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Everything posted by marys1000

  1. I want Aurora to win. She is really the only one I want to win although I don't care as much this season as others. I don't want Ron to win. I've been a bit flummoxed that a play the middle flipper has lasted this long so maybe he has some game. Usually stuck in the middle swing votes does end badly in the near future. Is he a swing vote though? Or just a flipper? She really hasn't spoken much the whole season yet somehow when she does it gets noticed. If she wins it would be a totally under the radar winner, obviously she has some game in this season of mediocre players but you don't really see it. I wouldn't be so much unhappy if she won as dissatisifiedl. So....if they win there way back in the game its to late to play their advantages or idols? Yes, torch snuffed you are gone. Same. I find myself wondering am I tired of Survivor? No. Do I hate this season? Eh. Why do I feel so bored/disinterested/disengaged? I think part of it anyway is it just seems sort of fractured, like 3 or now 2 teams but one isn't playing. That plus its like the opposite of a pagonging/strong alliance with the numbeand boring predictable boots. This season has more flippers and flipping and so lthe TC's are more unpredictable than a pagonging but it seems less like strategy than everyone just jumping ship every vote. And you know i wondered why we didn't see this more as a way to play the game. And it is a way to play, its just sort of boring because it seems less about chess moves and scheming. If Aurora doesn't win then..........Kelly or Capt Sparrow? He just seems so sad.
  2. And that's not a blindside. That's a chaotic random mess.
  3. What a BORE. Not entertaining or fun. The challenge was a bore, EoE was a bore. Tribal was a bore. I can't even get up the motivation to care about who voted for who why. The whole show was a bore. Except for Julia telling Wardick to shut up. That was sort of fun.
  4. Did anyone else see the article where they took a fan's suggestion to Probst about labeling on the tv screen if someone has an idol or advantage so people can remember? I think they did that last episode but I must not have noticed. They article showled Kelley during a secret scene with Name and 1 idol or something in red IDK I keep getting Dan and Rick confused, not the people but the names because they use Ricks last name a lot and Warthog for Dan. Although i think I'm finally getting the hang of it.
  5. When there is a scramble just before tribal often its because the expected agreed on bottom/next vote won immunity right? Or has switched alliances.
  6. Seabass apparently caught fish in his season but it wasn't shown. I kind of like Wardick for Dan but WarDan might work the best for those of us who know one name but not the other.
  7. Returning from EoE right? Not a returnee to the game David/Joe. Although Joe would be both. I'm gettin really confused with everything! I can't even figure out the above posts about what went on at last tribal. If a returnee from EoE Rick Devins has gotten good screen time all along.
  8. Maybe like multiple advantages idols popping out? Aubry's extra vote deciding would certainly excite her. Although it sounds like people just changing their minds publically, no whispering.
  9. That tweet said what a lot of people think - Survivor is all about once your torch is snuffed you are gone, and not liking the EoE concept. So could be telling could just be a fan POV whether or not an EoE returnee wins or not. I'm not sure how an EoE winner is controversial in and of itself, whether its a returnee or not. Its the game they set up. I think the jury thing is perhaps the biggest mistake. I suppose I would feel more miffed about EoE if all the EoE members vote for the returnee in a block. Honestly what do they know about anything that happened after they left? I do wonder if in the final 3 questions the EoE person says or reveals things to their buds on EoE that seals the deal or seems to. I don't mind returnees per se but think they should stick to all star seasons instead. By bringing back returnees in mixed seasons they limit the number of people they can go to for an all star season. And its not just because they are immediate tgts, so are older people, especially older women, nerds etc. Returnees take away from a new person's experience, everyone starting on a theortetical level playing field, they take extra screen time - all in a way that hasn't really shown to be worth it. Although part of me wonders, if EoE was dreamed up as a way of stacking the deck for a returnee win, why wouldn't they all be challenge monsters? Joe is the only one that fits that bill. Unless its puzzles. (I'm sick of puzzles. How about a memory game or something,) As far as returnee winners edits, TV man has been getting a lot of screen time from the beginning.
  10. Agree with this post. Julie drives me a bit....,, she seems very judgemental. Jeff said play, Aurora couldn't see what was going on nor could she help. She was on the bottom, so she played. Shut up Julie. Extra vote is still in play right? So what do we have out there...Kelley's idol, Lauren's idol, David and uh Devin? 1/2 idol? and one extra vote?
  11. Wow, great splicey splicey. wtf. Fishcakes, I think the point is that people forget, for the most part, how much editing is being done. Numerous times here, even with more hardcore fans, there have been people who stick up for Survivor as unedited, unmessed with etc. "No they don't do that" or "they only do a little". Well none of us know how much and I suspect it varies by season but I believe strongly that's its more than we realize or more importantly want to believe. So people deny. Its a TV show. They edit, the give people characters, the create drama and suspense where there was none, they make shitty winners look good, or at least better to save their assesses. The more you delve into secret scenes, pod casts, twitter, instagram, forums with uber fans the more unhappy I become watching because the more you know how fake a lot of it gets. For me anyway. I got so mad the season.....idk, with Jenna and Seabass I almost quit for good. I had never delved more deeply and felt more certain that the editing was really messing with some realities. So I've pulled back some. But yea, they seem to be making Kelley a sourpuss/villian when she isn't one. And everybody is talking about it.
  12. Slightly off topic but I think the consensus is that EoE, with its Jury who doesn't know anyone etc. is a bad idea, goes against the underlying prime theme of the game (fire snuffed etc.) But Probst, when talking twists in the past, has tended to talk like he is listening to the tweets, community and will tout how people loved it, when people here and on Reddit hated it. Is that happening out in the greater sm sphere? Is this a Reddit, PTV hardercore fan vs. more casual fans who are telling Probst how much they love EoE (and in the past Redemption Island, theme seasons, the Hanson family etc.) Will Survivor Production recognize that the there were many flaws with this twist?
  13. This would work but it seems like a big risk with a Chris around.
  14. I know Kelley said having Rick back was the worst for her in her talking head but I distinctly remember her jumping up and down like a crazy women when he won. I think she is getting a weird edit. I don't really remember her from previous seasons (poor memory in general) so all the Kelley love/hate is not there for me. I know people have been saying she seems really bitter this season so I've been watching. I think the editors are purposefully editing in clips of her looking mad or sour with clips that are probably from some other time period. Like that is the character they've given her this season. Yea, the so obvious alliance vs. Kama not happening really makes me wonder wtf is going on. Production tampering? Not sure about Wendy throwing a challenge, that seems a bit much. She just doesn't seem that....thoughtful? Now Joe throwing his challenge......I thought his fall looked a little fake. Either he thought "not being so great" at challenges was a last ditch effort to not seem like such a threat or Production wanted him to go to EoE Just put this here for everyone althought it doesn't say much https://www.goldderby.com/article/2019/joe-anglim-survivor-38-exit-interview-blindside-merge/
  15. From the beginning I've thought - any returnees should band together, esp after the merge. Everybody is going to tgt you first why not? You can split once you've whittled down the numbers to some other secret alliance and start blindsiding. Of course I don't understand how 3 even made the merge in some respects but I don't understand why Joe and Aubry, Kelley and David didn't try to pull some others in with them instead of splitting up. It was like never even on the table. Almost like they were told they couldn't by production? But had Joe, Kelley, David, Lauren, Mom Bod guy, maybe Wardog, Julie...they would be competing for numbers. (Wait there is a Julie? And that other blond woman I've not noticed before!?!) Generally these guys don't seem to have much strategy, or somehow editing isn't catching it. Agree with the EoE guys on the jury. Sure...let them come and watch tribals. Be on the official Jury? No. Honestly I thought Jeffie's stiffie was going to poke my eye out when he was introducing the EoE twist. I think these stupid ideas all come back to him.
  16. So many spoilers not coming true. But the one about Joe is, whether by luck or whatever, esp? given the thing about Chris.
  17. Well the spoiler that Aubry is at the end and 2 males make it back from EoE both can't be true. I still don't understand how and EoE win could be controversial unless something weird happens. I mean, when they put it together they not only did it knowing that someone could win but were probably hoping someone would win and redeem the whole idea. Upthread someone worded something that leads me to a question: When EoE's participate in the challenge to win back in....I assumed they had to win THE challenge that everyone was playing in. I.e. Someone from EoE was not guarenteed a back in, in fact it would be somewhat unlikely. That there might be no one winning their way back in. Or is it a seperate challenge just for them first? I'm confused.
  18. She did say something to or about Keith and being his Mom. She may have said that in the beginning but I believe she is cleaving to the Mom thing wholeheartedly and willingly, at least in reference to Keith. I wonder if part of the reason she was so angry and at being told that she gave the advantage to Keith is some sort of Mom thing, like she doesn't want to take away anything from Keith. I mean Keith was laying down behind her like she was some sort of shield the whole time. I think she feels protective and of a team with him whereas I don't think Keith feels any loyalty to anyone.
  19. Honestly I've been a little surprised at people not aligning with returnees. They NEED allies, they are experienced players, they don't necessarily seem to be more loyal to each others. Why not join Aubry and Joe or Kelly and David? Or the 3 of them at the merge.
  20. Thats what I thought too. Foreshadowing and/or certainly makes sense. Keep the tribe strong then out you go!
  21. I noticed Reem was sitting in front of Keith who was laying down again, when she was doing the screaming. Apparently they are still a pair. Keith, idk. It was Reem who said lets all agree to not go looking separately. At that point Keith could have said, well I'm not down with that I'm going to look on my own. Or at least tell Mom, since that seems to be their relationshiop. Not that he had to, all is fair in Survivor. But if that's the way you play then that's the way others will play with you. Considering that he had no idea about the map and it was Reems idea to look in the water, I think the fact that he got the one snatched up in the water is more than fair enough. I think Reem did let him have that, I suspect she would have screamed down anyone else.
  22. I know Joe is actuall a challenge monster, at least in this crowd. So on the one hand it makes perfect sense that it comes up a lot. But it is coming up a LOT. Like...is this going to be a thing? A real thing or something they make a thing? This isn't really speculation just,..... I guess there are 3 options, he gets voted off and wins his way back in, jeffie and producers are thrilled. He gets voted off and surprisingly does not manage to win his way back in, jeffie and producers cry. Or he stays in and goes on some sort of immunity run, results unknown.
  23. Not only can't pambypuppy throw he isn't that great in the water either. Or at challenges in general. He is what we refer to as "a hero in his own mind". Wasn't a fan of Aubry's. Never understood why she was considered so good at the game. Not as in I disagree butas in I didn't see it or understand it or something, just ok, benefit of the doubt, she has made it far twice. I do feel a little bad for her, she obviously loves the game and its horrible to go home with an immunity idol and an advantage. But as a "Strategist" she underestimated the target on her. Her teammates saw the merge coming and the threat of 4 aligned returnees. Not that there was much she could do about that in terms of teammates but HELLO IDOL. Bad strategy. So maybe not the player? So what does the merge mean for Joe? I don't see Kelley and David as aligned really?
  24. Man did Jeffie give Aubry an Im so disappointed in you look or what? Some kinda uptight look anyway.
  25. I hearby name him Pambypuppy (because P****puppy) is a bit crude
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