliviabenson said:

    I will be watching!

    I don’t know who can be as good as Alan Rickman/Snape. Alan was wonderful as Snape. 

    I like Alan Rickman, but he was way too old for the role.

    Maybe if this has to happen, they can cast more age-appropriate actors for the Marauder-generation. They don't have to be as young as in the books - a couple having a kid at 20 without it being an accident is nonsense these days, but actors in their 40's instead of 50's and 60's should be about right.

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  5. On 4/18/2023 at 1:29 AM, Stats Queen said:

    I don’t follow a lot of news and not surprised that Depardieu has been accused of sexually inappropriate behavior now, because I do know her has had previous allegations.

    Can you point me to a link regarding his worshipping the second coming of Hitler! Or explain what that means? 
    I totally get the if it was a reference to Putin

    Yes, it was. He became a russian citizen, because he didn't want to be a French one anymore. If I remember correctly, there was a tax-related reason, he thought he was paying too many taxes as French citizen or something like that.

    Gérard Depardieu - Citizenship


    And oh my God, I just scrolled up in the wiki to what they write about his rape allegations, only to see this quote he reportedly said in the past: "too many [rapes] to count... There was nothing wrong with it. The girls wanted to be raped. I mean, there's no such thing as rape. It's only a matter of a girl putting herself in a situation where she wants to be."

    Ugh. Depardieu's team said his words were mistranslated, yeah, I sure believe that. 

    • Mind Blown 6
    • Sad 7
  6. 21 hours ago, Camera One said:

    I've been thinking more about this, and there are some stories from Book 3 onwards that I think I would like to see with a more leisurely pace.   It could allow the story to branch out a little, not just focus on Harry.  They could give a centric episode to Neville, for example (later on when the audience and Harry find out about his parents), and we could have a recurring character like Percy and explore how the relationship with his family plays out.  Even in the first season, they could even show events from a different POV... Like what was it like when Hermione and her family found out she had been accepted into this magical school.  The second season could have some longer extended flashbacks of Hagrid and Riddle at Hogswarts, which could be interesting.  Of course, the caveat is - if done well, and that would not be an easy feat.

    Hm. I am still not sold, but if they include additional scenes of the Order and Death Eaters' meetings, maybe even some Hogwarts staff meetings where the teachers complain about the students, they might just win me over.

    • Useful 1
  7. I would have loved this a long time ago. I found the movies ok, mostly thanks to the great cast, but I kept complaining about things being left out and have always wanted a TV series instead.

    But I am at a point that I've moved on from the books some time ago, plus all the stuff with JKR plus I wasn't impressed by the sequel or the Fantastic Beasts (well, the first one, I didn't care enough to watch the others). So, meh.

    And I wonder if people are going to care when the movies and the actors are still very much on everyone's minds. We have spent 8 movies and 10 years with these actors as the characters not that long ago.

    It's just too soon.

    • Like 10
  8. On 3/14/2023 at 3:46 AM, One4Sorrow2TooBad said:

    The episode about John and Mary's wedding would have been a good final episode. 

    It would certainly have been better than the way they destroyed their relationship. But that's a low bar...

  9. On 4/14/2023 at 5:18 PM, JimmyJabloon said:

    I loathe Leonard's mom though. 

    Oh God, yes.

    My UO is that, while I like Christine Baranski and I think she's good in some roles, she seems to me like a very bad actress in some others. For example in BBT, I think she's overacting way too much, without realizing it. I've only seen the trailer from The Gilded Age, but I had the same impression from her there. I don't understand how she can seem like such a hit and miss to me.

    • Like 2
  10. 10 hours ago, Crs97 said:

    Sheldon is so sweet trying to keep the peace here.  Jim really gave him some lovely layers. I know TPTB said Sheldon wasn’t written with a diagnosis, but I have two on the spectrum and he tracks.  When people say how much they hate Sheldon because he is selfish and self centered, it hurts my heart a little.

    I don't even find him selfish, not much more than other TV characters or people I know. He just doesn't hide it behind polite conversation.

    • Like 2
  11. On 4/3/2023 at 3:46 PM, ShadowKnight2 said:

    Sorry. While Emmanuel Macron acted all arrogantly ham fisted over attempting to raise France's retirement age from 62 to 64, the violent reactions to it were over the top and counterproductive. At 64, that's still earlier than the retirement age here. All it will do is paint the protesters as a violent mob of crybabies. Look at how groups of marginalized people or those wanting gun control are being attacked for much less reactions. Busting up windows and setting cars on fire is not how you protest raising the retirement age by a couple of years.


    Yes, there is a reason why people say stuff like "The French are protesting? Must be Tuesday.", but this is way over the line.

    Also, it sucks but it's inevitable to raise the retirement age, because people live longer and longer. Who's gonna pay for the retirement incomes? Funny thing is, in the photos from protests that I've seen, it was mostly young people, not people who will be affected by the change. I wonder how many are just angry at the government for other stuff and use this as an opportunity.

    • Like 2
  12. On good and evil characters - it's also not original anymore if they make most, if not all of the good characters unnecessarily dumb, especially if the put honor before reason. And make the evil characters the clever ones. Sure, sometimes it happens but not always, good people can be smart or clever IRL and evil people can act dumb, for example when their judgment is clouded by jealousy or greed.

    • Like 7
  13. I don't remember those chapters well (it's been almost 20 years since I've read LOTR), but Stephen's description is very touching. It's always a pleasure to hear him talk about Tolkien.


    I also liked the interview with Sean Hayes. "It comes out May 30th wherever books aren't banned." Ouch.

    • Like 5
  14. On 3/27/2023 at 12:33 AM, peeayebee said:

    How is "y'all" annoying? (I haven't watched The Late Show in a long time.)

    I'm not really sure why I find it annoying, just a personal taste. Like nails on a chalkboard, just like this M’Wanda.

  15. I'm currently listening to Evanescence again. They used to be my favorite band through my teenage years, but I haven't listened to them much for almost a decade, as I got over that emo phase. Now I have two new albums to listen to that I didn't even know about, so yay! And it's interesting that when I listen to the old songs, I can still remember pretty much all the text, despite not listening to it for so long. It's funny what suff our brain remembers.

    • Like 3
  16. 6 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

    The “M’Wanda” or “muh Wanda” thing . . . is that derived from televangelists, back when John and Rachel were goofing on them? It’s just weird.

    I didn't want to be the stupid one asking about that, but I don't get it either. And it sounds super annoying to me, similar to Colbert's "y'all".

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