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Everything posted by Arynm

  1. Georgi should NEVER wear his hair down again. It's awful. I actually prefer the high cheerleader ponytail.
  2. Darcey was drunk and Georgi just snuck it in there that he was married. Classic move!
  3. Apropos of nothing really, but my inlaws just bought a beach house and they named it Endless summer. The poster is hanging on their wall. I had never heard of the movie before then, and now again it's popping up.
  4. Ok, I am back from the couples page and...eh. Boring, of course that's what it is. Darcey and Stacey really can pick em.
  5. I wonder what is going on with Darcey and Georgi? Any guesses? I'm going with some kinky sex thing she isn't into. Or he looks into the mirror too much and it interferes with Darcey's looking in the mirror time.
  6. oh, boy, Colt is angry! Don't insult his manhood. He has the sex and everyone should know it!!
  7. Jess has got Colt's number. I wish that her English was better, she would destroy him.
  8. This is awful news. Who is on charge over there at TLC, single celled organisms? They have to know that on the whole, people like Tim and Veronica and abhor Angela. I don't think I can stomach a show with just her.
  9. It looks to me like she was scratching her arm. My mom gets the same marks. It's hot in Hazelhurst. I also think she got Veneers or lip injections and is hiding it from Michael because he will be mad. She doesn't sound or act like she's in pain. She is acting like she is more concerned with keeping it covered rather than it hurting. Maybe I am just a baby and she is tougher than me.
  10. She's covering her mouth because she said she has an abscess and cant get air on it. I have a conspiracy theory that she did something to her teeth/mouth. She said at the beginning that "he would be mad at her" Which I have decided meant she had some work done and Michael will be mad.
  11. I bet he did. She did ask for them and I bet Colt is not so good at reading people and knowing that she was joking
  12. I am obsessed with watching that eye just migrate inward. She is one jealous bitch.
  13. I am here to the bitter, bitter end. I don't have to work tomorrow because of the Jewish holidays
  14. Sorry guys!!! If I had to see it, I am so glad I didn't have to do it alone.
  15. I thought she said doggy-style. Either way, it was totally fake and why would he ever film that with someone other than his fiance. This just gets stranger and stranger
  16. ok, here we go. I better see something definitive this time.
  17. She took off the poof-ball and put on an equally ridiculous dress to drive in. Where did she think she was going in either of those dresses?
  18. Morons!! This has to be scripted, no one is that dumb
  19. These kids are going to nickel and dime Chuck into an early grave.
  20. Charlie is a boil on the ass of society. I can not stand him. I feel for his kids. He takes zero responsibility and it makes me sick.
  21. I have done it. I'm not ashamed, it was college I did a lot of questionable things.
  22. There are so many countries that don't believe in mental illness or therapy at all,so it's nice to hear that Israel believes in therapy.
  23. I told my husband that he better not be looking for that kind of control from my tush. Then I yelled that the wedding was off and we were done!!! (we have been married for 19 years)
  24. I am not a huge fan of puns, but Molly and Cynthia have me rolling! Cat puns are funny!
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