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Posts posted by JustHereForFood

  1. Apart from few exceptions, I don't normally watch stand-up "comedy" because I find most of it to be in bad taste. But I was interested in watching the part where he talks about the slap, so I skipped through the rest, not knowing it was at the end.

    Ugh. I won't comment on the commentary on racism, as it's not my place, but the stuff about abortion was absolutely disgusting. I guess since he says he's pro-choice, I am supposed to ignore the BS about calling abortion "killing of babies"? There's no baby, you dumb motherfucker. (I am choosing that word only because I heard it about a hundred times, even when I skipped most of the special.)

    Regarding the slap, I never had much of an opinion about it, because I think it was blown way out of proportion at a time when the World has much more serious problems, but I'm against any violence, so I'm no fan of Will. (Why did some people think it's more of a scandal than Roman Polanski receiving an Oscar that he could not accept in person because he raped a 13-year old girl, I'll never understand.) So, while Chris' comment about Jada was horrible, I don't think he deserved to be slapped over it. But I think he's talking some BS here. Whatever the stuff between the Smiths is, it's their business, and it doesn't justify his comment about her hair. Or calling her a bitch here. 

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  2. I've never heard of that O’Keefe guy before and I could live with it staying that way. Consider me shocked that someone who targets conservative followers has fans even after they have been proven to embezzle money. It's not like the same thing has happened at various churches.

    The song about cats was one of the cutest things I've seen in a long time. More of that, please.

    To be honest, after John said that AI has already been used to write scripts, I kind of expected him to reveal at the end that this episode or at least a part of it was written by AI. 

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  3. The alternative titles to the book (how did he put it? a title so generic I already forgot it?) were great 😄.

    And that wedding photo looked lovely. He said it's been 30 years, so I guess they had the anniversary recently. I could only find that they were married in 1993, no details about the date.

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  4. 23 hours ago, Danny Franks said:

    I've heard the name Noah Centineo for a while now, and I think he made his name in teen heartthrob roles. I'm watching him in The Recruit at the moment and he's very good as the charming, plucky but out-of-his-depth hero.

    Certainly better at the espionage stuff than John Krasinsky in the Jack Ryan series.

    I knew him first from the TV series The Fosters. I would never have guessed that of all the young actors there, he would be the one with the most successful career.

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  5. On 2/20/2023 at 8:48 PM, PrincessPurrsALot said:

    I am all for trying whatever it takes to help people as long as it is done in a planned and controlled way - licensed therapists who know what are well trained.  As with anything, someone will find a way yo take advantage.  The hope is that many people can be helped. 


    Pretty much this. And I would add that people need to be aware of every factor that doctors are aware of, to be able to consent to it. I would be wary of using it to treat addictions though, I mean how likely is it that someone with an addictive personality will just swap one addiction for another?


    On 2/20/2023 at 9:34 PM, ruby24 said:

    I've been trying to think about why he does this too and it seems to be more and more intentional. One, I guess it makes his show different from other topical shows in that his main story is always something NO ONE else has talked about. But I have to admit, it's not usually something I'm interested in hearing about either. I occasionally am when it's related to international news stories that I've wanted to hear more about and only get a tidbit. But my guess would be that he doesn't want to spend a whole lot of time talking about the main news of the day that everyone else has already made jokes about, etc. A glossover is enough.

    I have no illusions about the process of picking the topic of the week. I'm pretty sure there's a lot of lobbying involved in the background that would make our heads explode.

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  6. 3 hours ago, BlueSkies said:

    Fan boards for pop queens seems to follow these trends:

    - A number of threads get locked as discussion becomes unhealthy with fans arguing with each other

    -There's a number of fans where nothing they can do is every wrong or bad

    -A number of fans who enjoy talking shit about the other fan's rivals.  For Madonna the main rival there would be Lady Gaga with a scatterings of other pop stars.  For Aguilera it's Pink and Britney with scatterings of other pop stars.  

    Wow, thanks for the info. I have never been in anything resembling fandom for music stars, I just enjoy their work. But I guess it's not so surprising that some fandoms can get just as toxic as fandoms for other media. Sad, but not surprising.

  7. 6 hours ago, Rushmoras said:

    Now, Hellblazer... um, when John Constantine is not on drugs half the time, the stories are pretty interesting. The problem comes when they try explaining what magic mumbo jumbo they are trying to do and it comes off as esoteric nonsense (last story I read was the Fear Machine).

    I love Jamie Delano's run. Yes, some of it is crazy and Fear Machine was an issue (or 3) too long, but it's still my favorite. One of my favorite stories is Family Man, which is shortly afterwards.

    I know that Garth Ennis' run is generally more popular, but other than Dangerous Habits, I wasn't a fan.

    Constantine in New 52 is IMO a hit and miss. On one hand, I like it when he interacts with other DC characters, on the other hand, the original series has a specific feel to it that is kind of missing, especially when he's not in UK. What I strongly recommend is the recent Si Spurrier run, that is right up there with the early Delano stuff.

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  8. I do not care for the Flash movie, no matter how many cameos they desperately throw in. I would not have cared much even before the Ezra Miller nonsense, but now I want to see it even less. I would have preferred about 100 times more to see the Batgirl movie, even if it turned out to be of a B-movie quality.

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  9. On 2/16/2023 at 10:38 PM, Spartan Girl said:

    I’m a few days late, but this is your yearly reminder that the Buffy Valentine’s Day episode where all the women of the town were brainwashed into lusting after Xander should’ve ended with him getting kicked in the nuts by ALL of them and Cordy dumping his ass for good, not them getting back together so he could cheat on her with Willow the following season.

    I get that they wanted to show us how Cordelia got over her insecurities about dating the unpopular guy and ended the episode standing up for herself to her friends and not being ashamed of Xander... but they could have gotten there in a better way, certainly.

    What pissed me in the episode was how Buffy ended up thanking Xander for not taking an advantage of her when she was under the influence of the spell. Gosh, how wonderful it is to have a friend who won't rape you when given a chance! Be grateful for such friends, girls!

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  10. 1 hour ago, Kel Varnsen said:

    Yea but before the internet, if you figured out the twist of a show you might have been able to share it with a small group of friends or  co-workers who may care or may think you are way too into that show. The book The Revolution was Televised talked about this in the chapter for Lost. Now if you figured out a twist or have a theory you can share it on message boards and social media with tons of other people who care. And if you are right you can be like "I knew it". And with so many people able to do that and play off each other's theories it has to be nearly impossible to come up with a mystery that is logical but doesn't get discussed.

    GRRM is constantly bemoaning this, since people have correctly guessed his super-shocking plot twist of Jon being the son on Ned's sister and not Ned. He thinks that before the internet boom, only a handful of people would have guessed it. 

    (Maybe he could have finished the series earlier and more people would have been mindblown, as expected. Just an idea.)

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  11. 1 hour ago, Enigma X said:

    My UO is  just because viewers guess correctly where a plot/arc/ending is going don't change it to something out of left field. You can still make the journey interesting. I think Lost and GoT suffered from the need to try to shock viewers with their endings. I know not everyone hated Lost or GoT's ending, but this is just a general thought for all shows. 

    Yes. Now with internet and forums where people can talk about each episode for months, it's almost impossible to create a plot twist that nobody will guess in advance. It might work somewhere where people don't expect any surprise, but not for something that is built on a mystery.

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  12. I recently went through the entire Queen repertoire. I like something in every album (except Flash Gordon), but my favorite are probably the later years, with Innuendo being my favorite album.

    Favorite songs:

    Too Much Love Will Kill You

    Radio Ga Ga


    Under Pressure

    Who Wants to Live Forever

    These Are the Days of Our Lives

    Friends Will Be Friends

    I'm Going Slightly Mad

    Ride the Wild Wind

    The Show Must Go On


    I also like Freddie's solo album, Made in Heaven and Living on My Own being my favorite songs.

    And to be honest, I hope this is not considered a sacrilege, his best work is IMO the album Barcelona, with Montserrat Caballé. That is just pure perfection.


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  13. 14 minutes ago, bluegirl147 said:

    The only thing she lost was her show.  And correct me if I'm wrong but she agreed to that.  She didn't lose the ability to continue her career. As I mentioned earlier she has a comedy special streaming on Fox Nation. Which was advertised during the NFL playoff games.  If she wanted to do comedy shows she could.  I'm sure there are venues in certain states that would book her.  If she wanted to do a podcast there would be people who would listen.  Roseanne is just the latest celeb to want to play the aggrieved victim.  

    Isn't getting a comedy special basically a requirement nowadays for someone to claim they've been cancelled?

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  14. 6 hours ago, Spartan Girl said:

    Oh shut up, Roseanne. This didn’t just happen to you, you made choices and instead of apologizing for them you quadrupled down. 

    “I’m the Only Person Who Lost Everything” - Even if we only count celebrities in the movie/TV industry, that is not in the slightest bit true.

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  15. 21 hours ago, AllAstronauts said:

    Nope, it is also the original way things were, where all the shows were available right on the home page, people complained that they wanted them back that way so here we are.

    Thank you so much! It is much clearer this way, IMO. And so far it seems that if I collapse a section, like Reality TV, that is stays collapsed the next time I go to the main page, which is great.

  16. On 2/7/2023 at 2:39 AM, supposebly said:

    If your show is basically based on a mystery that is spelled out at the beginning. Charlie: Guys, ....where are we?

    You need to have some sort of idea what the answer is. Or at least come up with one after your show gets picked up.

    I was going to write something similar. If the main plot is a mystery, then writers should have at least a basic idea what is the answer and how will we get there.

    If it's a sitcom or relationship drama, there is no such need, except maybe to have clearly defined family dynamics, so that we won't have a retconned reason for why character A hates character B in the third season that contradics everything we have known before, stuff like that.

    I would also recommend to writers that they shouldn't indroduce several new questions before they answer any of the older ones. This was bugging me in The Pretender, it was a great series, I was engaged from start to finish, but would it have killed them to give us some answers?

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  17. On 2/7/2023 at 2:45 AM, DrSpaceman73 said:

    One thing I thought about today. :  there are a lot of big town meetings on tv shows. and everyone shows up.  

    I don't think I've ever been to a town meeting. 

    And by everyone, you mean that we get the feeling that everyone living there is attending, even if there's like hundred people at the most and the town has about 5000 inhabitants. On closer look, it's always a few dozen people who show up everywhere (yes, I am thinking mostly about Stars Hollow, but I think it can be applied to a lot of other fictional small towns). I sometimes wonder, what would other, regular people, think about all of the town "celebrities".

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