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Everything posted by marys1000

  1. But as Richard pointed out, the producers could have told him to put clothes on. They could bring him back and say must wear clothes. Lots of misdoings on Survivor known and unknown, why should he be singled out?
  2. I have to say I would have loved to see Hatch on. And I agree with what he said. If he can't be on because of nakedness and Dan, why is Probst still around after asking two contestants to take their clothes off for peanut butter?
  3. He wanted a big cash tip. Is anyone rewatching specific seasons to reacquaint themselves with the players? I thought of slogging through the list and seeing which were on Amazon prime to rewatch but not sure if I should or not. Maybe I should watch "fresh".
  4. I love his smile. One of my favorite players just based on personality.
  5. Maybe Dan is taking the pictures to avoid the backlash
  6. I just stumbled on this and thought it was great. For one I hate abusers, two I have an (unacted on) streak of vigilantism and three I was intelligence in the military and much of this felt familiar as I'm sure it did to any in law enforcement/FBI etc. I would love to be part of a group that tracked down animal abusers. I disagreed with her at the end with the whole did we create this monster and maybe we shouldn't have done this. That guy was headed there regardless. I'm not quite sure about the guy in Africa, did they blow up his life and cause his suicide? They seemed to skim over that which would be huge. I was left a little confused.
  7. This will bother me but only if the women aren't going on and on about being mothers now and how they are playing for their kids to see them as strong blah blah blah
  8. I hate people who do this sort of thing. She can fuck off and die.
  9. I didn't like her win and can't stand her personally. Having her on this season is going to make it hard to watch.
  10. Does anyone know if Coach was asked to return? Or what is up with him these days?
  11. So the pot is 2 million? When I try to think of players I like, they are all old school. I can never even remember new school players unless I hated them. I think that says a lot about the rote nature the game has become as everyone knows the "rules" (stick with the numbers, alliances, jury management etc.). They keep playing with the game to counteract that but not enough to force new ways of playing. The closest I remember was the season with the short term alliances (I can't remember what they called it). Maybe rather than being voted out they should go to and EoE or RI for some other reason. I couldnt stand Michelle so thats going to be hard (her and her tiger petting zoo ways). I don't remember some of the others. Tony was entertaining and memorable at least. In a game where everyone knows the strategy I wonder if Tony's advantage is his hyper sometimes chaotic, different way of thinking. I wonder if Yul does his...whatever that was, percentages....
  12. If I'm being outed on national tv for touching (you know tribal is going to be aired if nothing else) and then you get ejected from the game for touching, you would, minutes later after being told you are getting ejected, get on the boat......fake fall just to touch a womens thigh. Does that make sense? Even a toucher can have an accident. Just saying.
  13. Noura's speech about being yourself was good and I believe what she said. And yet......she might have at least gotten some votes if she had said to herself "you know, I believe in being who you are but in this competition maybe I should try to tone it down some because its a competition" I mean, what does she think about the fact that she got no votes? That everyone on social media is talking about how lucky she was to just get there and how crazy they think she is? I really wish the would either release all the 39 days/24 hours of footage so we can see for ourselve what the Dan situation is. Or have an objective view by detectives or something. I'm not going to judge a man based on heavily edited footage and CBS producers who probably have the ethics of pond scum. I know he should have stopped touching Kellee when she asked. I know that. But I'm not sure he deserves to have his life ruined. And I too find Kellee annoying somehow. Aware of that I'm trying not to let it color my opinions. While noone should have to, she did have some other options. She could have confronted Dan a second time, in front of the tribe and had it out publically. I would rather she handled it that way. People I know were surprised by the Tommy win, they thought Dean would win. And I had a tough time trying to voice why. Just a weak boring season. Would love to have seen Janet in the final 3, or even final 4. Jamal was great and the 15k was awkward. I wonder what SIA is going to hear about it. Looking forward to season 40 even though there are a few players I never wanted to see again. I hope they come up with new game stratgies somehow. I think part of the problem is all so game set match now, alliances, numbers, jury management
  14. We also saw them saying the didn't have a problem. But that they could play to it. Whats the real story? Editing of timelines re touching can do a lot. What they allow us to see and not see.....we don't know the story AT ALL. Demonizing someone based on a hour of heavily film is inappropirate. The slip on the boat thing sounds plausible. Who knows?
  15. I agree. Innocent until proven guilty. You should be able to defend yourself. If he is being tried in social media he should be able to defend himself there. He is being totally smeared and having his life ruined and no other castmates had a problem with his touching but Kellee. So he shouldn't have touched Kellee. I don't trust CBS not to use his slip to correct their actions over the Kellee thing or cover their assess by demonizing him. I can't even believe I'm sticking up for him but its what our country is based on!
  16. I sort of feel sorry for Dan, even as a manhater. Aren't we all supposed to have the right to face our accuser? No one knows what happened but of course he is being damned with the worst possible thoughts. Sure, maybe something happened. But you can also be sure that CBS et al are covering their legal asses and it may have been something misconstrued regardless of whether Dan is a creep or not. He is having his life ruined and no one can say why. He cant defend himself. That is BS. I'd love for someone to rewatch every episode of Survivor and count the number of times man/women touch each other. And of course then there is Hatch who spent 2 seasons naked.
  17. Not sure I understand Karishma's plentitude of screen time right from the get go. I have to think she makes it to the end as a goat somehow? If there is a goat army could we actually end up with a "I refuse to vote for xyz so that leaves Karishma"?
  18. I thought first jury member was first vote after the merge, was confused.
  19. I think about this too but the only way to make a "old fashioned" Survivor work and be fresh again is to find Survivor's who have never seen the show and aren't allowed to know anything about the show before playing. That might be truly interesting if they could pull it off. Everyone knows alliances, flushing idols etc. It would be fun to see if a new crop come up with the idea of alliances on their own or some other "system". Otherwise I dont' think there is a way to go back to the old days. Everyone plays the game the way its been played for a long time now. The only season that modified that a little bit was that season where the alliances were more fluid, can't remember what they called it. But yea, this season seems blah to me.
  20. Well I sort of watched most of last nights episode. I have forgotten to watch the last couple, and havent bothered to go to on demand. This season doesn't suck...........but........am I the only one who is feeling sort of bored? Not sure why.
  21. So in all previous 38 seasons sneaking into the other camp was strictly forbidden yea? Because otherwise it seems like it would have happened by now and be a regular occurrance. But now its some sort of challenge? Big surprise to the other camp
  22. Yes and yes. I didn't think the questions were very hard. It wasn't like they were building far or walking while they talked at her. All she could do was listen. And she does seem to be able to turn on the sobs at will.
  23. Who was the contestant using Sandra's "I'll vote for anyone as long as it isn't me"?
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