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Everything posted by JNavarro

  1. Nick does nothing but complain about how business is done at the Newman Cabal. This can't be a surprise by now that Victoria and Victor are terrible people and run the company accordingly. If Sir Stuffs His Pants is so miserable, why does he insist on working there? Holy shit, Billy comes off as a degenerate addict far worse now than he did during the worst of his gambling escapades. Typical move by Chelsea to prop up how "helpful" Billy is, before putting the burden on Lily to be the spoil sport. I think Lily played that as well as she possibly could have. Honestly, I'm enjoying watching her lately. Elena and Sally with the absolute glow up going on, *almost* dulled by their current choice in partners. I mean, the dude thinks he will have time to get to museums in freaking LA. Then again, if the plan is kicking him off the Griffith Observatory, or dumping him and Victoria in the La Brea Tar Pits...I say go for it.
  2. Is the part of the story where we're reminded "depression has it's ups and downs"? Too late to even pretend this is serious anymore. Next. Grampire seemed like a little boy trying to scold the far more composed Chance today. Absolutely thrilled that Victor's dogshit cliche argument about "family" in fact motivated Chance to...ask for an immediate divorce. I've suspected that Devon has wanted Abby in some way for a long time now. So the way he's been acting IMO (and I'm in no way defending it) makes a lot of sense- he's quite good at this whole passive aggressive angle to get what he wants. It was really mature of Lily to bring up the concerns she has. Wasted on this asshole, though. I don't think she wants to save him, at all. He twisted the argument (or tried to) that she was making this about him leaving CW, when she specifically said it was about doing THIS shit with his free time that he has no business doing.
  3. Daniel's pitch to Devon and Lily sounded like the beginning of a sci-fi horror story. I would have a lurid curiosity if this wasn't daytime AND the current staff didn't botch every slightly ambitious story they touch.
  4. I was kind of surprised when Kyle came back with Harrison this time around, and they kept the same child, and they still seem to be referring to him like he's 2. But then again, it doesn't bother me much either bc I frankly don't want kid storylines or characters taking up a lot of time. And that includes Nick.
  5. Legit did not know who Victoria was when she first walked in. She looked great. I'm surprised her new boy toy I mean employee Nate didn't make an appearance, though. So I guess when you have a mental episode, the lesson is that everything you ever wanted (i.e., schemed and lied for) comes true? This story is really getting out of hand, especially bc I don't see them backing off the Chelsea prop anytime soon. Johnny seems like a great kid, though. Maybe because I wasn't watching back then, and in fact didn't even realize the character of Daniel existed until recently...but it's weird seeing Phyllis with a son. Ashley is pathetic. Diane is literally bringing these women to tears by just existing. Victor, the patron saint of clogged toilets, is going to confront Chance next week? After what's he already let him get away with, I'm really hoping Chance gets to tell him to piss off.
  6. Diane trying to flaunt her influence on Jack to Ashley is a lost cause. That would require Ashley to care about Jack, which I don't think she does. Speaking of, another L for Jackie Boy today. I don't think I'll ever stop somehow someway wanting Jack to succeed, but in his current mood I kind of want him taken down a notch or two. And it's really fun watching Tucker getting the better of people. Billy wants to guilt his insanely patient GF into letting him take a pet to Thanksgiving dinner. What an f'ing loser.
  7. I was ambivalent/somewhat negative on the mental illness story- mostly because Chelsea was inexplicably made the focus. The fact that I'm STILL wondering whether she's using this to pull a monstrous con probably shows that type of person is a poor choice for mental health awareness. Doing the story of Chelsea's spiral and breakdown, fine. It really wasn't that hard to screw up past that point, but they managed to. But after the scenes with Connor, using a kid to launder this person's decision making past/present/and I'm sure future....makes me sick now.
  8. I always figured Mariah was considered adjacent to the Newmans from being sibling to Nick's (10 million) kids, and Nick/Sharon getting along amicably the last few years. In reality I think it's just a throwaway plot line. Which still doesn't make sense because Mariah/Tessa have money enough and no decent person would ever want to be anywhere near Victor and Nikki.
  9. Wait what? I'm gonna be that person here with no psychology training buuuut....why is automatically a good thing to tell Connor the absolute truth about what happened, right now when he's like 9? Has it occurred to anyone that Connor may not WANT to know about that kind of thing? Man, if that had happened with my mom and I'd been told about it at that age, I'd have freaked the fuck out. I would rather not have known and have been told the details as an adult, if *ever*. And why are Adam's concerns- you know, the kid's father- being dismissed? I wholeheartedly agree with some of the above comments. Was not at all a fan of Mark Grossman's portrayal early on, but he's been outstanding in making a character with a fairly lurid background seem like an understandable and normal human being. I just can't with the latest Nick/Sally shitshow. They couldn't have possibly made it sleazier, and yet somehow today they did.
  10. So now these nasty asses are going to seek out a convicted criminal and gleefully lead him to Diane? I wish Diane had accepted this "meeting" and driven her car right through the Abbott living room with all three of them in there. It'd be less of a wreck than Phyllis's outfit and Nikki's hair, anyway. Chance sitting at the bar all forlorn, but with that FABULOUS glass of beer in front of him...💀 🤣
  11. Honestly for a second, I thought this was referring to Jack, and I think I prefer it that way.
  12. The years long story arc of Billy "finding" himself is bizarre. Like, this is a real thing and decent people seem to go through it, especially these days. But this isn't someone with limited means who's unsatisfied and knows what they might want to try, but effectively can't. The guy is probably worth $100+ million, he can literally find anything that interests him and pursue it the rest of his life without any income. The fact that he's still mostly infantile in his personal interactions and behavior really don't help, so miss me with this "discovery" clown show.
  13. This episode was a lot of fun. I initially thought MM/Amanda was downplaying things a bit, but then I realized she's been three timed by this guy. She's done, and it made perfect sense. Chance and Abby I thought was a realistic outcome to what their relationship is at this point. Chance was right that he sensed this happening, and combining that with Abby's "support" during the Locke investigation, you get why he's been in such an otherwise strange mood. It was even understandable that Abby STILL kind of snapped back at him, because she's still (wrongly) pissed off at him. Abby, though....you regret it and it needs to go back? A), what does that even mean, and B) you were JUST telling Devon how much you "liked it" 🤣 I know she's not necessarily the most popular on here, but for me MO is a reliable actress in these types of scenes, which I think can REALLY easily become embarrassing to watch. It's not master thespian acting, but she can always bring some kind of emotion that I find normal and believable. Victoria was disgusting today, and Sally is wasted on Nick. He and his brother both "chase" the same women, while he's talking to said woman? Classy. Girl, you have other options here. Jack and Adam were great, too. Show better not break up THAT relationship.
  14. Oh God, do we really have to have Loser Oldman involved in Tucker's story now? Dude ruins everything he touches, since we know how every one of his stories is contractually obligated to end. Can we just have him isolated to like, 8 minute completely solo vignettes, if he simply must have these gauche chess games/boxing training/"power moves" on permanent display?
  15. We all supposed to forget Phyllis suddenly taking an interest in Jack, lying to him and then using him like trash only when/because Diane came back? At least, that's how method actor MS played it, anyway. What is it with the public shaming and *exile* fetish? For all the people who deserve to "leave town", Diane is like 12th on the list. And that's behind Summer and her grampire and pathetic mother, who "need to go" far sooner than Diane. Bet Lola would have had your back on this, Kyle...moron.
  16. Yeah, this might sound bad, but Billy has no right to ask this of Lily here. Being ok with compassion is one thing. But if you're going to openly commit to spending your waking hours with someone who isn't your family member/spouse/significant other...she's not wrong for not being ok with that. Is Sharon claiming she (or Billy) is bound by some kind of law, here? If not, tell Adam, FFS. Then he can decide on a way to keep Connor updated without freaking him out. This might just be Jason Thompson's mostly negative interpretation of this character, but there are major "I'm a hero" vibes from Billy, and I'm already sick of it. As much as I think Elena's been almost completely right thus far, I think it's a mistake to encourage Nate to keep seeking forgiveness. First because it's up to the people he wronged whether they want to or not, not for him to force a forgiveness tour on them until he gets what he wants. And it's a convenient excuse for Nate to get self righteous for all the "amends" he's supposedly made.
  17. The answer is always yes. What a code violation on humanity she was today- send in an exterminator on this bitch already. Ugh. Today was literally just hateful people spending their time gloating AND further planning on ruining other people's lives. In the witches coven scene at Poseur Manor, Ashley was woman spreading- in all white, no less-until ED I think suddenly realized it.
  18. I don't even want to watch her on Y&R. Some of you already have pointed this out, but I think Chelsea's an odd choice for this PSA type story. For all the (oh, so accurate) criticism of someone like Sharon for being a clueless airhead, it would take very little for me to agree that Sharon is a compassionate person ultimately on the side of good. Chelsea, I'm still not nearly as sure. I guess maybe THAT's what they were going for...someone ostensibly unlikeable who has all these issues hidden underneath? At the very least, MCE has done surprisingly well at shifting her demeanor over the last few days to accurately play the tough episodes. And the description of what this is like for someone is scarily accurate. So, credit to that. Victoria worked.Nate.OVER. Successfully. No, all the bad things you did don't matter, *I* know you're a good person, and then I'll list all those wonderful qualities about you that show your family was in the wrong anyway! The next time the "loyal" Newmans don't screw someone over to save themselves will be the first, so good luck with that.
  19. It was nice to see Johnny and Connor getting along so well. The kids acting was really good and the way they're maturely regarding each other should be a wake up call to certain adults that they're the ones that matter here. As much as Chelsea is still a fool, MCE did quite well today. They really going to go there with Abby/Devon? I would have thought it's just a plot point for Abby and Chance, but MM's current status makes me wonder. Fine by me, but that's going to be a HELL of a story for Dom in a few years...."So I was with this other guy at the time. Your dad offered to be a sperm donor, and then..."
  20. What ISN'T wrong with Phyllis? This isn't a case of some jerk with a heart of gold or some other trope. If that's the case, then MS and/or the writers have failed miserably. She's a completely unimpressive, immature, vile person. It's nearly the same with Chelsea. There are plenty of characters I'd feel badly for if they were in a similar story about being down on their luck or even a possible mental illness/depression bout. But Chelsea, someone whose misfortunes are in large part due to harming other people? No, I still don't feel sorry for her.
  21. Chance is surprisingly likeable and charming now that they've let him progress from 100% grieving. Y&R has either done very well, or gotten lucky with most of the new cast members of the past year or so. I'm not sure how it's coming off to everyone else. But at this point, I'm frankly glad that they are running with the CW story. It's a fairly believable plot point, the acting is at least decent, and it doesn't (yet) involve something horrible like a violent crime being covered up where you know the culprit will get away with it. Ahem. But seriously, I'm liking it. I also like Diane/Sally, but they're involved in such dumb stories with sacred cow characters that it really drags down their own character arcs IMO.
  22. So Phyllis is mad that her buddie Michael is pals with Diane, but it's ok for him to be consigliere for Victor after what HE did to her? Ok. Pretty much everything from the past few months has been a really ugly look for Jack. Maybe he needs another dream sequence from Mommy Dearest to screw up his life/image even further. But man, at the beginning of the episode I was about convinced they were going with the "Diane was an escort" angle. SW is constantly putting in the work on this story, I think she's at the absolute least *trying* to portray Diane as a human being with sympathetic aspects. It's such a contrast from....whatever MS is doing with Phyllis, where it comes off like she deserves every bad thing she gets. Geeze, I don't know if Nikki's intention was for Tucker to embarrass her idiot pet journalist like that. Although, seeing her hiding in what was apparently Victor's water closet explains that stank look she has on her face, doesn't it?
  23. I thought this too. Scenes like that are why I watch (albeit while usually waiting a LONG time for one) and a reminder of how good the show can be. When they give a damn about writing meaningful, pathos driven scenes, anyway. Sally/Nick really drags everything else down at this point. WTF are they doing with this? They've agreed to be "professional"- so, the exact opposite of that- and yet she's still figuring out what she wants?
  24. I'm not the biggest Adam/Sally fan- in the sense that I'm not particularly invested in them as a couple no matter what- but I definitely am if it screws Nick over. Did feel bad for Adam today. The thing is, while he's genuinely not a bad guy, he keeps going with these ridiculous schemes that do in fact give people at least some reason to doubt him. Today's was much more understandable than breaking up with Sally in the first place, but I kind of got her point. TSJ is doing really well so far, IMO. I don't have much hope that it'll happen, because reasons (ahem, EB), but it'd be great if he could keep playing this wild card type of character that's a legitimate threat. That said, Victoria, smart and formidable? The debt-leveraging acquisition addict, in THIS economy? She's an idiot. I gotta admit, at this point and IDK quite why...but I like Audra.
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