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Posts posted by JustHereForFood

  1. Reading this discussion, I am so glad that we didn't have to shower in school either. I am not even sure if our school had showers somewhere. I didn't have any specific body issues, but I was never much comfortable changing in front of other people even if it was just people of the same sex, so the idea of having to shower without any curtains sounds like one of the worst nightmares to me. 

    It sounds like prison honestly, and like a lot of other high school realities is probably the worst for those who already have other problems on their plate, like victims of bullying, kids with eating disorders / body issues, etc. And that's before factoring in students being gay or trans.

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  2. We tend to feel sorry for all these perfectly fine disposable love interests that end up left behing at the end of the rom-com in favor of the "true love", but from another perspective, they might be lucky they got away when they did. 

    Hey, maybe in this era of spin-offs and sequels, why doesn't someone make a movie about two of such characters getting together? Like a variant of the trope when a character starts the movie finding their partner cheating, except here we already know the characters and the cheating (at least emotionally) partner's story.

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  3. I have seen people comparing Aziraphale to someone who was raised in a cult, or other strict religious structure who even once they leave can't fully shake all of the garbage they are fed growing up. Even though he rationally knows that Crowley isn't really evil and that being with him isn't bad, it's probably hard to get rid of that voice in his head telling him that if that's what he was told all his life, there might be something to it. So it's probably too tempting (no pun intended) when he is presented with a solution how he can be with him and return to heaven at the same time. Kind of like when the family that rejected you suddenly says: Oh, we accept you now, just accept our conditions and all will be fine, everyone will be happy.

    It's always fascinating when a story is so applicable to real life situations.

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  4. Recently, I've read and heard quite a few appeals to be kinder to each other, as a reaction to how shitty and intolerant people are getting. So, I have been reminded of this speech by the Doctor and how relevant it always is. The 12th Doctor era was one of the best when it comes to epic speeches and Peter Capaldi always delivered it.


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  5. I started a rewatch last year, but it's very slow, as I also watch a lot of other stuff. That's ok, this is very much a comfort show for me, so I don't have a specific timeline when I need to finish. I watch it with my mother who also likes it and always wants to watch it with me, which is great, since we don't have that many TV series that we both enjoy this much. We are just starting season 2.

    Some general thoughts:

    I was 12 when I first started to watch GG and I am 32 now, same as Lorelai in the first season. Still, I very much identify with Rory and it feels slightly weird that I am the same age as Lorelai. I don't have (and don't want to have) kids and the idea that I could have a teenager at this age is so surreal to me. I am kind of at the place where Rory is in the revival - not sure about my career, still living at home, etc., except that I thankfully don't have any relationship drama. In contrast, Lorelai has it very much together in the first season, she has her own house, stable job and a kid already in high school.

    This is the first time that I am watching the show in English, I always watched it dubbed before. I have probably mentioned it before, Rory is one of my favorite characters from any TV show ever and one of the characters that I relate to the most and as some might have noticed, I tend to defend her a lot. Now, this is going to probably sound snobbish, but I now wonder a little if my lack of frustration with her character might be related to the fact that I've always watched the show dubbed, because, and I mean no offense to Alexis, but her voice sounds a bit, I don't know how to call it, whiny? I've had this same experience with Willow from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, which I also watched dubbed first and then when I watched the original, I thought she sounded kind of whiny and I suddenly understood some of the complaints about her character. Or maybe I'm just overthinking it, I will probably get used to it in time.

    Regarding season 1: I agree with the conversation above about Dean, Lorelai was acting a bit weirdly about him. I find her kind of fascinating, because as I said, in one way she has it very much together for her age, with her career and being a mother, while on the other hand she can act so immature at times. Like when Rory had her first kiss with Dean, I though she was acting so immature about it that I kind of felt a second hand embarrassment watching her.

    I don't have any real experience with psychology, but one of the joys of TV is that I can analyze the characters in ways I would never dare with real people. My theory about Lorelai is that because she got pregnant so young and had to become an adult quickly, she is now sort of trying to live that lost time vicariously through Rory. The show starts when Rory is almost 16, which is when Lorelai got pregnant and her life changed overnight, so my headcannon is now that she was probably more of a "mom" in the last 15 years and now that Rory got to the age when Lorelai became an adult, she is starting to get more relaxed and trying to ensure that Rory enjoys the time she lost, as a sort of second chance. It also feels that way regarding Rory's relationship with Emily and Richard, it's like Lorelai is trying to shield her from the worst, in order to ensure that she has a better relationship with them than Lorelai did.

    In general, it's very fascinating to me to watch, in addition to it being a comfort watch. I know how many people often point out how unrealistic this show can be regarding money, junk food, etc. (to be fair, many other TV shows are like that too), but when it comes to relationships between characters, I think it can be very spot on, at least I have often found parallels to my own experiences, both with Rory-Lorelai and Lorelai-Emily interactions. They don't shy away from how messy it can get, even when people love each other and both try to make the relationship work.

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  6. 19 hours ago, proserpina65 said:

    I think the last two seasons of Game of Thrones are actually quite good, excepting the Last of the Starks episode which is half good and half lousy.  Not seasons 1-4 good, but far, far better than the mostly dismal season 5.  Which is also an unpopular opinion, I've discovered, although I cannot fathom why that season is viewed favorably.  Sure, it has Hardhome, which is fantastic, and a few other good episodes but it also has that terrible Dorne storyline and the not nearly as interesting as it could've been Arya storyline.  And don't get me started on Tyrion's boring-ass travels in Essos which, again, could've been cool (although his chapters were not interesting in the book, imo) but were mostly tedious.  Except for him and Jorah seeing Drogon, and their fight with the stone men.

    Season 5 was my least favorite by far (the writers' treatment of Sansa and Shireen's death were mostly responsible for that), season 6 was a huge improvement.

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  7. 12 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

    As a side note, I would be extra careful with the balcony at first, since she isn't used to such a thing. Perhaps a see-thru barrier in front of the railing at first, until you see how she reacts to it.

    It is glazed and has a net against insect on the part that opens, as do all windows, so that should be safe.

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  8. This summer was good for cute, warm moments on TV, with second seasons of Heartstopper and Good Omens being released. My new favorite moment is the scene from the end of the second episode of Good Omens, when 


    Crowley comforts Aziraphale when he's afraid he might go to hell.

    Great music in that scene too.


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  9. Does anyone have any tips or advice about moving with a cat? We are planning to move to a different flat (same city) sometime in Autumn and I'm worried that it might be a stressful experience for our cat. She has been living here for the last 9 years and she was only 2 and a half months old when we got her, so I'm not sure how much she remembers from her previous home. Apart from few times when she stayed with my aunt while we've been on holiday, she has always been here (indoors only). I know that I am going to be very emotional when we move, as this has been the only place I've lived in my whole life, but at least I have been a part of the decision process and had time to prepare myself mentally. I started to talk to her about it and I know she can understand me when she wants, but I don't think she understands what moving is right now. I just don't want her to get depressed in the new place.

    The previous owners of the new flat had a dog, but they no longer live there and we have repainted everything and only keep minimum of their furniture, so I hope any smells from the dog will be gone by the time we move there. The new flat has a balcony which our old doesn't and one more room, but the rooms are smaller, so the total amount of space is about the same. My room is going to be smaller, so I won't be able to have an extra bed that I have now (long story) which the cat sometimes uses during the day (I don't let her in my bedroom for the night), but I'm planning to get her an armchair at least. And of course, the view from the windows is going to be completely different and she loves to look out, so I don't know how she is going to take that.

    Does anyone have experience with this? Thanks in advance!

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  10. I liked this season. It's good to have a nice, comfort TV with most of the characters being on the LGBT+ spectrum.

    I am glad that they didn't just drop the storyline about Charlie's eating disorder, but I wish that they went into more depth with it. On one hand, I completely get that Nick wouldn't want to betray Cherlie by telling others behind his back, on the other hand, he is totally unprepared to deal with it. I wish we had seen more of the struggle he must be going through about it. I admit, I have no idea what I would do in his place.

    I love Isaac and I am glad that they are including asexual character.

    I am in the minority here that I didn't care one bit about the teachers' storyline. I think it is unprofessional of them to be hooking up on events when they are supposed to keep an eye on the students.

    On 8/6/2023 at 1:30 AM, willgracefan said:

    I did love all the family scenes, with Nick’s brother and Dad. And obviously Olivia Colman is a queen. 
    i wish they went more into Charlie’s apparent eating disorder. And the cutting kinda came out of nowhere. I wanted a much longer convo about all of this between Nick and Charlie. 
    I’m ace so I was SO here for Issac figuring out his feelings have a word. 
    more for next season please! 

    I agree with your post and just want to say I love your nickname!


    On 8/17/2023 at 7:35 PM, ctmd said:

    Did anyone else have the feeling something ominous was about to happen in this season finale? Charlie outside in the dark, finger hovering over "send" for his "i love you text." They've said it to each other already, right? No reason to hover. I kept thinking he was about to get hit by a car or something. driven by Ben. 

    I admit I was a bit worried at times. I know we were promised a mostly stress-free, cute comfort story, but after the way my other comfort TV series (Good Omens) ended in season 2, I was worried and actually decided to look up how the season would end in advance. I know I am overreacting, but there is so few TV series that I can count on to not get too dark nowadays.

  11. Yeah, I don't think that age is a valid excuse. On one hand, I agree that there is a lot that we can learn from older generations, meaning the stuff that they have experience with, be it in their profession, or personal experiences. I would actually like to see more cooperation between generations and I am always happy to see a genuine intergenerational friendship between celebrities.

    On the other hand, some people (from what I've seen it seems to be mostly men and it's definitely not limited to famous people) think that just because of their age they now have a patent for wisdom in all areas, not just stuff they have personal or professional experience with. And some can be very dismissive of young people any everything new. I wonder if more intergenerational connections could help with that.

    ETA: I'm not saying that peole shouldn't be allowed to express their opinions when they don't know enough about the topic, but the problem is when they don't realize how much harm their words can cause because of how heated the conversation has become. The same is true for people acting like they are experts in medicine when they're not and sharing misinformation that can have fatal consequences for some people (just as anti-trans rhetoric can sadly have fatal consequences as well.)

    And as a proof that being older is not an excuse to be ignorant, some people don't seem to have a problem to "get it" or at least have empathy:


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  12. On 8/24/2023 at 3:18 AM, Bastet said:

    The problem is he thinks he does know, but what he "knows" is based on a harmful, inaccurate, deliberately misleading narrative. 

    What I don't understand is why anyone even asked him about the topic he knows nothing about. They might as well asked him if he's got a cure for cancer.

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  13. On 8/24/2023 at 2:21 AM, Cattoy said:

    Neither angels nor demons are human. They don't have human emotions, let  alone genders or even corporeal bodies. That was specifically pointed out in the book, and it makes logical sense. If you live in Heaven or Hell, you have no need for all the gooey bits and embarrassing bodily functions. Which, as great as Liz Carr is, it made no sense that an angel would be disabled. She would have been far better cast as one of the shopkeepers. At least then those scenes would have had some really solid acting.

    I have seen comments from some disabled fans who were saying how happy it made them to see an angel in Heaven shown as disabled. Apparently (I wasn't aware of this), some religious people tend to talk about how all disabilities will be removed in Heaven and many disabled people are not very fond of that line of thinking if they consider their disabilities a part of what they are. I hope I am expressing this correctly, I'm just paraphrasing what I've read, I can look for some of those comments if needed. Anyway, it seems to mean a lot to some people (like many diverse castings tend to do, even if it's just supporting characters), so I will take that any day over "accuracy" in a fantasy show that includes stuff like immortal characters or sentient car.

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