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Posts posted by rur

  1. 1 hour ago, Katy M said:

    I think technically there are ratings.  But, a home shopping network wouldn't care about them as they're not selling ads.  What they would care about are sales of the product.  If other businesses with products to sell saw that lots of people were watching they might be more inclined to sell their wares there.  But, if the reason the viewing was high was because of a specific pitch person for another company, that's not going to translate to more views/sales for them.  So, yeah, it was stupid.

    Major shopping networks care about sales. They're constantly collecting minute-by-minute data on sales -- who's doing the selling, what's being said when people call in, if it's being demonstrated, etc. If someone has a breakdown live, how many people were watching wouldn't matter to the network, but how many sales occurred because of it would. Once again, the bad dialog  is a failure of the writers to do minimal research. 

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  2. 3 hours ago, SemiCharmedLife said:

    So the stews need to clean rooms twice daily, do constant laundry, serve and clean up meals, decorate tables and for parties, and make sure the guests have everything they desire all day and night.  If I were one of them, I would jump at the chance of driving the tender just to get 5 minutes of peace.  

    I got confused by this -- in a previous incarnation of Below Deck (I don't remember which one) there was a deck hand that was definitely problematic, but part of the talk about keeping him on was that he was the only other person qualified to drive the tender, suggesting, at least to me, that a license or a certification of some kind was required.  Are the rules different now? Or do they differ from country to country? ETA: Or do they differ based on what production wants?

    7 hours ago, SemiCharmedLife said:

    He's massively full of himself this season.  This is not why some of us liked Gary in the past, despite his f-boy ways.  We saw someone that worked hard, was good at his job and had self deprecating humor.  I'm waiting for his ego to take a hit this season.

    In the past he seemed to care about all of the people he worked with and to be fair, he immediately went to check on Daisy. 

    But, overall, I think his status as a Bravolebrity has gone to his head. 

    • Like 6
  3. 15 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

    Charter guest talking to Glenn while trying to dock is a new one, right?!

    I have seen the deck crew jump thru hoops and give a perfect 5 star service and not get $23,000, this trip included an injury, a burned dress and big lapse of time between courses. I believe more than ever that the tip amount is fake, production decides the amount and it is the same wad of money for every charter, we never see the crew with their whole big wad of tip money at the end of each season.

    Quite a few seasons back, when Kate was still on OG Below Deck, there was quite a bit of online discussion about a rather low tip. The guest, defending himself, posted that production had told him to tip even less than he had. That convinced me that production determines a set amount for the season and then divvies it up among the charters in ways that could cause drama.

    My thought was that if the crew people sign a contract to appear on the show, there's probably a set amount of money somewhere in that contract that they're guaranteed to make. How that's divided between "salary" and "tips" is up to the producers. 

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  4. 52 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

    Oh god, the WSB wants to recruit Curtis. No wonder the agency is such a mess.

    I was really excited for a moment, thinking that Curtis would have to leave town to get trained and then assigned. But those hopes were dashed almost immediately.

    And Curtis . . . If the WSB wants you to work more or less free-lance, you should be thinking that they consider you disposable. 

    • LOL 5
  5. 1 hour ago, mostlylurking said:

    I don’t know what’s more masochistic…just recently starting the show or hanging in there for nearly 30 odd years (I’m in the oldster camp 😉)

    I'll take a seat at that table with you. I was home sick from elementary school and saw the very first episode in '63, just by coincidence. I happened across it on and off in college because my roommate was a fan, but really didn't care too much about it. Then, I happened to be at a friend's house who had to watch the day that Luke was supposed to marry Frank Smith's daughter, kicking off the "Summer on the Run" arc, and got hooked. I've asked myself "why" a  lot of times. I watch now, but lots of times I'm also playing mindless video games on my phone and only look up if something interests me. (Like giant baby Ace, one of the most placid babies in the world.  He must really like the actress who plays Esme. He seemed happy to be held by her today.)

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  6. For what it's worth, and because no one else has mentioned it,  if Robert and Anna aren't going to be endgame, then I want Robert and Holly, even if Holly goes back to wherever and it's a long distance romance. 

    Diane is a mob lawyer. She's dated mob minions. The DA, any DA, should give her a wide berth. I've never seen Carolyn Hennesy in any other role, so I don't know how much of her line delivery is acting and how much is just her, but to me she comes off as consistently smug (the Carlys should study her). Let Ms Wu set her up with one of her soldiers. Just keep her away from Robert. 

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  7. Oh yeah, Portia -- You're concerned that you have permanently damaged your relationship with your adult daughter, but you're also absolutely convinced that you must make sure she's separated from Spenser. No problems ahead there. /sarcasm

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  8. 53 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:


    Why would they ask Gary and not the captain to join them for dinner? 


    They asked the boy who should join them, and he suggested Gary, someone he'd probably interacted with more than the captain. 

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  9. 26 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

    Now, I hate to ever say this, but I do think Gary has a point, albeit a minor one. It's true that Daisy does ask the deck crew for all sorts of favors, like whenever she's putting some sort of entertainment together for the guests. Yet she gets her knickers in a twist if Gary asks for a stew to go on the tender.


    I think her attitude might partially be a holdover from a previous season when Gary asked for a stew whom he fancied to serve drinks on the tender. At that time, Daisy called his bluff and went herself, demonstrating that a stew wasn't really needed at that time. Like @Jsage, I think Glenn might be slightly overreacting to the previous guest's complaint. After all, we've seen them not need a stew on the tender for several seasons now -- I'd rather think that than think that production told him to do it. 

    • Like 7
  10. 43 minutes ago, KittyQ said:

    Most amazing part? A 1980s computer using a 1980s operating system, running a proprietary program still worked! 

    For a moment, I wondered if the weather machine apocalypse countdown might be thwarted by 40 years worth of system updates having to download and install. 🙂

    Luckily for the 2023 world, the release of Windows and its maddening updates was still in the future in 1981.

    • LOL 4
  11. 8 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

    Joss reading "Let me not to the marriage of true minds" was ironic because ever since Willow got together with Michael, she hasn't had a mind at all. (Also, you couldn't come up with anything less overused?)

    I didn't mind the use of the sonnet -- it truly is beautiful, IMO. But what bothered me was that Eden didn't know how to read a poem. She's a goddam actress, FFF! Read to the punctuation mark! Don't stop at the end of the line!!

    Also, Olivia, you own a hotel. You could cater the food. No one wants tomato sauce/lasagna drips on their good clothes. And back off on your complaints about Tracy, who's more of a Q than you are. 

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  12. 25 minutes ago, statsgirl said:


    "The coordinates we got from Trina are heading towards Greenland."  Huh? The coordinates should have been that the boat is in the middle of the Great Lakes. At best, travelling along the St. Lawrence. How fast is that boat supposed to be?

    The heading Trina gave them a few hours ago (if we're going by the "wedding tomorrow" timeclock) was that the boat was going generally northeast (I looked it up.) So, yes, it would be heading that way, because that's generally the direction that the St. Lawrence Seaway goes, if you're trying to get to the Atlantic. But, as others have mentioned, how they've managed to get to Greenland from Lake Ontario while essentially no time at all has passed in Port Charles is one of the more irritating things about this story to me. Also irritating: Curtis's whole "Only I can save them" attitude.  And, since someone mentioned it, and I can't unhear it, Drew's game show MC voice.  I'd take Laura, Valentin, Robert, and even Holly and Tracy on a caper any day. Leave the two idiots at home. 

    (afterthought: let Curtis and Drew be cannon fodder for the initial broaching of the Haunted Star, then bury them at sea)

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  13. Two weeks probably isn't unreasonable for that kind of engine repair. The concern for Capt. Glenn was that he and his crew couldn't sit at the dock for two weeks without an engine when groups of  people  would be arriving and would be expecting to board the boat and go somewhere. 

    I can understand the boat's owner telling Colin to try band-aid fixes first rather than immediately springing for a lengthy and expensive repair or a new engine.

    At least it's provided a different kind of drama.

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  14. On 4/21/2023 at 3:59 PM, dubbel zout said:

    I found out I had endometriosis when I had a couple of benign cysts removed—laparoscopically!—and they saw all the scar tissue. I'd had no real symptoms. Molly is lucky she has a doctor who is proactive. Even female gynos can be bad diagnosticians.

    I found out the same way -- I went in for surgery at the right time of the month, and when I woke up they told me I had endometriosis as well as the cysts -- which was probably the reason for at least part of my pain. It's a tricky thing to diagnose, so I'll be interested to see how Molly's story plays out (probably badly, but . . . )


    Also, I agree with @statsgirl about Liesl's motives.

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  15. I've been wanting Willow to die for quite a while. But I've changed my mind. If she dies, we'll have who knows how long of sad sack Michael moping around, telling everyone how Wiley and his baby sister need a mother. Now I want the whole bunch of them to die. We need a car accident, or a bomb, or maybe Willow and the kids can be the (only) victims of Victor's evil plan.  I'd love for it to be a thing that Michael's girlfriends ALWAYS die -- and eventually no one will ever want to have any romantic interest in him. That'd be good soap to me. 

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  16. I think the engine trouble could be at least partially true. We don't know who brought the yacht over to the port. But we do know that they hadn't bothered to flush at least one toilet before they vacated the premises, so that says something about their respect for the vessel*. I can believe that a problem may have developed during the repositioning trip and the crew just took their wages and left the boat without mentioning it to anyone. 


    *We've seen a couple different times on various BDs that the incoming crew has to clean and organize before they can start doing their actual jobs. Maybe getting the hell out and leaving the mess for the next group is standard practice in the industry. 

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  17. 55 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

    I think it sucks that they kept NLG out of this Cassadine storyline. Instead she's there propping Gregory and his sikrit illness.


    They had to -- she was already talking about the Coast Guard and other ways of finding the yacht. They can't let her get near Jordan!

    • LOL 8
  18. 1 hour ago, YaddaYadda said:

    Since I believe in mental preparation;

    • April 25 - Willow gets bad news (again)
    • April 26 - Willow prepares to walk down the isle
    • April 27 - It's Michael and Willow's wedding day

    So we have a day that's about to last 9 whole days. *sigh*

    More than nine!

    As I write this, it's April 14, and the McBorings are getting married "tomorrow".  I'll be eager to see how far the Haunted Star travels in the same 24 GH hours. I suspect they'll be closer to the coast of Bolivia Venezuela by April 21st than Michael and Willow are to an actual ceremony.  

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