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Everything posted by Arynm

  1. Andrew is a fucking dick. Is it too much for him to care just a little bit about that fact that his girlfriend was just detained and shipped back to her country? Apparently her would rather eat shrimp on the beach
  2. I am only seeing one line on that pregnancy test. Thats not pregnant. Am I blind?
  3. Oh dear. Rebecca has some competition with that facemask of Ryan and Stephanie.
  4. Me and my high IQ are here and ready to get our snark on! Stephanie is a good start.
  5. Cindy needs to be honest and just tell everyone that she just wants to sit and eat herself to death.
  6. Around here we call it "watching the fatties" Everyone knows better than to call me or bother me when the fatties are on.
  7. She is awful. Sandy is too good for her and for the rest of the world. Sandy is wasted on this fat awful women who does nothing but complain. What does she need more time for? She is going to die and soon and she needs more time?? Awful
  8. For sure! Us smart folks don't look down on anyone. Online courses will raise your IQ score at least 100 points! Good luck, you will be as smart as me in no time! /s just in case I think street smarts are better FYI, they will keep you alive.
  9. Doesn't matter, us high IQ'rs will use any excuse to talk about it. It's required in Mensa.
  10. I have an IQ of 140. Doesn't mean anything. Still having another glass of wine, and not working on a farm I don't care about.
  11. I am now interested in Discovery+ I was an avid fan of Toddlers and Tiaras. I also love "where are they now" shows.
  12. Julia has a solid point. If he can't see her at night, and can't see her in the morning, when can he see her. They are trying to keep them apart.
  13. Brandon just put all the blame right on Julia. So gross
  14. I always feel like the first night back is the worst. I came from Japan to GA and I slept for a solid week. It was brutal
  15. She is not supposed to work on a fiance visa so they are wrong to even ask. Brandon however needs to get his ass out there and help the family farm if he wants to live there.
  16. ok, so this is a secret, but my husband bought me a diamond ring. I was after our wedding because we were too poor then for rings like that. I found the charge online on one of our credit cards and I tossed the house trying to find it. I did and then put it back exactly as it was so it would be a surprise. To this day he does not know that I found it before he gave it to me. I hope he never does, he was so proud that he kept it from me.
  17. i am 3 glasses of wine in so I apologize in advance for any bad spelling. Ryan is awful.
  18. Christine is just too much. She is such a name dropper. The husbands family must have some money, because a Dr and his wife would not be able to keep up with the likes of Anna and Kane. That is some real money. Anna's money being from an arms dealer will never run out, someone is always at war with someone else. Even Jaime's family looks super wealthy, I would have liked to see more from her. I would watch an entire show about Anna to be truthful, Anyone who puts diamonds on their dogs for no reason is someone I want to know more about. As far as Christine goes, did you know she sat to the left of Prince Charles? She is new money and it shows. She can dress though, I liked her outfits. I think that she got IVF because his family decided the infertility was her fault so they never tested the husband? Why no one would do a sperm motility test is beyond me. I hope there is a second season I need to know how all the crazy people are doing. Kelly needs to get rid of Power Ranger, he is super scary.
  19. Why are they always so yellow around the mouth? And why are they all just pounding burgers around her. Chris is going to gain every bit back.
  20. Throw in true crime and the War of the Roses and I am there!
  21. She couldn't just let him have that win, she had to try to take him down a notch. That is not a good look from a spouse that is supposed to be cheering you on.
  22. Her weight loss will be minimal. She is not giving me good vibes that she can do this.
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