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Everything posted by emmawoodhouse

  1. I don't think she's been in any of the promo shots since Joshgate.
  2. Yeah, Justin may have just announced that he's starting a business. 🙄
  3. I'm surprised that more people didn't catch on to Dudley Do Right.
  4. That's why I put surprised in quotes. 😁 It's all scripted bullshit.
  5. Usually the boys are barefoot, too. I'm shocked that they're wearing shoes! Jessa really has a thing against shoes.
  6. I saw the preview. They're in a group chat, and Justin says that he has some "news." Then they cut to the reaction shot of everyone being "surprised."
  7. Derelict is merely reverting back to how he was raised. He apparently decided that courting Boob, Mike Schadt, etc. wasn't worth the effort. When in the States, he always attended Cross Church, but when they returned after their missioncation, they went full bore SBC.
  8. I think Jackson Bates is at ALERT now. Maybe Justin is as well?
  9. Adding my best wishes to @Jynnan tonnixTTONNIXTTONNIXNTONNIXTOTONNIXTTONNIXTTONNIXNTONNIXT Ignore the formatting. I can't make it go away! 🙃
  10. We have no clue why they kept Jackson with the Lost Girls until maybe last year. It did seem odd that Justin, just a year and odd months older, got promoted to the main Howler group when he was about 13.
  11. Yeah, they had junior ALERT at the homeschool conferences in Big Sandy. That's been a staple since the Howlers were wee lads.
  12. Doesn't the Disney+ version censor the F bombs so the kiddos can watch?
  13. ALERT age requirement is 17. Jackson won't be eligible until next May. His father's son. 🙄
  14. I know that that garage door in between the two windows is now The Lovenest. They painted the outside red and put a bench with potted plants there.
  15. Right. Ben was 17 when he met Jessa, but they didn't start courting until he was 18. They courted for 11 months, during which time he had his 19th birthday. Will Justin wait another year before they allow him to get married?
  16. Why can't they serve the community in some OTHER capacity?
  17. Oh dear. And we get a better look at the living room/laundry room/beauty salon/printing garage.
  18. I dunno. I think Jill will fight even being a Glamma. Her worth is tied up in her ability to breed early and often. She will fight menopause with every fiber of her being. Here's hoping that her eggs are old and stale and that Shrek's swimmers are duds.
  19. I remember Craig well. He was an excellent punter.
  20. Yeah, just when you think Jill couldn't be any more narcissistic, she raises the bar. If she's not pregnant when Nurie is, expect lots of "Mama is so wonderful" essays and "pamper Mama" showers. 🙄
  21. She answered a question in the comments of her last IG post about whether this would be her last kid. She said "probably."
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