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Everything posted by iwantcookies

  1. To be a teacher she’d need even more education and certification. Since it’s make believe why not make her a teacher!
  2. I finally finished S5. Lor proposed ! Luke accepted. Rory went baaaddd stole a boat and quit Yale. Mama Kim is back in Lanes life. Logan is not charming or cute. He is a jerk and a kid who will be rich 4eva cuz of his inheritance. And one conversation from Rory and all of a sudden he is no longer a player but a 1 woman man… yeah right. Rory’s vagina is so special he is willing to commit to her at 20? Hahaha. Rory is cute but she isn’t STUNNING or special. I liked it when Mitchum gave her a reality check. Rory the assistant never the EDITOR/Barbara Walters. Emily is truly a vile woman.
  3. Look at my refugee looking kids! Send me $ I might feed them something this week! Mah beautiful Nurikins is glowing cuz she pregnant again. Oops she did it again. Another babyyyy for me to scare with mah raccoon eyes and breathtaking makeup ! I’m a beautiful blessed MEME. Mimigate 2022. Love Jesause and mah HUNK -Jill Plexusss yasss
  4. Wonder how far Dora and Shayne will get. They are both very young and ambitious! Aron is the worst judge.
  5. Oh how sweet she is clutching that blanket which I bet she sucks on 24/7. Now it has dog hair etc to boot! That kid needs a loving mama who can feed her daily.
  6. Aww M farts unicorns that’s cute!
  7. A. I was hoping the dog would bite Jilly bean. B. How sluttish to wear a toe ring, reveal your feet, and wear toenail polish. 🤮😱 C. Gee how is your SEVERELY injured knee doing?
  8. Anyone know who the shorts wearing woman is? Jill allowed herself to be around a woman who is not wearing a LONG skirt! Watching all the kids playing with puppies had me worried. I hope Jilldo doesn’t take any more dogs home!
  9. Sweet pea is not accepting any changes haha. She is still clinging to Coochie and Robchin for dear life. Read the room sweet pea K & R do not want you around their family. Take your Lulano clad body elsewhere. Love, Cookies.
  10. I’m surprised they did not announce if they had another baby.
  11. So she employs 7 people who probably spent all their time blocking people on SM who dare write anything negative about Ms Sensitive Her word salad post gave me a headache Meri please sit your filtered self down in a chair and relax
  12. Is that Tim? At least he got a meal. I cannot believe people are still giving them $/food/anything. They are able bodied and can work. Shaking my head. Of course Jill is begging for more $… can’t have hubby not having access to the fridge/tv/phone etc. Dog forbid he works a REAL job. Hubby has no shame. Able bodied and begging for $. Bet Jill found $100 to go eat with David in a restaurant. Anyone who donates to them is a fool.
  13. That’s what I noticed! Jill was probably distracted by a new grift idea and ran off.
  14. I can picture Wendy doing a few you tube rant videos in her apartment. Other than that she will probably stay home in her bathrobe 24/7 and become a shut in. I can’t believe she blew her career! What a shame. She made good $ for gossiping. Her job wasn’t that hard. Hopefully she will figure out her $/bank troubles. It would suck if someone stole her $ and left her broke!
  15. Yeah the young man phrase is driving me bananas. I think even Alejandro (40) got called young man. Shayne and Gabriel I see being called young man. Poor Tommy looked so flustered! I don’t think he is staying for long. Gabe I have high hopes for! And Fred!
  16. Went to Trader Joe’s. Wow prices are way up! $80 bought me 2 bags of goodies. They were not even heavy bags. I went for the ube and cheesecake ice cream. Worth the trip! Wonder if there is a TJ where Jenelle lives?
  17. I am positive that J is just posting all this so we talk about her. She cannot be that clueless. She did birth a bunch of kids who made it to adulthood… Zucchini oatmeal sounds vile. Zucchini with syrup ?! I’d barf. Plexus infused oatmeal sounds delicious (I’m sure that’s the next recipe)
  18. I see she is wearing the $35 sexyyyy bike shorts. Oh Meri you are not a sexy/alluring woman. You just don’t have it. You are like a lumberjack… basically a bull in a China shop.
  19. https://www.eonline.com/news/1327076/why-wendy-williams-says-she-is-fighting-for-control-of-her-money I think this has been written about already
  20. I’m lit to me it means I’m high on drugs
  21. Why don’t you shove a few more rice crispy treats in your pie whole and forget your Instagram password… No one cares ! My dog her posts are ridiculous!
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