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Everything posted by Arynm

  1. If Loren can do this, Ari can do this. It's like 3 seconds and done. I have been there, it's awful but I am glad I did it. I am Jewish so this is what is done. Wine on the pacifier after and that is it.
  2. my hot take on the Yazan Brittany thing is they have not had "regular" vanilla sex. Blowjob for sure! But I really think he's saving that for marriage.
  3. Tom and sister are boring! No Angela so that is nice. Bring back Tim and Veronica. I will also accept Robert and Annie
  4. Ugh! I forgot we move over here so I'm just on the other thread talking to myself like an idiot. It was funny too, what a waste.
  5. Women send Alex naked pictures all the time! I am sure of it. He just deletes them and moves on. If I was to send a naked pic,it would be to Alex. Loren is a lucky women
  6. What a lovely lady, to help Kenny and Armando out. It's an extra step, but looks like they might be able to get married. Human rights violation sounds about right. They will get it fixed
  7. Poor Jihoon can't even rub one out to a random girl in peace. Deavan is looking for cheating around every corner, that tells me more than Jihoon having naked girls on his phone. Those that cheat think everyone cheats so they are always looking for signs.
  8. as well as skinned knees, brain freeze and when your best friend calls you a big dummy and says you aren't friends anymore because they have a new best friend. It's called life and it sucks sometimes. She needs to grow up.
  9. Ari takes no responsibility for anything. If she really cared, this would be the hill to die on. But, she wants to have an out, so she is putting it on her family and his.
  10. Honor killings are still happening, so I don't think that dad was acting at all. I would be very nervous for him. Brittany has no soul if she can look at this and not break it off with him immediately.
  11. Poor dad Summit! He is going into so much debt for this. I just hate it. Will Summit and Jenny ever pay it back?
  12. Ari is an idiot. If I had to choose between one bad day or two for my child, it's not hard to guess which one I would pick. I will give her a pass because hormones. I can hardly watch Deavan knnowing what I know.
  13. Alan Shepard is not coming off so well in this show. John Glenn was just trying to help Shepard get out of trouble that he got himself into. I don't think he was trying to keep Shepard from going up first. If he was Glenn would have called Shorty first. What an asshole. His smirk at the end, like he won something, even though his behavior has been terrible. And he's lying about the ringing in his ears, he should not be going up, so he is incredibly selfish. I can't believe the other guys were on Shepard's side. Glenn just wanted them to be a bit more discreet, not stop screwing strippers completely. It was not a huge ask from him. I wonder if that meeting actually even happened, it didn't work for me. I did like that he even ordered them burgers, it just shows he cares more for them than they know. His ego is huge though, just like the rest of them.
  14. After this quarantine no one needs cookies. Except my damn sister who somehow manage to lose weight and looks fantastic. Me? I gained 20 pounds. Stupid sister.
  15. I enjoy the very dry British humor so as long as they don't bring up Darcey every 2 minutes I might be able to tolerate Emma and Tom. and welcome back Robert and Anny!
  16. i still can't unsee the HORROR! Thanks to @greekmom I have seen the unseeable. I have lived through the unliveable. I feel better that I have now seen the horror, it is always better to confront your worst fears. It's a good thing that I has a few glasses of wine before I viewed said horrors. It really helped. I also laughed until I cried.
  17. I hate to admit this, but I went looking and could not find them.
  18. My son is cut, I am Jewish and my husband is not Jewish but he is also circumsized. I asked my son (18)if he would have rather had the choice and he said no. He is agnostic so the Jewish thing does not really factor in.
  19. Is that you, Debbie? I have had about the same amount of wine she usually has, so I just might be at this point. I have a son, but he can move out and get married anytime he wants. (he is 18)
  20. There is also the opposite, which is a Jocasta complex. Where the mom want the son to be the husband. A sonsband if you will
  21. well, Kenny has been very stoic, but Brittney was rough. Im doing ok so far. Thanks for checking!
  22. It is so the editors can edit it however they want.
  23. I am doing a little drinking game. drink if Kenny tears up drink if Brittany smirks inappropriately. and so forth
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