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Posts posted by rur

  1. 3 hours ago, Cheyanne11 said:

    This 100% is going to blow up in her and TJ's faces when the surrogate has second thoughts about giving up the baby or Molly doesn't like how she's managing the pregnancy and alienates her.

    Am  I mistaken, or was the surrogate they chose the one who said her son was looking forward to having a baby brother or sister? That comment raised some red flags for me.

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  2. 8 minutes ago, Oosala said:

      And I agree that this deck crew is a total clusterfuck.  C'mon, guys.  You do the same damn thing every single day.  Why are you constantly wandering around the deck, clueless, day after day, like it's your first time there and you don't know where the bathrooms are?  Pick up a cloth and start polishing or spray the deck and start cleaning.  Jesus.  After watching all of these BD shows, I could do your damn jobs.

    I was thinking the other night that, as we get more and more people who are more interested in developing an online profile than on actually working on a yacht, that the quality of service overall has definitely gone down.

    I remember in an earlier season that, at the suggestion of a deckhand, that the deck crew would drop all the fenders at once. It's a little thing, but it's the kind of thing that says "attention to detail" to both the people on the boat and on shore. We also used to see deckhands always walking around with a cloth and wiping down the railings. Inside, we used to see coordinated service -- with all the plates being placed on the table at the same time, for example. 

    The things I've mentioned are just little things, but they're the kind of things that make the experience special. Of course, I'm aware that many of the guests they're getting now wouldn't know 5-star service from sit-down service at Cracker Barrel, but still . . . if you want to attract people to the super-yachting experience, show them what makes chartering a super yacht special, because leaving the yacht to sit on a deserted beach ain't gonna do it. 

    Rant over. 



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  3. 1 hour ago, aghst said:

    Was it Culver that kind of led Courtney on, making her believe they'd go on some van trip together after the first season of BDDU?


    It was Brittiny that he friend zoned last season, although I think that his original stated interest in going on a van trip was probably an offhand remark that she took as a definite commitment because of her initial interest in him. 

    Overall, though I remember him (although I may be wrong) as a somewhat goofy but decent person and worker last season. I think he's learned that he gets more camera time if he's a jerk. 


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  4. 4 hours ago, NotMySekrit2Tell said:

    With all of Curtis's angsting about his paralysis, my new nickname for him is "Million-Dollar Manbaby." 

    Ignoring the fact that there's already an over-under on how long he'll stay in the wheelchair, I'm sure TPTB thought this storyline would generate lots of feels for the character of Curtis. If they hadn't  written him as a self-righteous prick for so long, it might have worked. 


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  5. 19 minutes ago, pasdetrois said:

    I suffer from vertigo and seasickness. I wondered why Adam would choose to work on a wave-tossed boat. Maybe medication helped in the past but is not working now?

    In one of the episodes, he said that he'd forgotten to take his medication. 

    I'll admit that it's never affected me, and what little I know about seasickness comes from Horatio Hornblower novels. In those, he got sick every time he set sail, but knew he'd adapt after a few days. I thought it would be the same for Adam, but since that isn't so, I, too wonder why he'd want to work on a boat. Was the lure of the 15 minutes of fame so great?


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  6. 1 hour ago, Victoria Winters said:

    The fact that Laura isnt embarrased that Luke left her ready and waiting in his cabin to go try and get with a drunk passed out Margot...says a lot...delusional narc

    With all the closeups on Laura's face during the explanations about Luke and her being told about fireable offenses, I was hoping that she was having a lightbulb moment and would change her behavior. But she still didn't get it. 


    As I write this, though, I can't help but wonder what kind of life she's had. She said she left home at 18 and has never been back. Who knows what kind of survival skills she's had to develop. I think she's had to become street smart, but she's just not smart enough to become really street smart.

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  7. 7 hours ago, Chalby said:

     And he got so mad at the camera crew because they refused to let him shut the door on them? (They knew it was not good.) I've already read somewhere that he gets fired so it's great to see a consequence for his sexual aggression.

    This is not a defense of his behavior at all, but I think that he wanted to shut the door so he could find something to cover himself before he slunk  back to his cabin. 

    However, production was in the right in wanting the door open.

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  8. 11 minutes ago, Tanukisan said:


    Soo… all of a sudden the producers are telling people to get to their own bunks?  Season after season of drunken antics that are obviously encouraged and now the chickens are coming home to roost?  A day late and a dollar short, no?  Not seeking to excuse Luke nor anyone else’s behavior, but what else do people think are going to happen when all this drunken revelry is encouraged and exploited?  A bit hypocritical, methinks.  Perhaps those of us who have constantly observed and complained about the tomcat behaviour of the  crew have had a point?

    Luke did a wrong thing, there’s no doubt about it.  But it’s not surprising, given the antics we’ve seen the crew get up to in this season and seasons past.  I wonder if Bravo will learn a lesson from this – I doubt it.


    I remember reading somewhere  last year that a different production company did the Down Under franchise. If that's still the case, maybe they just won't put up with/encourage the same crap that the other company does. I don't think we'd ever seen the producers stop something on camera before. (Even though, for example, we learned later that production had to step in to break up a fight between Lexi Wilson and someone else.)

    Maybe the tide is turning a bit. 

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  9. 1 hour ago, Cotypubby said:

    No clue or interest in this other Bravo reality show. I liked the “real clients” challenge more when it was actually regular people and not D-list “celebs” from another show. I guess they didn’t want the designers to offend anyone like they have in past years.

    I don't usually watch this show, but I tuned in for the Below Deck angle. I suspect that the  BD Bravolebrities know exactly which side their bread is buttered on, and were going to say they loved whatever ridiculous outfit they were given, regardless of what they may have been thinking privately. 

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  10. 6 hours ago, IWantCandy71 said:


    They wouldn't have Cyrus need a heart transplant, just to kill off Gregory to give it to Cyrus, would they ?


    If he needs one, I suggest they get it from Michael. He has one that hasn't seen much use. 😉

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  11. 1 hour ago, aghst said:

    They're doing a Lee and Kate Couch show of some kind and some BD cast members going on some runway show.

    I enjoyed the Galley Talk shows, mostly because it was people who'd been there and done that talking about what was going on, but I have no interest in Capt. Lee and Kate doing a talk about all the Bravo shows, mainly because I don't watch any of the rest of them and have no plans to do so. Bravo is going to self-promote itself to death.

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  12. 4 hours ago, ffwbe said:

    So clearly, they’re going to pretend that Carly can quickly make $5 million and then some from a diner so she won’t have to sacrifice anything. 

    IIRC, Carly doesn't cook. Wasn't her one recipe frozen pizza? What the heck will she be able to do in "her" kitchen? 

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  13. 1 minute ago, Auntie Velvet said:

    Sam and Dante have really been building their chemistry lately. I was going to ask if anyone knew if they had become a couple in real life, but then I remembered that the Joss and Dex actors are, so there goes that theory.

    As the wise man Joey Tribbiani once explained to Chandler: if there's chemistry on stage they're definitely not having IRL sex, but if there is no chemistry on stage then the actors are definitely having an affaIr and that's used up all the chemistry. 😉

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  14. 52 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

    I hope that Curtis/Portia fans are happy with their scenes today. Someone should. I couldn't get through them. Shut up Curtis, you're the one who walked out on Portia. What an arrogant, small man.


    Intellectually, I know that what Curtis is feeling and saying would be a normal reaction to the realization that he might not walk again, but he's been such a selfish, self-centered pissant, that I don't give two hoots about his emotional pain or his attempt at martyrdom. Just STFU.

    And the whole audience knows that he'll walk again anyway because that's  how TFGH rolls, so there's really no drama involved.

    7 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

    Dex and Joss are revolting and I cannot take Michael/Willow. Double dose of douchiness in the afternoon is not what I asked for.

    I wonder if anybody at GH headquarters is truly aware that what we see on the screen is that Joss and Dex talking death, murder, and assorted mob violence is their foreplay.  

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  15. Quote

    Bobbie was sole owner [of Kelly's]? Shouldn't it have been 50-50 with Luke?

    I can see Luke handing it over to her when he left Port Charles.

    Remember, Luke* is "legally" dead (regardless of whether or not we believe it). In that case, Bobbie would become the sole owner.



    * Maybe, like Cool Hand Luke, the tales of his exploits will continue long after his demise. 

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  16. 5 hours ago, iMonrey said:

    Oh, the guests are most definitely recruited, this has already been established by one who admitted (after the fact) that she didn't actually know any of her fellow charter guests. Also, see @Zaffy's post above.

    Recruiting definitely occurs, maybe not with all guests, but definitely with some. On OG Below Deck, a returning guest, who had previously been on the boat with some other couples,  said in a later interview that he had been asked to recruit some friends for an all-male charter.

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  17. Among the bombshells dropped for me was that the Daisy-Colin romance had begun before filming for the show started and that Gary knew about it because Colin had told him.  That's not a particularly big deal in itself, except that it does prove that much of what we saw was set up by the producers. So, I'm a bit ticked off at the three of them for apparently not realizing how they had been used by the producers from the beginning. 

    The Daisy attacks went on way too long, and I'd like to believe that on any reputable show the host would have moved on to other things. But Bravo likes it messy. 

    Colin is nice eye candy, but he's fling material and not a long term prospect. His main interest is sailing, not romance. 

    All that aside, Mads looked terrific!

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  18. On 7/16/2023 at 1:16 PM, methodwriter85 said:

    . . . soaps . . .  at one time, they really were a stepping stone for a lot of very talented actors who went on to have great movie/primetime careers . . . 

    I can't let this thread go without mentioning Mark Hamill, who  played Kent Murray, nephew of Nurse Jessie Brewer.

    A return of that legacy character could make things interesting. (or more interesting to me than RoHo's character threatening Ava)



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  19. 16 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

     I like TJ, but I'm tired of him being the only doctor available on a show called General Hospital. I'm assuming that his next stop will be tropical diseases whenever ME takes a few days off.


    Only another specialty? He's probably being considered for co-Chief of Staff, now that Britt's gone. 

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