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Katherine Kegel

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Everything posted by Katherine Kegel

  1. I like Tatum but I don’t like it with Thompson. They just don’t work well together, like a tongue twister.
  2. I didn’t understand why it was such a big deal for Cici to be at Kim’s show. They acted like this was the first time someone from their family walked in a big show and this was her only chance to see something like that. It’s not like Kendall hasn’t been doing this literally for years. Haven’t we seen photos of North in the front row at shows before? If they could get North in I’m sure they could get Cici in too. Stormi was too cute. Who is the other little girl with North?
  3. Thanks! I wonder if she meant close as in “close by” then, I was assuming she meant no close relationships. Which if I were Regina I’d be pretty insulted that she didn’t consider me a close friend after all these years. Makes sense if she meant no friends near her.
  4. I’m surprised she doesn’t have any close friends, what happened to Rej?
  5. And you would not be the target audience for a course on personal branding. It’s not something you would care about, regardless of who was teaching it. Neither would I. But those who are interested in that subject would probably learn a lot from PMK, because she’s been in that business for decades now.
  6. Think about how many reality TV “stars” have come and gone over the years. I bet there were a lot that were smarter, or hotter, or more interesting than the Kardashians, but almost none of them are still this relevant to pop culture, especially after this many years. Most of them can probably walk into a grocery store and shop for an hour without being recognized, even though they were on the cover of a bunch of magazine 15 years ago. The difference is PMK. The woman knows what she’s doing, and if personal branding is something you’re interested in it would be silly to disregard her experience just because of who she is. Credit where credit is due, I think.
  7. Anyone else watch Hot Ones? Khloe was the interview today.
  8. No such thing as a fresh batch when it comes to eggs. Females are born with all of their eggs so they age as the woman ages and quality decreases over time.
  9. It’s not like the quality of eggs improves over time, that’s the whole point of freezing them when you’re younger.
  10. Yeah, you know that’s exactly why she is able to predict 3 months is how much longer she needs. Who does she think she’s fooling?
  11. And you just know Kanye is going to try to decide he needs to see them at the most inconvenient times possible just so he can complain Kim was stopping him from seeing them. Poor mistreated Kanye, kept away from his kids when all he wants is to be a good dad. Yeah, he wasn’t all about that devoted dad life when he was living in another damn state. He’s such a narcissistic ass, he has no concern whatsoever about how his behavior will impact his kids (and further destroy any possibility of a positive relationship with their mom). His complete disregard for what’s best for his kids is disgusting. It’s all about him, always. Pathetic.
  12. If that’s true Wendy is just burning bridges that were probably held up with frayed ropes to begin with. If she really believed they were going to extend a multi million dollar contract for someone who never shows up to work she’s delusional. As for her ex, it may be her son reaching out to his dad for help (that’s a lot to put on someone so young) and she might just be allowing it because she knows her son needs support. Or maybe she just still wants his attention and will take it any way she can get. Either way I’m not surprised.
  13. https://radaronline.com/p/wendy-williams-no-longer-looking-for-guest-hosts-need-full-time-replacement/ The end may be near..
  14. First comes love, then comes baby, then comes a marriage certificate? https://www.yahoo.com/news/praying-wendy-wendy-williams-ex-201300829.html
  15. Tristan’s on the move… https://www.kcra.com/article/kings-acquire-tristan-thompson-part-3-way-deal/37184821?utm_source=nextdoor&utm_medium=RSS&utm_campaign=Nextdoor#
  16. I think it would have been okay for her to have assigned the past, present and future themes. The required ingredient element pushed it over the edge from advantage to unfair advantage. I did really enjoy the behind the scenes show though. That was a lot of fun to watch.
  17. Yup, that’s what we found when we did wedding cake tastings. The cakes themselves just were’t very good. We ended up just getting a bunch of small cakes from the local grocery store (2 per table) and put chocolate dipped strawberries on the top because I prioritized taste over fancy. 😊
  18. I can give that a pass, because gingerbread cookies and houses are small in real life. If it’s supposed to really be a gingerbread cookie it’s not going to be knee high, it’s a few bites. Maybe it wasn’t the best choice (could have gone with something larger instead) but it did make sense to me.
  19. The whole Palm Springs episode was so confusing to me. Where did Kylie *think* Kendall was going as they were all driving away together? Did Kylie expect her to walk the rest of the way from her house? Or did she think she was spending the night? Why would Kendall just get into the car without confirming where she would be dropped off first? How do they all end up in a car without a basic understanding of where they were all going? And I can’t even contemplate the ridiculousness of the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants spin off. Kourtney is 5’ and medium build, Kylie is 5’6 with a ginormous ass, and Kendall is 5’10 and super thin. A dress would be a believability stretch, but pants? So stupid. Bible.
  20. I wish Sergio hadn’t done the hair and makeup that way, I think he could have made it feel more modern by not making the reference so blatant. Loved the clothes though. That said, I feel bad for Sergio. It seemed like Nina was picking on him beyond what was necessary; she seems to give him compliments begrudgingly and doesn’t seem to want to give him credit even when it’s due. Nothing was wrong with the clothes, so she focused on the styling. Seemed like such an overreaction on what she didn’t like while glossing over the positive. Sergio seems like a kind person who wants to do something genuinely important/impactful in the world. However, his passion is fashion so he is trying to unite the two and he just doesn’t know how. It ends up coming off as pandering and fake, but I don’t think he’s purposefully being disingenuous. Even when he’s doing the talking heads that seem not so nice, his focus is on himself, not personally insulting others. It comes off poorly sometimes because he is automatically insulting the others when he compares them to himself, because he truly believes he is technically better at his craft (and he is usually right about that). I don’t see him trying to be mean, though, he just believes he is the best and is being honest about it. I can definitely see how it can rub people the wrong way, but he just seems socially awkward to me, not mean.
  21. As scripted and fake as the show is, I never thought for a second she really bought those puppies. I assumed she borrowed/rented them for the day and then they went right back to the breeder. At least that’s what I am telling myself happened...
  22. I don’t even recognize Wendy. The nose, the eyes, so different, more than just messy somehow. Did she look like that when she was talking to Jerry?
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