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Posts posted by JustHereForFood

  1. 11 hours ago, Danielg342 said:

    Well, if it takes 15 minutes to get to Paris from New York, you're travelling at a speed that is roughly 24,000 km/h. Partway through that ascent to 24,000 km/h, you would have to reach the normal cruising altitude of international flights, which is 42,000 feet.

    Nah, you're just travelling at the speed of plot. Don't forget that when you need to have an important conversation or a high-stakes confrontation, it can take the rest of the characters 10 minutes to arrive from the next room and let you have your confrontation in peace.

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  2. On 7/11/2023 at 7:47 PM, proserpina65 said:

    Meat that isn't well done.  I know it's not how steak is supposed to be cooked, but if there's pink in the middle, I'm sending it back.  I don't care if the chef is insulted - I'm the one who has to eat it.  And I have done that with burgers more times than I can count.

    That would be the same for me back when I still ate meat. If meat, fish or egg looks even a bit uncooked, I wouldn't touch it if it meant I would starve to death.

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  3. I'm continuing to listen to Anastacia's later discography. She seems to continue with generally the same sound which works for me. I don't think I've listened to these before. Defeated is certainly a new favorite.


    As a side note, I really appreciate that I now have a job where I can usually listen to music for hours, even when I'm at the office, unless I really have to concentrate on something or have a meeting. Otherwise, my listening to music would be pretty limited as I can't do it while reading or watching TV which are my main hobbies. I never want to go back to having to answer the phone at work.

    • Like 1
  4. 13 hours ago, PRgal said:

    Something interesting popped into my feed this morning:



    If women did play more active roles like this back then, I wonder when things changed.  Like, did one guy suddenly say “ladies, you can’t do this anymore!! Stay home, cook and raise kids.”?  And how did it spread all over the world like that?   China’s most well-known philosopher even said that women and servants were hard to deal with, for example.

    I'm not saying that Abrahamic religions are the sole culprit, but a huge chunk of the problem lies right there, IMO.

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  5. Spiders. I just had to kill one that was casually walking behind my computer. It's one AM here so I barely noticed it and I just had freshly polished nails, but if I let it go, I wouldn't be able to sleep, knowing there is one in my room. The smaller the animal is, the more it scares me, it seems.

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  6. On 7/5/2023 at 4:21 PM, ffwbe said:

    I’ve never bought Emily/Richard being excited about Rory and Logan. Becoming friends with Logan and using that connection to further her career, sure, but marrying into a family like that? While they (mostly Emily) cared a lot about marrying someone from a “good” family, they also coddled Rory so I think they should have been reserved. Early Logan had a reputation for getting in trouble with the law and womanizing. Mitchum didn’t exactly have the best reputation as a husband even after he supposedly matured and took over the family business so why would they assume Logan would be any different as a partner? 

    I think they probably thought Logan was being the usual young rich guy, acting out because he's young and needs to get it out of his system, but that he would mature eventually, especially under Rory's influence. The usual "good girl tames a wild guy" idea. They probably didn't consider the option that he would have more influence on her than she on him.

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  7. Well, I finally had my first post-covid vacation! It was only for 2 days / 1 night and to the nearest country (Czech Republic), but it was the first time in 3 and a half years I went anywhere abroad and stayed anywhere overnight, so it has been kind of a big deal for me.

    I probably mentioned this here, I have been overly cautious during the pandemic and only stopped wearing mask few months ago, so I have also been vary of travelling anywhere, which sucked because I used to travel a lot and loved it. But I finally decided it's time to start living fully again, I guess. Unless I get covid within the next few weeks, I will probably continue getting more into the pre-covid habits. I wore a mask during the 90 minutes train ride, so I hope I'm safe (of course, me and my mom were the only ones to do so and got some confused looks, but I stopped caring about that some time ago).

    It's also the first time I have been to a stage play in 3 and a half years (the last one was Wicked in London in December 2019 which was also the last time I travelled anywhere) and while I knew I missed it even more than travelling, I only realize now how much, because it's felt like taking a drink after being thirsty for hours. It was an outside performance, so we didn't even wear masks so there was no distraction. Overall, the trip was great and I hope it's only a start to moving more towards the new normal for me.

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  8. 14 hours ago, Trini said:

    The author mentions John Smith as a White Savior and that he's voiced by Mel Gibson; but I think today they wouldn't have made it a love story between Pocahonts and Smith.

    Thanks, well I give you Mel Gibson, though I don't think he would have voiced the character now. 

    Regarding the love story, I know the age difference of the real people was definitely not something fit for a relationship, but since the story was changed so much from the real history, I kind of took it as an extreme case of Disneyfication and judge the movie on its own. I'm not sure what her official age in the movie is supposed to be, but she looks at least 18 to me.

    On the other hand, I side-eye the fact that they have been the first interracial couple* in Disney and at the same time the first to not end up together at the end of the movie. That is more of a criticism of the entire Disney canon than this movie I guess.

    *And it's a real shame that there is still not any lasting interracial couple among Disney princesses, unless we count the Pocahontas sequel. Correct me if I'm wrong, please. The only one I can think of are Esmeralda and Phoebus from The Hunchback of Notre Dame and she is not an official Disney princess (that would be a separate issue I have with them regarding who counts and who doesn't, though that would be for another thread.)

    • Like 3
  9. That whole movie was nonsense from an adaptation point of view. If I remember correctly, it had a happy ending with Edmond reuniting with Mercedes and she even claimed Albert was his son. Let me take a moment to throw up. There. First, Albert being his son is complete BS and second, anyone who thinks that they can still get together after everything that happened did not get the point of the book.

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  10. I'm currently listening to Anastacia's discography. I liked her a lot in early 2000's, then kind of moved to other artists so I haven't listened to her songs post Pieces of a Dream album. 



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  11. On 6/1/2023 at 4:36 PM, Llywela said:

    I've followed the story kind of, since it is all over the news here, inescapable. It's been a really big deal. Schofield has been the golden boy of British telly for most of my life - he was a hugely popular presenter of children's TV when I was young, and then made the move into hosting breakfast television, where he formed what has always been presented as a wonderful partnership with his co-star Holly Willoughby. I've never watched their show - I actually found their presenting style quite mean-spirited - but they have been hugely popular for two decades. Schofield has always had something of a boy-next-door appeal...but the cracks have been forming for some time now. His coming out came as quite a shock, given that his public image had always been that of the contented family man, happily married with two daughters. Well, he wouldn't be the first gay man to marry and have a family while in the closet, but the manner of his coming out drew a lot of side eyes. It wasn't kind to his family, shall we say. They deserved at least a head's up that their lives were about to be imploded on national telly.

    Then his brother was convicted of sexually abusing a teenage boy earlier this year. Schofield took time off during the trial, but public sympathy was largely still with him. After all, he isn't responsible for his brother's crimes. Rumours of the feud with Willoughby began around about the same time, though - and then exploded last month, culminating in his resignation. And then the revelations since.

    It's been quite startling to see how fast he went from golden boy to public whipping boy.

    Oh no, I used to like him a lot. He and Holly seemed like such a great team and it always made me happy to watch an occasional clip of their show on youtube.

    I am beginning to be genuinely scared to like people anymore.

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  12. On 5/11/2023 at 1:17 AM, possibilities said:

    I want to know which shows have people with tea on them. I'm a big tea person and have lots and lots of them crowding my kitchen, but I can't think of the last time I saw tea on television. I might consider watching the tea shows if I know which they are!

    I also found that none of my guests EVER want tea, IRL, however, so if there are tv shows that make tea a staple, I'm inclined to agree it's not a representation of how most people live.

    Patrick Jane from Mentalist used to drink tea.

    Speaking of tea, people on TV usually leave their bags in the cup. Ugh.

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  13. On 3/27/2023 at 10:45 PM, BetterButter said:


    On 6/14/2023 at 11:12 PM, BetterButter said:


    I like the live action versions of the movies with human characters, but why remake the animal ones? When I want to see animals behaving like animals, I watch a documentary, when I want to see them having fun adventures, I am not looking for a realistic look.


    On 4/28/2023 at 1:14 AM, BetterButter said:


    This one looks great.

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  14. On 6/11/2023 at 2:33 AM, PRgal said:

    I started making my own bread at the beginning of the pandemic, using a blend of flours (quinoa, oat, khorosan wheat, whole wheat, spelt and buckwheat), baking soda and kefir.  I've since modified it a bit, lowering carbs by subbing some of the flour with a mix of psyllium flakes and flax meal - approximately 1/3.  The texture is a bit different, a bit more like a muffin, but not quite.  My son is okay with it, my husband not so much.  My parents?  My mom largely stays silent, but my dad is critical.  Sometimes,  I feel like I'm on the chopping block on Chopped.

    I've tried baking bread with baking soda (I've used some Irish soda bread recipe), but to my surprise I didn't like it much. It was like doesn't taste like bread, doesn't taste like cake either. But I like making a dough with fresh yeast, so I have plenty of recipes to choose from when I want to bake my own bread. I usually make one with potatoes, or just a focaccia with olives when I have leftover dough from making a pizza.

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