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Posts posted by rur

  1. 1 hour ago, Baltimore Betty said:

    It is hard to defend Nat for a few reasons and one of which is her anger at Jessika, it was baseless and immature, Nat was pissed at Jessika for not checking on her? Really? Stupid. 

    Although I was a bit tired of her boyfriend issues, I had been willing to give her a pass on some things because of Kyle's machinations, (and because we've all done stupid boyfriend-related things in our past), but her jumping into someone else's conversation to berate Jessica was the tipping point for me. There is something seriously wrong there.  

    Betting that someone (production . . .  since they had cameras there) convinced Kyle to apologize -- probably because it got through to him that his job might be on the line. 


    • Like 5
  2. 1 hour ago, Salacious Kitty said:

    Didn't Dodi say that Diana had picked it out? Or liked it? Something like that.

    He was rather insistently asking her to point out something that she liked. I got the impression that she just pointed at the first thing she saw and said, "that one." I would prefer to  think she would have had better taste than to thoughtfully choose something that ugly. 

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  3. 49 minutes ago, CeChase said:

    Oh wow I missed that I'm sorry.  Okay, that is news.  I'm shocked by that. 

    I'm kind of pleased. I've gone on record before about not particularly liking the actor, mainly because the audience could often tell when he was half-assing his scenes. I don't expect anyone to have stellar day every day, but a professional should be able to NOT let the audience know his or her heart isn't in it. 

    • Like 1
  4. 28 minutes ago, Pop Tart said:


    Natalia isn't an innocent for sure, but Kyle was 98% responsible for everything that had happened during this charter and yet he's convinced Tumi and Jess to let him skate and put all the blame on Natalia.


    I did think it interesting that on WWHL both Lara and Luka, two members of the deck team who didn't even work as closely with him,  Immediately pegged Vile Kyle as the biggest sh#t-stirrer on the boat 

    • Like 12
  5. 22 hours ago, freeser said:

    It is obvious the bakers were not given the proper amount of time.  As everyone has stated, when they ALL fail the problem is not with the bakers, but with the powers-that-be not giving them the correct amount of time.

    I'm not really sure why someone associated with the show has such a fascination with time. I think this is a show where the audience wants to see everyone do well, and the time limits often prohibit that. I'm not saying there should be no time limits, but this show demonstrated that sometimes the time constrictions border on the ridiculous. 

    A while back, I watched an offshoot of this program with professional bakers competing. Some of the things they "completed" looked worse than what the amateur bakers on the flagship show presented. It convinced me that the relatively arbitrary time limits were not really fair. 

    • Like 3
  6. 10 hours ago, Chalby said:

    I remember 2 shows ago Nat telling her boyfriend, "Just say the word, and I'll fly home tomorrow". Even her phoning her beau to say she kissed Luka, I think she was secretly hoping he'd order her to come home. Nat needs to move on from this guy.

    Apparently she's been able to move on and land on her feet. 


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  7. Damn! I was really hoping Drew's appearance was a fantasy. Add me to the list of people who are even more disgusted with the character since banging Carly is more important than seeing his daughter. 

    Let's hope that side pain he had when Carly wasn't looking will lead to his death. 

    • Like 5
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  8. 1 hour ago, YaddaYadda said:


    Instead of going straight to see his child, Drew goes to Kelly's to see Carly. 


    I thought that was Carly's fantasy. It looked to me like it was raining outside, but when he came in, he was dry. 

    But I could be wrong, and I don't care enough to watch it again to check.


    • LOL 2
  9. Two days in a row Carly has stated she's determined to find out who blew the whistle on Drew and her. 

    Does anyone connected with the show realize that every utterance of that phrase  is an admission of guilt? 

    Kinda hard to rail about a judge's corruption when you're acknowledging you were doing something corrupt yourself. 

    (I know . . . it's Carly . . .)

    • Like 15
  10. At first I was willing to give Tumi some benefit of the doubt, thinking that perhaps she was making the error that a lot of first time managers make: believing  everyone has to be bossed around, but now I'm thinking something else --  producers . . . Kyle -- is responsible for some of the discord. Rather than making Natalya 3rd stew, both Nat and Kyle could have been 2nd stews, while making it clear that they would both be expected to help out with other duties as well. I'd like to think that in situations not on television that's what would have happened.

    • Like 5
  11. 51 minutes ago, DanaK said:

    I thought it was strange that even though Ned performed at least 3 songs, we only heard him sing the one Idle Rich song. And I did like the song as I recall it from years ago and Ned sounded good

    When we've heard him singing elsewhere, hiIs singing hasn't been exceptional strong. This song may have been more in his current vocal range. Or maybe he lip synched it. 

    But I don't care. I still liked it. 

    • Like 4


    I'm thinking the fact that the owners are charging people to be on it makes it a commercial yacht whereas a private yacht would not have people aboard that had paid money to be there but just the owners and/or invited guests. 

    It looks like you thought right. 


    From US Weekly: this should clear up any questions about the inspection and the paperwork -- https://www.usmagazine.com/entertainment/news/below-decks-captain-lee-addresses-sandys-forged-paperwork-drama/#:~:text=According to Lee%2C the issue,you are filming a show].

    • Useful 2
  13. 8 minutes ago, statsgirl said:


    Table of one here but I liked Eddie's song. Maybe.it's because I'm old and it brought back memories of that kind of music.

    Eddie "he dropped the Quarter" Maine dedicating that kind of song to Olivia + Brook Lynn wishing her mom were there made me think that she was going to show up at the end of the episode.

    You're not alone. I liked it, too, and I also expected to see Lois, but when I looked it up, she won't be on until sometime in October. 

    In other matters, does Wardrobe hate Ned, too? That leather (or pleather) jacket they had him wearing was too small to fasten in front, strained across the back, and the arms were so tight I'm surprised he could manage to play his guitar. Did they dig out his old Eddie Maine jacket that he wore when he was many years younger and a few pounds lighter? (as are we all)


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  14. 8 hours ago, Earl Is Dead said:

    Didn't Captain Sandy say (or maybe it was Captain Lee again on Couch Talk - sorry I watched them back to back and don't remember) that a pilot was required to enter or exit a commercial port?  So it had nothing to do with her capabilities or lack thereof.  He's like the air traffic controller -  but for boats.  

    A quick google search indicated that pilots are needed in commercial ports, busy ports, ports where a boat's draft exceeds a certain depth,  or when its tonnage surpasses a set point, or because local laws require it. They're there for safety reasons, not because of a captain's ineptitude. Based on the above, it looks like whatever the BDM crew is on this season may meet any number of the requirements. Didn't Sandy say they were docking in a busy commercial port? 

    • Like 6
  15. 2 hours ago, sugarbaker design said:

    He was one of the two people we never see, the first officer and the engineer.

    We saw the chief officer and the chief engineer with their titles as they were introduced making their only appearance.  I was talking about the third person whose face we didn't see in the same shot -- we only saw his right side. 

    Better camera work or editing would have taken him out of the shot, but since half of him was there . . . 

    • Like 1
  16. 13 hours ago, Tanukisan said:


    Toni and Nikola (engineers) – nice to meet you.  Will probably not see you again throughout the season.


    Who was the third person -- we saw half of him, but not his face -- who didn't even merit a mention? Maybe the actual captain of the boat? 😉

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  17. 13 hours ago, Tanukisan said:


    Wait, I can understand why Tumi might have immigration issues, coming from Australia, but isn’t Vile Kyle a citizen of the EU?  Going to another destination in the EU?  So…. Why the problem?  Unless “asshole” is not a proper EU country?

    Maybe his problems -- if there really were problems -- were related to him being a citizen of South Africa while coming to work from the U.S., where's he's been busy with his finance' and being an influencer and recruitment consultant, among other things. (Who in the world are the people who look to him for guidance?????)

    I still think Bravo cut some deal with him guaranteeing future employment in exchange for his injuring himself last year and being unable to complete the charters of season 7, thus avoiding prolonged, messy, legal action  

    I ran across an old article about Capt. Sandy with this headline: https://www.usmagazine.com/entertainment/news/below-deck-meds-sandy-questions-kyles-potential-kiss-with-a-guest/

    So, if anyone needs any more proof that the captains have no actual control over what's occurring on their ships, this pretty much seals it. I can't imagine her voluntarily taking Kyle back after his antics last year. 


    • Like 2
  18. 2 hours ago, Artsda said:

    Joss did say she's think about the study group on move in day, but Mo's son was first trying to make moves.  Dex was at least helping her move into dorms and encourage her education which is opposite of what they have Spencer doing. 

    I hate to defend Joss, but since her first interaction w/ Mo's son was an unpleasant one, she has a reason, if Carly or Trina ever asks (since she's basically friendless), as to why she didn't immediately accept. 

    But the real problem (IMO) is someone's fixation on casting Mo's son. A day player should have been the one to  ask her about the study group, and it also would have been a way to introduce someone new into that age group. 

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  19. 46 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

    I know that Nina is going to get blamed for Drew being beaten up even though Carly committed the crime and Drew was an idiot trying to get information for Sonny.

    And while we're talking about being an idiot, Cyrus had already warned Drew that he needed to be cautious. So he turns his back to the door IN A PRISON to take a shower. Even I'm not that stupid, and I was never a SEAL, a mercenary, or a prisoner. *


    * I understand all the reasons why we had to see his back, but so far, the writers have had him doing one stupid thing after another. I can't generate any sympathy for him. 

    • Like 9
  20. 3 hours ago, AheadofStraight said:

    I'm not sure he understands how very serious a bone marrow transplant is. 

    First of all, sending positive thoughts and prayers to your husband.

    I think York is putting a positive spin on things for his social media. However, I also believe (from experience) that having a positive attitude going in helps. And, if you don't have a baseline for feeling terrible, sometimes you get through things because you don't have anything to compare the experience to, if that makes sense -- it's just something you have to do to get better. 

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