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Posts posted by rur

  1. 13 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

    Sam's pool outfit was very subtle. That whole caper was so embarrassing to watch.


    I've said it before, but Sam's only PI investigative tactic is to get close to a man and exude pheromones, and I always suffer secondhand embarrassment watching her. 

    I'd love it if, when Sam and Spinelli finally open Jason's file, their pictures were on page 1 as Known Associates. 

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  2. 2 hours ago, ffwbe said:

    If Jagger wasn’t playing Sam, he’s got to be the dumbest man alive. He knew who Elizabeth and Danny were but were supposed to believe he wouldn’t recognize Sam, who coincidentally was telling him about her ex who just came back from the dead?

    This, at least twice. Please tell me any agent worth his salt wouldn't know exactly who his stooge's ex-wife was and what she looked like. And that he wouldn't be suspicious of any stranger who started telling him details about life with her ex-husband if he'd just met her two minutes earlier. 

    If he truly didn't know, then the dumbing down of Jagger to help deify the holy hitman has definitely begun. 

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  3. I don't want to say a name, for fear of putting an idea out in the universe that's not already there, but, knowing Frank, my first, cynical guess would be one of his pets -- and the audience would be going crazy, screaming No!

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  4. 3 hours ago, Desperado said:

    I asked for the pool and got the pool - yeah!

    All that’s missing is the fun.

    If Lifeguard Joss continues to sit and chat with people with her back to the pool, I imagine something will happen . . . 

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  5. 15 hours ago, Sake614 said:

    why were both Lois and Natalia wearing white? I know Natalia’s dress had a slight floral design but it was still WHITE. Was she trying to show up the bride and call attention to herself?

    Glad to know that I was not the only one who was wondering about that. I had kind of rationalized that the mother of the bride was in silver and was coming to accept it, then Natalia came out in that lovely, but basically white dress . . .  and I started wondering what the heck was going on in the wardrobe department. 

    Lois with all the pearls at the neck was very Lois, I thought, but the hat looked terrible with her outfit, and I think a dress or suit of that fabric instead of a pantsuit would have been much more flattering on her. 

    Finally, IMO it's clear that Wardrobe hates Wally Kurth. I refuse to believe they don't have a couple black or dark blue suits on the racks in the back room. "Used car salesman" is the perfect description for what they put him in. 


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  6. 10 hours ago, nilyank said:


    Sonny is putting out the charm for Natalia. 

    Is it just me, or does anyone else think that thin-lipped smile he uses (I think because it's supposed to show his dimples) doesn't make him look charming, but instead just makes him look like a skeevy, dirty old man?

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  7. On 5/5/2024 at 2:22 PM, Sake614 said:

    Someone on Twitter asked Mo why his hair is so dark. He said he does it himself and that he wants to go grey but the show won’t allow it. I have a hard time believing he doesn’t have the clout to tell them he’s not dying his hair anymore. Christian LeBlanc (Y&R) stopped dying his hair during Covid and he’s a silver Fox now! Mo would look 1000x better with grey hair!

    At the very least, he should have a professional color his hair. I imagine he can afford it. 

    Since DZ's  Dante is letting his gray hair show, it's rather obvious in his scenes with his father that Mo's hair is dyed. 

    This makes me suspect that Mo's story about the show not letting him go gray is a bit of an exaggeration or he and Dom have cooked up a scheme to make them let Sonny go gray. I would put my money on the former, since I agree with @Sake614 about the power he probably has. 

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  8. 8 hours ago, graight said:

      And who studies for a big important exam in the middle of a diner?

    When I lived in a house with 5 other roommates and had an exam in my night class, I'd go to the student union grill for to eat dinner and study. But there wasn't anyone there I knew who would distract me. 

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  9. 35 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:


    Carly's hostility at learning John/Jagger knew Jason Quartermaine before she knew Jason Morgan was hilarious. I'm surprised she knew anything of the Jason/Karen past. I don't recall Jagger and Jason being friends in high school; I remember Jagger had a fling with Brenda while being in love with Karen, Jason's girlfriend. I could have sworn Jagger worked a little bit for Jason/the Qs.


    I had been wondering if the fact that Jagger and Jason Q knew each other would ever be brought up, so I was pleased that it was acknowledged today. 

    I don't remember if they were friends, but they were friendly. 

    I will never forget the scene where Karen, Jagger and Jason were in a boat and it began to leak. To plug the hole,  Jason told Jagger, "Quick! Take off your shirt!"

    In an interview even Antonio Sabato laughed about the contrivance to get him shirtless. 

    • LOL 4
  10. 1 hour ago, iMonrey said:


    The "murder mystery" was thrown together at the last minute by Kyle and Ben of all people, Fraser couldn't even be bothered. And they're right it was more of a treasure hunt than a murder mystery. Really lame. Fraser should have put more effort into it and started planning as soon as they read through the preference sheet and saw the request for it. And that was before Cat bailed on them.


    IIRC, in a previous season, there was a murder mystery, but it wasn't incumbent on the staff to create it. The chief stew just ordered a murder mystery kit from the provisioner. So, why creating a mystery became an issue this time speaks more of producer-created issues than actual problems. 

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  11. 2 hours ago, dubbel zout said:


    "It's just you and I here." Oh, Diane. You should know better. (And as a writer herself, so should Carolyn Hennesy. I am doubly disappointed.)


    That line caught my attention, too. But I'm pretty sure it's correct. "You" and "I" are subject complements and therefore nominative, not objective. I think it might be more likely that Carolyn changed it to the right pronoun. 

    But that aside, I'm hoping that the article about Diane  sleeping with the D.A. leads Robert to decide they can't continue their relationship. 

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  12. 4 hours ago, iMonrey said:


    Jared: “It’s hard to sew a woman back together without leaving a scar behind.” WTF. Is he Frankenstein? So what I'm piecing together is that he knocked some girl up, said he didn't want anything to do with it, she moved on with her life then he started feeling guilty about being a deadbeat dad. 


    I think he said it was hard to sew a wound back together without leaving a scar

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  13. 14 minutes ago, ComeWhatMay said:

    Maura has chemistry with a doorknob and elevates her scene partners, but I hope any dalliance whatsoever with her crypt sex baby daddy is temporary at most. I cannot imagine PM not using her. She’s committed, looks phenomenal, and is an outstanding actress. 

    Not only that, but she killed in that leather jacket yesterday.

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  14. 21 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

    Mo always takes me out of his scenes when he uses his shrill voice. I just can't take Sonny seriously at all. 

    He's been particularly awful lately. He doesn't really convey what he's supposed to convey -- it's like instead of sounding angry, he sounds like what he thinks angry should sound like, if that makes sense. Combine that with the character tics he's developed over the years, and he's coming off as more of a caricature than a character. 


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  15. On 2/20/2024 at 9:06 PM, racked said:

    Trina would want the man who raised and loved her to be there to comfort her now. I hated the Curtis being her bio dad storyline to begin with but for them to have her now act like Taggart doesn’t exist is terrible. 

    This is what irritates me the most. When Trina's (allegedly) true parentage was revealed, she had a heartfelt conversation with Taggert saying he would always be her dad.  Then, within weeks,  she was calling Curtis "Dad" and there was no mention of Taggert at all. I could live with the transition better if she used another name for Curtis. IMO, the current situation is a bit of an insult to all of us with memories. 

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  16. 2 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

    Sonny has never really cared about Joss aside from her being safe for Carly's sake. I like that about him. .

    Me too -- it so neatly demonstrates his priorities. 

    And, FWIW, today in his confrontation with Dex, he sounded more like a petulant 15-year old than a powerful godfather. Maybe the new writers will move him to a back burner. 


    Joss's anger is so stupid. Dex worked for Sonny. WTF did she expect would happen? This is not an unforeseen consequence.

    I'm pretty sure I wasn't hallucinating when just the other day I heard Joss tell Dex to run -- for her. Why does she now hate Sonny for convincing him to do the same thing? 

    • Like 6
  17. When Sonny learns that Dex has been loyal to him, I'd like to see him turn on Brick: He could accuse him of being the leak and trying to shift the suspicion on to someone else, or he could be angry that Brick almost caused him to kill a valuable asset. Either way, it'd be a great reason for cutting Brick loose. 

    (And in a perfect world, leaving Brick in the Pine Barrens.)

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  18. 12 hours ago, aghst said:

    That suggests to me he doesn’t have a particular standard, just making things up, like who cares about sink stoppers?

    He didn't appear to care whether they were up or down. He just wanted things to be consistent from room to room. We've often seen more experienced stews telling new stews how to fold sheets under, or how to fold toilet paper. Neither of those things really matter either, but when things appear consistent, it creates an impression of attention to detail, something people would expect for a "luxury" yacht  experience. I think plugs up or down is just one more item  to put on the checklist to make a room ready. 

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  19. On 2/6/2024 at 9:47 AM, Baltimore Betty said:


    Kaptain Kerry took a page out of Capt. Sandy's book and persnickety about drain stoppers, toilet paper

    I think I'm sitting at a table for one regarding this, but I liked it. I liked the idea of the captain doing a walk-through with the chief stew before the first charter of the season, and I liked hearing Captain Kerry talking about the drain stoppers. I think those things showed what a luxury yacht experience should be like. We should have been seeing more little details like this every season.

    However, I do suspect that Captain Kerry naively thinks this show is actually about the luxury experience and has yet to learn that its focus is on the lowest common denominator of behavior among both the staff and the guests. 

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  20. 1 hour ago, Katy M said:

    Diane and Rober'ts argument was ridiculous.  First, none of this was brand new information.  Second, of course a DA should want to put away bad guys.  

    I realize Diane is the only woman of appropriate age on the canvas for Robert, but TPTB should just end this now. Better that he be single and looking rather than burdened with a pissy mob apologist. 


    In other news, Brick was just creepy in his scene with Jordan who has now  put herself as deputy mayor in bed with the mob. Way to go, deputy mayor! 


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  21. 41 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:


    That was one of the weirdest abandoned storylines in recent memory, and I struggle to see the point. We already knew Bobbie was a good person, we didn’t need her taking on human traffickers to drive the point home. My best guess is there was a story planned, but it got dropped when SB re-signed and they decided Carly’s focus needed to be on him.


    IMO, At some point during the planning of Bobbie's tribute someone noticed that January 11 was Human Trafficking Awareness Day and whatever was planned was twisted so her memorial and her involvement could coincide with the day. I don't think there was ever any thought given to extending the story. 

    I"m sure TPTB are congratulating themselves on their relevance. 

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  22. 36 minutes ago, nilyank said:

    I don't want to rewatch but did Cyrus realize that Dex was trying to kill him and that he worked for Sonny?

    Since he was lying there with his eyes only half-closed and later grabbed Dex's arm, I'd say yes, he knew what Dex was up to. I imagine thinking it was at Sonny's bidding would have been his immediate conclusion, whether or not he knew who Dex was. 

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