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  1. Yeah, especially because they weren't her home. The baker they eliminated was way over his head. Seems like a nice guy... but, definitely not ready for primetime.
  2. IMO Contemporary consists of the same 8 or 9 moves, arranged in different order depending on who the choreographer is. I usually just fast forward through them.
  3. I saw that episode. I think she made a Filipino dish in homage to her roots. I attribute part of her attitude to the producers. The contestants are encouraged to dial up the confidence/cockiness when challenging Bobby. Many of them go overboard.
  4. Wait until you watch her as Capo. She treated the other chefs like they were were her employees. She was dismissive of their skills, super condescending and rude. When she introduced each dish she started by saying "I" made for you... while all the other caps started by saying "We". She even took sole credit for a dish one of the other cooks made. Styx is still there because she shamed a couple of teammates for trying to kick her out over anything other than cooking. Zev's probably regretting not giving her the boot when he had the chance. Heh! He also forgot to plot with his "brother" about the plan to kick out Styx if they lost the challenge. He just thought it was a given.
  5. Yes, to all of this. From "I don't want them to touch my grape dish because I want all the credit." to "Everything I do is for the team." I loved it when Alex shut Hanna down when she tried to criticize the swordfish on toast. She has such a high opinion of herself. I feel bad for Zev. But, he really burned those pizzas.
  6. Plus, she kind of (unintentionally) insulted the guest judge when she seemed to disregard his advice. Her advantage, IMO, was crappy. 10 whole minutes w/a baking icon??! She could barely get her question in, before time was up. She was concentrating on the clock, his advice, her dessert. Her "advantage" was a distraction. Bummer.
  7. I liked the 2nd house. But, you're right they didn't have the money to stay there, plus all the responsibility seemed too much to handle.. with a toddler. It was never a serious contender. Heh They were such a sweet couple. High school sweethearts, who clearly still love each other very much. They were very considerate of each other. Some of the past couples seem like they can't stand each other. That was definitely the case in a re-run episode in which the couple was moving from Australia because their lives seemed stagnate. Can't remember where they re-located to. But I believe it was Europe. He kept reminding her it was his money... not hers. She would ridicule him with a smile on her face and beg him not to waste "his money" on silly things. Whoa! I would love to see if they're still together.
  8. It's all ego. She has such a high opinion of herself, that she can't even fathom anyone criticizing her. She needs that kind of confidence in the dog-eat-dog world of fashion. But, it wasn't working for her on this show. What's interesting is she came on the show to be judged... but can't take the judgment. Guess she just expected to win every challenge... every week. Glad she's gone.
  9. I'm with you! Korto and Kayne were awful. Anna's dress was ugly. But, she followed the brief and that was to stand out and design what you do best. Korto's design did not stand out in any way. None of the safe looks did either. That's not Anna's fault. What exactly did they expect her to do... throw herself on the ground and say "no, judges send me home. I don't deserve your votes"? All the complainers are full of crap! But, Korto was the absolute worst. I'm not a fan of this version of her. When she's not whining, she's boasting about how great she is. Ugh! 🙄
  10. Perfect description! I hated the whole Survivor/Big Brother vibe of the show. Everything was so arbitrary: "Oh, we're going to do something a little different..." Their shenanigans sometimes unfairly tilted the scale in favor of one team or the other . Ugh! The whole capo (sp?) idea was stupid to me. Just let them make their own dishes. It's a cooking show... but sure let's allow the weaker chefs to move forward with a little scheming and strategy., rather than skill Personally, I didn't care for either of Preston or Cory, but they shouldn't have been kicked off like they were. Natalie's win came out of the blue. But, I'm happy Saba didn't win. She came off as really unlikable.
  11. I haven't noticed this trend in any recent viewings, but I may not have been paying close enough attention. Personally, it's not my style. But, maybe for the guys columns signify a "stately" looking home with prominence, stature; a home that makes a statement, especially when trying to establish generational wealth. It's not a running theme with my family and friends.
  12. I wanted Clement to win! But, not too upset Luke won. I knew Christian was out of it when they said his cake was dry. I wonder what those cakes would have looked like if the tree and Eiffel Tower were on top, instead of engulfing the cake like Clement did... and just slapping something on the side like Luke did.
  13. Yeah, I'm giving Stephany a little bit of the side-eye 👀 about her insistence on being near the bars. Got the feeling she might be on the prowl when Dominique is away at school. I'm curious if they're still together. Glad they picked the 1st apartment. It was the nicest place... even if it was a little far from the university.
  14. I've heard more than one designer say hot tubs don't add value to a home. That may be why no one has added one. I thought Page and her partner would win. I liked the outside of her house the best. Liked Michel and Anthony's house... but that outdoor movie screen looked so low budget... so did the rock climbing wall. Bocce Ball and Parkour activities are bad ideas. Loved the chess board in the lawn.
  15. She seemed underwelmed and felt like she was thinking about how she might be able to sue Rico down the road. Heh!
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