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Posts posted by rur

  1. 2 hours ago, Artsda said:

    Joss did say she's think about the study group on move in day, but Mo's son was first trying to make moves.  Dex was at least helping her move into dorms and encourage her education which is opposite of what they have Spencer doing. 

    I hate to defend Joss, but since her first interaction w/ Mo's son was an unpleasant one, she has a reason, if Carly or Trina ever asks (since she's basically friendless), as to why she didn't immediately accept. 

    But the real problem (IMO) is someone's fixation on casting Mo's son. A day player should have been the one to  ask her about the study group, and it also would have been a way to introduce someone new into that age group. 

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  2. 46 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

    I know that Nina is going to get blamed for Drew being beaten up even though Carly committed the crime and Drew was an idiot trying to get information for Sonny.

    And while we're talking about being an idiot, Cyrus had already warned Drew that he needed to be cautious. So he turns his back to the door IN A PRISON to take a shower. Even I'm not that stupid, and I was never a SEAL, a mercenary, or a prisoner. *


    * I understand all the reasons why we had to see his back, but so far, the writers have had him doing one stupid thing after another. I can't generate any sympathy for him. 

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  3. 3 hours ago, AheadofStraight said:

    I'm not sure he understands how very serious a bone marrow transplant is. 

    First of all, sending positive thoughts and prayers to your husband.

    I think York is putting a positive spin on things for his social media. However, I also believe (from experience) that having a positive attitude going in helps. And, if you don't have a baseline for feeling terrible, sometimes you get through things because you don't have anything to compare the experience to, if that makes sense -- it's just something you have to do to get better. 

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  4. 19 minutes ago, aghst said:


    Only saw a few pieces of food being tossed but afterwards the deck crew had to spray the whole floor to clean it?  So was Tsarina flinging dozens of pieces of food that they didn't show?

    I'm not surprised there were oil spots all over the deck. It's hard enough (at least for me) to cook on a stove without getting some splatter, so I'd imagine cooking on a makeshift grill on a boat could cause a bit of a mess. Additionally, we saw her stepping back from the table to toss the shrimp, so that's more drippage. She probably tossed more stuff than we saw, unless the guests went hungry. 

    And, by the way did anyone else notice she was putting the shrimp on the spatula with her hands before trying to flip it? (ugh).  

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  5. 2 hours ago, RoseAllDay said:

    Just when I think I can’t stand her any more than I do…she finds a way to deepen my loathing. 


    I watched her on the crossover with Project Runway where she ended up with a fairly awful design for her "new" uniform. It wasn't until I was thinking about it the next day that I realized how artfully she had thrown her designer under the bus by saying something like "I told him he was the captain". What sounded like a pleasant comment at first, because she actually did say it,  was really a backhanded way of saying "I had nothing to do with this mess" once they started modeling. 

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  6. 8 minutes ago, perkie1968 said:

    I thought it was hilarious that Drew left the meeting with Sonny and IMMEDIATELY grabbed the first guard he saw to ask his question.  I mean, does he even know what 'undercover' means?  

    He doesn't seem to know anything about discretion, since he was asking in an open area and, of course, Cyrus was listening. 

    Didn't we hear him tell Sonny he was skilled in this kind of work? (I'm not sure, since I was playing a game on my phone.)

    • LOL 4
  7. 41 minutes ago, Fellaway said:


    Also sad, Ned's family essentially driving him into amnesia and now his wife might not even want Ned back if it means displacing Eddie. With all that love in his life, he should come up with a third persona and leave PC very far behind in his wake.

     Olivia never seemed to really like Ned, so I'm not surprised she likes Eddie. He's more of a bad boy . . . which suggests she hasn't changed much over the years. 

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  8. 18 minutes ago, kassa said:

    Seems like when diving is planned the night before everybody should be shut off at a certain time - after all, drinking at 2 am and diving at 8 is probably illegal, too. 

    I would also think that, with any reputable charter company (looking at you, Bravo), information that would provided  about the option of a diving excursion would contain the information about drinking and diving being a taboo. 

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  9. 1 hour ago, howiveaddict said:

    You almost stole my thoughts word for word.   Years ago, when I was very young, I had a dress of similiar material. I tried to press it and the nylon tape melted,  I had to hand stitch it a the last minute.

    If the guests want tempanyaki, why don't they just hire someone from fucking Benihanas.  Also, they can get that food at home.  First thing I think of when I think luxury yacht is a hibachi grill.  Not!

    Once when I was younger I had a similar experience with a blouse, but now I always pack a steamer when I travel. Watching the stews try to steam with an iron is beyond ridiculous. 

    And the chef said -- immediately -- that she wasn't trained in teppanyaki. Maybe Jason should have been a bit more attentive to what she was saying. I agree that they probably could have brought someone in, although that would have cut down on Bravo's need for unnecessary drama. Someone in the staff room was working overtime to think up that request. 

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  10. 10 hours ago, SHERMDOG said:


    My second thot is....is there not a real steamer besides the one on the freaking iron???? I'm confused on this as well!! Lol!

    Thank you! I don't know how many incarnations of this show I've watched where an iron is being used to steam clothes, and it's made me crazy every time. I can't believe a luxury yacht wouldn't have a steamer. Heck, if I were working the laundry, I'd buy a steamer at the first port we reached. They're not that expensive. 

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  11. 3 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:


    With a little more confidence I think Margot will be a great second stew.

    I don't know . . .  she complained for the first few charters about doing laundry and not serving guests. Then when she got to serve the guests, she complained about doing it, then when she went back to laundry, she complained about not serving guests  . . .  

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  12. 2 hours ago, DanaK said:

    I liked Wally’s singing on the show in the past but for whatever reason, he doesn’t sound as good now

    I agree. Maybe he hasn't been singing (except on GH) lately. If you don't keep exercising your voice, you start to lose it. 

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  13. 4 hours ago, JMO said:

     But I think my favorite singing episodes were whenever  Frisco would pull out his guitar at a party and he and Tony would team up for a folk song or a Christmas carol. Pleasant, fun, melodic and could happen in real life.


    Brad Maule (Tony) sang in real life. I remember seeing him on a talk show with his guitar. 

    When Lois and Brenda started their record company in the '90s, they signed Miguel, played by Ricky Martin who was a singer, too. He had been a member of Menudo before he tried his luck on GH.

    • Like 6
  14. Not sure I quite understand the Culver-Jamie dynamic. Even after she checked yes on the card, I thought her face was saying "What have I done," and her talking head made it appear she was not impressed by the card.  But then she arranged for them to have a guest room for the night. Then he had to hot tub with the boys before spending time with her back on the yacht. The whole thing is quite odd.

    However, I'd love to know the backstory behind the card. A couple seasons ago on BDM, Zee was filmed as sending Courtney flowers, but he later revealed (maybe to Andy Cohen?) that production had suggested the idea and then actually ordered the flowers and set the delivery time without his knowledge. It's possible production convinced Culver that making a card would be a wonderful idea. He seemed so determined that she read it out loud that it made me think there'd been some cahooting behind the scenes. 

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  15. 4 minutes ago, Auntie Velvet said:


    It all seems so stupid, because this device that is supposedly so unique and complex that it can't be replicated without stealing hundreds of pages of schematics is ALSO so simple that it could be dreamed up by one to two people with no experience making gizmos whatsoever? 

    Actually, it happens more than one would think:  it's called multiple discovery.

    FWIW:  https://qz.com/emails/quartz-obsession/1482596/simultaneous-invention

    But I'm sure that's not where this story is going. 


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  16. 1 hour ago, iMonrey said:

    The thing is . . . Adam supposedly has some kind of certification that makes him qualified to work on any boat. I can't imagine that wouldn't cover something as basic as dropping anchor! He wasn't even supposed to drop the anchor, he was just supposed to go there and wait until the boat stopped. This was just plain carelessness and it was too big a mistake to brush off. This isn't like not cleaning the tender or not washing the windows right. This was way more serious than that..

    I agree. I think the captain was explaining for the viewers why it was such a big mistake -- that it could literally kill people. A couple seasons ago there was another deckhand (with other problems, TBH) that was let go because the final straw was that he didn't realize that the boat was dragging anchor soon enough. Sometimes there can be real mistakes that just can't be forgiven. 


    2 hours ago, kassa said:


    (I draw the line at the speedos, though. I think he shouldn't have done it, or gone along with the sexpot promotion Bravo has done. He seems like a thoughtful, serious person, and shouldn't go too far into the beefcake stuff.  And I'll say the same if they get another woman captain and she serves dinner in a bikini.)

    I don't think even Bravo would or could get away with expecting a woman captain to wear a bikini. And that, among other things makes me think that the guests had no real desire for a budgie breakfast; it was just another example of production hijinks we didn't really need. 

    37 minutes ago, SemiCharmedLife said:


    I am secretly hoping that Jamiee shows an interest in Luka and drops Culver.  THAT would be some excellent drama and Culver would get some just desserts (not real desserts, since he burned that bridge).  Then, Culver would have a lovely Med charter to look forward to, along with his ex-hookup.  😂. A bit of payback for  him stringing along Britini last season and letting her plan a van trip across Australia...

    She sure made that decision quickly, although I imagine a lot of people get jobs, once they're in the industry, because they know someone who knows someone who's looking for someone. But it would have been nice to see her actually asking him some questions, like how long will the season last, or how much does it pay, what kind of boat is it, how big is the staff, or even are you asking me about this because you think I'd do a good job or because you want someone to sleep with.


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  17. 4 hours ago, Pattycake2 said:


    it appears that both Joao and Alesha have matured.  Joao doesn’t seem as much of a douche and Aesha doesn’t make a sexual comment or belch every 30 seconds. 

    I'm not that sure about Aesha. She is a caring, concerned leader, but her language is still a little raw. We got to hear about her labia on the first couple episodes, and then she talked to Margot about her fanny tingling during a kiss (and in British slang, it doesn't mean rear end).

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  18. I'm not condoning Gary's behavior at all.

    And this is my opinion ONLY:

    But I'd be willing to bet that he has a skill set -- being able to be a jack of all trades on a sailboat* -- that makes him harder to replace than someone on a motor yacht. I'm also willing to bet that there were hopes on the production end that the woman's allegations wouldn't become public, since apparently he'd been warned about his behavior a number of times before and nothing was really done. They couldn't replace him on such short notice, so Glenn, and others on the BDSY crew were told to act as though everything was normal. And maybe that explains his more obnoxious behavior last season -- he knew he was done for. 


    *We saw Gary  in a previous season fix a problem in the engine room when Colin was ashore. I can believe Glenn like him because he's good at his job and understands the boat.

    It's really too bad; he started off as a generally likable guy.

  19. 43 minutes ago, sas616 said:

    Oh, I do.  When Austin mentioned that Cyrus "visited," I thought OK, here we go--Cyrus and mom were having an affair.   Austin never referred to Cyrus as "Uncle." But he paid for Ausin's schooling/medical school.   Why?  Seems to me that he wouldn't do unless he was his father.  If it turns out that he is, Austin will be Laura's nephew.  Good grief.

    I was thinking the same thing, but I hadn't thought about the family tree. Good grief indeed. Of course they'll be related because that's the way GH rolls. And now we'll have to love Austin, because he's tied to almost everyone in town. 

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  20. 39 minutes ago, Artsda said:

    I hope they'd make a twist and make Pikeman someone like Alcazar or Johnny Zachara. But both actors are on different shows. 


    I wouldn't mind Pikeman being Ric Lansing, out to destroy Sonny once and for all. 

    Incidentally, while I was checking to make sure Ric hadn't been killed off before I posted this, I ran across this tidbit on a GH wiki page: 


    On November 19, 2021, Cameron Mathison revealed that he was preparing to portray Ric Lansing before finding out at a meeting with Frank Valentini and head writers Chris Van Etten and Dan O'Connor that he would be Drew Cain.[7]


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  21. 1 minute ago, perkie1968 said:

    So we now have two bad guy groups??

    . . .

    Who's the boss?  

    If Cyrus was as big a Big Bad as he was first reputed to be when he first showed up, he's probably running them both. 

    You know, that'd make it easier for the writers . . . 

    • LOL 3
  22. 1 hour ago, ciarra said:

    They have The Savoy.    If I were Selena Wu, and Curtis disrespected me like that, "We're not friends", I would open a club next door to his, and give half price drinks for a year.  Curtis could have said he wasn't interested in selling, without being a jerk.

    Particularly without being a jerk to a mob boss who could easily disable him in many more ways.

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