144 -
473 Excellent-
I just watched Carrot Cake Murder and currently have Zest playing. I had no idea I was so behind! First, I honestly hate everyone's names in this series, except for Hannah. I know it's stupid but every time anyone says "Norman" I cringe. I hate that name. And I hate that Hannah and sisters call their mom Mother. I have no idea why but those things BUG. And for some reason Hannah herself REALLY got on my nerves. It wasn't the fight between Hannah and Mike I literally do not care which horse she rides. But something about her really annoyed in this one. Also, I don't remember when or where (or even what media--video, read?) but I consumed something that pointed out how in interracial couples on TV (with one party being black) it's typically a black man and anyone other than a black woman. It's really changed how I view some of my favorite shows. I tried watching some mystery on Hallmark and in the first few minutes there was a white woman making eyes at some POC guy and it just made me think how rarely we see a black woman in these shows unless it's a sassy sidekick (or the Morning Show Mysteries). And then in the Hannah mysteries the sister (why does a 20 somethingish woman need a 4 bedroom 2 bath house?) is dating the only black person (has there ever been a black woman in this series?) after Eugene/Ellis is proven to be not who he said he was. I almost turned it off then and there. The lack of black women representation is bananas to me. Anyway. The last mystery I remember liking is the one with whatshername Stephanie Tanner from Full House as some blues/jazz singer. Has there been a second one? The series I really enjoyed was the Murder 101 mysteries. And to end on a cliffhanger. Bleh
Unpopular Opinion: I really don't like Sam. Like at all. I enjoyed this episode--I liked it more than the series premier--but this episode just hammered in why I don't like Sam. I'm glad that it was mentioned how much Jay does for everyone and how little he gets in return. I can(not) believe how easily she was persuaded into manipulating Jay over a TV. She pouted and apologized but she seems to do this all the time.
Yall, I have an Unpopular Opinion. I thought this episode was incredibly boring and a poor choice to open the season with. I've always been vaguely indifferent to Flower--indifferent to disliking--so I wasn't really invested in her memorial. And I really dislike Nancy (and everything I've seen the actress in) so every episode she's in has been a miss for me. I'll keep watching (obviously) but this episode was disappointing after months of waiting.
S03.E01/E02: Career Day Part 1/Career Day Part 2
hiisa replied to DanaK's topic in Abbott Elementary
I have no idea if the district people are going to turn out to be sketchy. I hope not. Burn out is real but it was sad to see the formerly super enthusiastic Janine just over it so for that reason alone I loved the district people there. Janine has Jacob and Gregory but it must be nice to have validation paired with the authority to try some things. I had actually forgotten how awful Ava treats Janine. It was almost enough to make me turn the episode off. -
Tiny Toons Looniversity - General Discussion
hiisa replied to Twilight Man's topic in Tiny Toons Looniversity
Ok. I binged it yesterday and have a few takeaways. 1. My love obsessed 10 year old self shipped Babs and Buster hard so making them twins in this kinda gives me the ick. And I neverI really got over it. 2. Buster Bunny was the coolest kid at Acme U so them turning him into this weird, anxious, hand twirly, can't function without his sister there to guide him is ....a weird take. 3. Why is Hampton so aggressively southern? And why did they give his entire personality to Babs (being a neat freak) and leave him with nothing but being southern and the anxious sad sack of a super famous toon who just wants to be a doctor as his personality? 3. Why does furball speak at all? I try and keep an open mind about these reboots but this one...on top of not being funny is just not good. Like...it's just not. This very much feels like they were hinging on the name and the nostalgia then slapped all new personalities on all of the familar characters except for Plucky. Also, the original poked fun at modern pop culture all the time. Babs wanted to be a stand up comedian and constantly pulled out impressions of current celebs. Off the top of my head I remember Joan Rivers, Downtown Julie Brown, Jack Nicholson. I didn't see any references to pop culture. I could have missed them as I did find the show to be terrible and started doing other things. The final thing that I didn't like is that there were 2 sets of 3 main characters on the original. Buster and his pals Plucky and Hampton with Hampton being Pluckys best friend and Babs being Busters. Then Babs had her best friends Shirley and Fifi. Then the rest of the characters filled out the world: Elmrya and Max, Gogo Dodo, Furball, Squeaker, Taz,Sweetie Bird, whoever I'm forgetting. In the reboot Babs roommate is Sweetie Shirley is the RA and Fifi is just some cute girl with vintage style that Babs is briefly obsessed with. Why? Why did they do that? And finally, why so much Granny? That was just....way too much. Apparently I had thoughts and feelings. -
Yall. I straight up got teary-eyed when Tao was sobbing Charlies shoulder about their date. I don't know when or how but he's my favorite and I hate how sad and alone he feels!
TDS 3.0: Season Seven Talk
hiisa replied to possibilities's topic in The Daily Show With Trevor Noah (2015-2022)
This is what I'm saying! At this point I want them to release something saying that they were offered weeks but decided they didn't want it. Like, are the powers that be trying to push them out? I mean, I feel like that's what happened with Roy Wood, Jr. I would love John Leguizamo to be the permanent host. I adore him. But dang it, I'd rather Dulce have 1 week than any of these guest hosts come back for a 2nd one! And all these double dippers--does that mean that they are short list contenders? -
TDS 3.0: Season Seven Talk
hiisa replied to possibilities's topic in The Daily Show With Trevor Noah (2015-2022)
Kal Penn and Charlemagne are both getting another week in December. Every time I read about a guest host (especially one we've already had) I get frustrated on behalf of the correspondents who are already there and haven't gotten their shot. Any way. I don't think John Leguizamo does a rage rant was well as Lewis Black (who does? Also, their too much for me so I'm not mad about it) but I thoroughly enjoyed his rant. -
Is Dan the one who won star Baker a few times towards the beginning? I think it was him? And when Josh or Matty won it after him he made some comment about them nipping at his heels? I think? I never pay too close attention but I think that's the comment that didn't sit well with people and colored how they felt about him the rest of the season. I was sad to see Tasha go, she was a delight. Also, does Paul Hollywood know sign language? I could never tell if he was trying to use sign language with Tash or if he just uses his hands a lot when he speaks and it just seemed like a lot because I was looking at Tasha and interpreters hands.
TDS 3.0: Season Seven Talk
hiisa replied to possibilities's topic in The Daily Show With Trevor Noah (2015-2022)
I love Leslie, I do. I don't really remember her first week hosting, but, I thought she did ok last night. I do tend to find her overly loud for my tastes, though. And last night I absolutely could not stop staring at her boobs! She didn't seem super comfortable in that outfit she was wearing and it looked like she kept trying to adjust it. But as for her hosting style after watching Trevor's relatively low key style it would be hard to adjust to a louder host, I think. I don't like Sarah Silverman at all so I skipped her week. I wonder why they are going back to repeat hosts? Dulce had 1 day of hosting under her belt before the strike, and now Leslie and Sarah are both having 2nd weeks when she never finished her first. I wonder if it was Dulces decision or someone else's? I thought Charlemagne was a decent enough hist but I feel like this is his 2nd or 3rd time getting a shot at a comedy/current events/news show and the other 2 were canceled pretty quickly. I only watched Best Week (I think it was called. And I think that was a second shot of a similar show) which I enjoyed, but it was canceled after 1 season. That seems like a bad vibe to bring into TDS. -
I am rewatching for the millionth time and for the first time ever every single thing about Rose is getting on my nerves. I hate how she says jacks name. I hate that she spends 95% of the movie shrieking (not talking about when the ship is sinking, it's reasonable there. Just. In general.). I've always loved the love story. Titanic is such an unimaginable tragedy that it makes sense to give us a love story to humanize it. I don't care about the door debate. I hadn't thought about whether or not 2 people could fit on that door until the Mythbusters said 2 people could but what I care about right now is Rose was on a dang life boat! She was on one! She could have gotten on with her mother (*not ideal, but still alive), she was on the boat that Jack and Cal forced her on. If she would have stayed there Jack probably would have survived! And they could have found each other again when their ship wasn't sinking and everyone was dying horribly around them. I was wondering to myself, as the ship was about to go down and they were about to take their deep breath if jack harbored any resentment? If she had stayed on the dang boat we wouldn't be here right now! And then I was irritated again when she says her " I love you" and he tells her to not give up? Wheres her inspirational speech to him? Did she not notice that he was saying YOU'RE going to go on? There was no "we". He didn't say "we're going to have all these kids together" it was "you're going to have all of these kids" and what does she say? I'll tell you what she doesn't say. She doesn't say "we! Jack! We are going to have all the babies" she says that they'll fill her body. And then she says she's so cold! Like he hasn't been in freezing water this whole time. And because on this viewing Rose tap danced on every single nerve ending I had available it also irritated me that her Titanic themed heaven had someone opening and holding open the door for her. That guy didn't die in the deep, to open the door for you in 84 years, Rose. You learned to fly a plane you can open your own door. Also. Did her mother become a seamstress?
I was disappointed to read this this morning. I really wanted to know about Carly and Spencer's mom and what she had to say for herself when she crashed the wedding. I wanted a Creddie wedding with Carly walking down the aisle in a leather jacket that Sam sent her since she couldn't be there for the big day.
TDS 3.0: Season Seven Talk
hiisa replied to possibilities's topic in The Daily Show With Trevor Noah (2015-2022)
Did yall read that Roy Wood Jr won't be back as a correspondent? He said in an article ( https://www.npr.org/2023/10/05/1203743662/roy-wood-jr-daily-show) that he can't focus on his next move if he's hanging around waiting to see if TDS is going to offer him the hosting job. I'm disappointed. I thought he blew Hasan out of the water, personally. I want to see Dulce have her full week. She started out strong and then the strike hit. Anyway, I'm glad the show is coming back. I've been keeping up with the political news (maybe a bit less than more) but with every ridiculous moment that pops up I keep thinking how Trevor would have a field day with this. I need some Jordan Klepper fingering the pulse outside of some of these hearings. -
OK, I have no idea whodunit, but I never know who did anything I'm just here for the ride. Steve Martin's face/smile at the beginning of the episode as he smiles/grimaces at President McKinley was delightfully insane. Also, I kept thinking that McKinley was going to go into shock and die. The way he was carrying him around and plopping him places‐--I was surprised the president made it to the end of the ep. Also, since I don't worry about trying to figure out the murder I focus on other things. Mabel continues to bring the coats. Goodness does that woman have some great coats. But, what is going to happen to her?! They occasionally mention that she needs to figure out what she's doing next since she has to be out of her aunts apartment but where is the follow through! I worry! Maybe she should go work with Cinda, have a steady income and buy a small apartment in the Arconia (I'm assuming she'll get a deep discount for solving Bunny's murder). Why is Oliver surprised by how much he doesn't know about the investigation? He doesn't want to know! And he said some incredibly cruel things to both Mabel and Charles.
OK, I don't really like movies. I don't think their long enough to make me care about the characters. I've read the book numerous times, so I sont know if the movie made me care or if it's my preexisting background that made me care. Or the kid playing Alex's eyelashes. I don't know but well done team. I was disappointed that we didn't get the PowerPoint. Alex storming thr castle to tell Henry he loved him was done better in the book. There were a few other nitpicky things that I can't think of right now. I did think they did a good job of showing texts and emails and I wished there was more of that since that's how Alex and Henry fell in love. It would have been nice to see more of that. I get why they dropped the divorced parents and the betrayal of the close family friend/ally (although I guess they replaced him with Alex's hook up/ journalist?) but I missed Alex having a sister. I missed the longer freakout over his sexuality. The only reason why I missed him having a sister is I love that in the book Alex had been stealing glances at Henry in his sister's teen beat magazine for years. I think the only other scene I missed from the book is a sleepy Henry wandering into Alex's suite looking for ice cream. I liked it. The actors had chemistry and I already liked the book so. I did do a big eye roll at Alex reading Casey mcQuintons One Last Stop. I hated that book.