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Everything posted by Arynm

  1. I have seen that apartment on this show before
  2. Mom has turned into a drill sergeant. It's a good look for her and the only thing that will work for him.
  3. Moms most important job, after making the food is to walk behind him and hold his pants up.
  4. 4 hours in the car and he is done! This is going to be a long trip.
  5. I am wondering if Thederick has a lower IQ. There is something else going on with him.
  6. He's sucking on that 2 liter like it's a baby bottle.
  7. And... now we are getting a lesson on pre-cum from dad. This is getting better and better. Brandon should know this already.
  8. Mommy and Daddy need their Brandon time!!! That is totally normal, nothing to see here
  9. So all this is showing me is that they are cutting out some of the good stuff to hold back for the pay shows. That really pisses me off
  10. Right?! You want the money you have to let him work. She is for sure not getting a job, even when she can
  11. Not to defend what I still think was a fake pregnancy, but it could be explained by a D&C.
  12. Pop-pop is all, "let them fuck" he would like to get down with Julia. Can't get married on mothers day!! Worst mom ever
  13. Props for that quote usage!! Samantha last week was almost as bad as what's her name, the world just happened around her, she got her surgery, lost the weight and it all just seemed to happen by accident.
  14. Hickys are tacky. Brandon needs to grow up, this isn't middle school.
  15. Does Brandon have a bookcase full of protein powder? For why? He is certainly not bulking up.
  16. Nice Apartment! There can not be that many like that in the Woodstock area.
  17. Brandon has been home 5 minutes and is already in so much trouble. She is going to be a needy one isn't she?
  18. WTF! How is Stephanie paying his wages legal?
  19. I am here! I had to watch last week alone because my husband had to watch something on TV. I have my wine and I am ready for tonight!
  20. I have to defend Jess. She has a great set of breasts. They are large and are doing what large boobs do and they look great. Not everyone has a perky set of boobs that point to the sky, some of us have larger boobs that have some weight to them. They still look great and I have to say, as long as the nipples are not pointing straight down, they are a nice set.
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