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Everything posted by aghst

  1. Greg tells Belinda that he didn't kill Tanya, that they didn't consummate the marriage. But he offers to buy her off for $100k for her silence. It's not that much money considering what Greg got from Tanya and it wouldn't be enough for her to set up her business. In any event, the bribe offer just confirms the suspicions that Belinda had. Tim goes back looking for the gun after Saxon tells him that his job working for Tim is everything to him. So just as Tim imagined shooting Victoria to spare her being poor, now Tim thinks about shooting Saxon, to spare him the loss of his job. Do you need killer instinct to work as security at a posh Thai resort -- or any post resort anywhere in the world? Unless lives are at stake, would these resorts want their security staff to shoot to kill, to stop robberies for instance? You'd think it would bring all kinds of legal issues, though maybe it would be different under Thai laws compared to US laws -- there would be huge lawsuits too, against resorts since they have deep pockets, or people assume they have a lot of money. Even if he wasn't a Buddhist, Gaitok is right, he's just a rent a cop and he's not going to kill people for this job. Nor does he want to be on the resort owners' security detail, to kill or take a bullet for some rich people. But Mook won't have that, she wants him to make more money so it's "natural" for people to fight. Maybe she should get with the bald body guard with the head tattoos. Gaitok may confront Valentin or get him fired and arrested at least. But first, Laurie is going to get her piece, after she falls out with Jaclyn and Kate. Of course he's going to ask her for money with some sob story, even though his back room is full of expensive jewelry -- no pawn shops on that island? Meanwhile, what did Rick expect, to pummel or kill some frail old guy? Killing him isn't going to bring back his father or make him happier for his ruined childhood. He's glad he confronted the guy but instead of feeling zen, he and Frank are going to party before Frank returns to the monastery, or so he says. Some people are getting spiritual enlightenment in Thailand. Now Lochy wants to stay at the monastery with Piper, which of course cools her interest in staying.
  2. But would she get more followers if she was on the show next season? Did Sienna get more followers on her social media after being on the season? Or some of the other women who came on the show?
  3. Have they ever had the old broadcast network convention of 22 or more episodes a season? Usually they'd air like a half dozen to 10 episodes in the spring before going to repeats. But if they're only airing episode 12 of the season at the end of March, looks like they may not even get to 20 episodes for the season.
  4. If she's not doing engineering, instead doing the social influencer, male celebrity girlfriend thing, that degree is just window dressing. She may in fact be able to make a lot more money getting a lot of IG followers. An engineering job a few years out of school wouldn't pay for stays at Ritz Carlton hotels.
  5. Bravo is choosing these outfits for them. At a minimum, they're doing the professional hair and makeup to glam it up for the show. So why wouldn't they "style" the cast who appear on the show? It would be a hassle for them to bring fancy dresses up to NY on a flight. It's even a hassle to transport men's suits, because you may want to use your carryon allowance for other stuff.
  6. Looks like an IG influencer type. Or wannabe. So she pursues celebrities but is downgrading from pro athletes to Craig? Bwahahaha!
  7. They're spending a lot. Second episode featured a plot about watching a tracking shot in a movie. But it features tracking shot of Matt, in his car or walking around the studio. Then they use "You can't get what you want" for the show just like they discussed using it for the movie within the show. Even the first episode featured a lot of fancy camera work, with Matt driving his convertible at dusk on a city street. I guess Rogen got Apple to pony up a huge budget. Scorcese is a better comic actor than one would have expected. Charlize Theron appears at the end of the first episode in the background, just to approach Matt and Sal -- I only recall Barinholtz in The Mindy Project -- and say "get the fuck out."
  8. Leva was on the show because she appeared in the early seasons, was a friend with Cameran, one of the original cast members. Then she had a bigger role one season where they actually had scenes of her at home. Then they turned that into the spinoff show. They probably had her on the show just to keep the tie to the spinoff but they didn't give her anything significant, just a few short scenes where she commented on other people's story lines, not have anything on her own. Maybe she couldn't or wouldn't shoot more scenes than that. She's suppose to be wildly successful with her restaurants and probably the only reason she does any reality TV is it's great promotion for her restaurants. Plus look how big VPR got and it must have made Lisa Vanderpump even richer, probably drives all kinds of business to her restaurants so that's what Leva is aiming for.
  9. The waiting on Brett's scan turned out to be a nothing burger, just another fake story on top of a pile of fake stories on this show. Craig didn't look distraught at all for someone who just got dumped by the woman with whom he wanted to marry and have children. The woman who may have cheated on him leading to his dumping. In fact the bros were yukking it up on Andy Cohen show right after, Craig repeatedly flashing his big whitened teeth smile. Even if he came across as heartbroken there would be little sympathy for him sine he's an unrepentant liar -- the whole JT called Pat a bitch thing. We can only guess whom he voted for president, given his doubling down on lies. Speaking of heartbroken, Shep also claimed to have found the love of his life. What a load of bull that plot was. Now they're trying to sell the JT and Venita thing. Andy referred to people online calling it fake and Venita said "fuck off." Yeah that's not proof that it wasn't fake. She admitted that they didn't even fuck. So she can fuck off with that BS. Really the only response to this show, or all Bravo shows, is to call out the BS they keep trying to shovel.
  10. Yeah unless the husband's asks were fake in the first place, like being near the beach and close to work. So maybe his commute is actually 5 minutes more or whatever. HHI back stories have to be looked at with a side eye. Same with their rationales for moving to another country, the wish list, etc.
  11. Maybe. How often does a guy with a thin resume get his story made into a high budget show? Stiller must have championed it and he’s doing all these interviews and podcasts to promote the show. my guess is Apple never would have bought the show if Stiller wasn’t involved. Stiller could have buried the unknown guy, basically steal the story, but he didn’t. — didn’t do what one of the Eagans would have done, take someone else’s idea and claim it as his own.
  12. Phil tried to stir the pot with every other racer about Jonathan and Ana using the Driver's Seat. It's really not a good look for TAR resorting to such tactics to gin up drama between cast members. Alyssa had a good attitude about having to 25 pounds of the rice but then she threw shade at Scott and Lori for trying to fly under the radar. Yeah fatigue is starting to set in. People are missing obvious clues and nerves are more frayed. Otherwise I liked the designs of the detour and road block and the scenery. It looked like the quads didn't go that fast that there was a chance of one team overtaking another just by driving more aggressively or recklessly, because those things are known to flip over and with inexperienced riders pushing it, it could lead to risky actions. But looks like they got to enjoy a fun ride through a tropical forest. Interesting to see all those taxis. Traffic can be really bad in some parts of Bali with tons of people on scooters kind of preventing cars from moving freely. They hired the taxis and had them at the venues so the racers didn't really have to go looking for any. In the country side, it would probably be difficult, especially with the taxi mafia in some parts. I wonder why they still use travel agencies. The show is sponsored by the biggest online travel agency. Why not use the computers at the hotel? I guess the tickets were already purchased by the show. They must choose departures from the previous pit stop to coincide with certain flight schedules, so that there would only be a finite number of flights right after they depart and maybe a few teams would have to take later flights which depart a couple of hours at the most after the earliest flights.
  13. Some of these challengers take this show too seriously. What is a bigger motivation for Nany, the money or just finally winning? She doesn’t have enough allies left so she saw it coming, the winner of the elimination taking her and Turbo’s star. She was afraid it would be the final elimination before the Final though. All of them say they need the money. But they know only two of them will end up with the money so they have to be honest about their chances. For instance Veronica and Katey thought they could get into the Final and take out more athletic teams along the way. But really everyone is more athletic than them. Katey said she’d put all the money into the House she and her husband are building. But neither of them seem to be counting on winning the money. So when they get eliminated they skip away, not distraught at all. Nany thought they would be eliminated with their star taken and she was going to rant. Truth is that they should all be looking for other ways to get money, not some TV show with too many things beyond their control. Anyways, both the Daily and the elimination games were fun to watch. No big advantage for anyone. It was about as level a playing field as I’ve recalled seeing on this show.
  14. Is she leaving that other show too? Seems like she either filmed only a few scenes or they just kept cutting out scenes with her in them. Too busy with the other show or maybe they didn't want her on this show.
  15. So did the last Avengers movie -- was it Endgame? -- do very well at the box office? Before the pandemic, so maybe the new one will be unaffected by what's happened since to MCU movies, many of them falling vastly short of expectations as far as box office and reception.
  16. If a male family member molests a younger male member, how would he be prosecuted, for committing incest or just sexual assault, which would be the same as if it involved two unrelated people? In any event, regardless of the legal definition, the point of the scene in the show is that both characters involved are very disturbed by it and it could have consequences for one or both of them. Even if they don't bother to call the police on this event.
  17. A lot of the Lost back story episodes were fillers. They may not have been bad but the motivation for writing and producing them was to keep the show on the air for at least 100 episodes because that was the business model to making a lot of money with shows on broadcast networks, have enough content to sell into syndication. Also Disney/ABC wanted to keep the show on the air for several seasons, because it started out with great ratings and the show creators and show runners had all kinds of financial incentives to keep the gravy train going. So they delved into almost every character, give supporting characters bigger roles once you saw their back stories. The key thing was to delay and delay revealing all the mysteries they hinted at in the pilot and other episodes in the early seasons. They kept introducing one mystery after another. Was it good storytelling to keep dropping these mystery breadcrumbs -- many of which they never revealed or gave very unsatisfactory revelations -- in a cynical way to string along viewers for so many seasons? Well it's a very polarizing tactic because some people felt they were were manipulated -- and not in a good way -- and others liked the series including the end. So far I don't think Severance has done anything like that but it's only 2 seasons so far, just 19 episodes total, which is like how many episodes there were of the first season of Lost. Some people thought the Harmony back story was a waste of time, could have revealed that she invented Severance in a scene or two instead of dropping the reveal at the end of an episode. So far though, nothing like the smoke monster or the lottery numbers or Dharma Initiative or time travel.
  18. Not real jobs. Wihan looking at photos while they have trouble with the anchor. Jason watching him browsing photos right in front of the bridge. So Marina is trying to clean cabins and several others are going around looking at turtle sex videos? No consequences other than fake firings. So nobody going to mention the bat curry? I’d ask for the vegetarian dish. If chicken is unacceptable and for poor people, what is bat? Only okay if you want to start a pandemic?
  19. Strong reception so far. https://www.rottentomatoes.com/tv/the_studio/s01/reviews?type=top_critics
  20. She's had some of the best lines but I'm only recalling the most recent ones "You want to live in Taiwan?" "We have to make her fear poverty"
  21. I’d have more respect for her if she self-deprecatingly called herself a gold digger. Might show some self awareness which is in short supply on this show.
  22. Greg doesn't keep a low profile, considering how he came into a huge amount of money. He worked for the US government and he's got a big yacht and a spectacular villa. You would think that would make people suspicious of him or he just invites random people to his yacht or villa and nobody asks what he does or did. Is that how it usually works, you get invited to some yacht or a mansion and you don't wonder how the owner got so rich?
  23. No all the females are expected to pretend to be interested in some male cast. It's possible they are genuinely attracted but they're being filmed most of the day and they're expected to dress up when they go out and flirt at least. But it's also possible that they're not interested or that they're interested in someone else, either back home or maybe near the port where they're working. Getting more skeptical that every young cast member who isn't married is on the prowl, in front of the cameras.
  24. Well she assumes that Piper won't give up "creature comforts" because she herself wouldn't want to live if they're poor. In fact she said they need to make Piper fear poverty. We will see if she's right, if Piper is more like her mother than she would like to admit or she really wants to get out of the life that Victoria has planned for her. Maybe because they are about to become poor but that monk blew his mind a lot more by having him visualize water drops falling back to the water than he imagined blowing his brains out. Though he seemed to be thinking of Victoria when he then imagined blowing her brains out first and then killing himself, to spare her being poor. Saxon has no soul according to Chelsea, who was trolling him about getting with his brother, drugs or no drugs. But The Handjob is going to torture him for awhile. Probably until he learns that they're going to be poor. How is he going to be a tortured soul if he doesn't have a soul? Gaitok is turning it around. He retrieved the gun and he shot like a boss. Maybe he has a killer instinct after all. Mook seems to be into it, a man with a gun. The women friends subplot is boring though Laurie is salty that Jaclyn hooked up with the Russian. Jaclyn's husband claiming his phone was dead seems like a common or not believable excuse. What's Jaclyn's excuse going to be, he ghosted her for a couple of days so she hooked up? Greg/Gary doesn't seem to care if Chloe hooked up with one of the brothers. She just realized that she has a nice setup, living in some beautiful villa, with a baller yacht and meals and amenities at the WL below? Maybe she shouldn't be taking her LBH for granted. Rick sat and listened to Frank's story and now Frank has to do him a favor, pose as some film director so that they get to the house of the WL owners, so he can "talk" to the guy whom he believed killed his father.
  25. Or she believes that to continue being cast on the show, including the seasons following this one, she has to get involved in the hookup drama, including dressing up and drinking and possibly hooking up on those crew nights out. If she decided to be "boring" by just doing her job, which is cooking the meals, and just kept her head down to focus on the work, obviously it wouldn't be as entertaining compared to having conflicts with other cast members. Hell unless she upped her "game" her scenes would be cut and not even make it on air.
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