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Everything posted by emmawoodhouse

  1. I had the same thought. But would she really like under oath? Oh hell, she's her father's daughter. I wouldn't put it past her, but 30k is the number she floated.
  2. All the Bates sisters who shill are shilling the same hair care right now. That doesn't seem very smart.
  3. I don't think @crazy8s has found any LLCs owned by the Seewalds. We can't assume Ben made that much before he got his minister gig. And even now, he's probably not making more than $30-40k. It's a very small church.
  4. Wasn't that the same weekend that the Keller children had planned their parents' 40th anniversary party? And Jill weaseled her way into it? That party was much nicer than Nurie's sad reception.
  5. Jessa said in her deposition that she made $30k last year. Was Ben even working then? He certainly wasn't contributing much.
  6. Can she ever divorce if Tom is incapacitated? We really don't know the truth about his mental state.
  7. Yup. Jill stopped following Anna after Nurie's wedding. She replaced Anna with Priscilla and TFDW.
  8. Today is Jill's actual birthday! https://www.instagram.com/p/Cdq-Q7chmiW/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
  9. emmawoodhouse

    The NBA

    @Magog said something nice about Steph! *faints*
  10. I'm sure Anna blocked Famy after being tagged and possibly reading the first few sentences of this missive. She's blocked people for less. eta She's blocked, or at minimum, Anna is not following her.
  11. How else could he have been in Nashville before sunset? Maybe he went back to work today?
  12. I think Ben and Boob are tight. His sullen demeanor certainly comes from living with domineering, overbearing Jessa. He seems to be a pushover.
  13. They've filmed the new season but haven't announced a premiere date. I'm pretty sure they filmed Richa and Vishal's wedding!
  14. In the past, with the Millers in particular, Jill got into a posting war due to the fact that Mrs. Miller failed her daughters because they wear pants. So Jill is known to make it all about what a GREAT parent she is. That's why the pic with Boob, in her bedroom (!) is baffling.
  15. He AIMED at the cat. Joy yelled, "Hit him!" Cat ran away. Win for cat. That's when Derick became Derelict in my book. You don't aim your failed campaign cardboard sled at any animal.
  16. Well, I guess that Vanderbilt >>> University of Tennessee. And of course, Evan's parents >>>>>>>>>>>>Gil and Kelly. Especially Kelly.
  17. Evan is going to wear himself out. He needs to stay at the duplex and leave Carlin in his parents' capable hands.
  18. If I didn't know that the Duggars haven't been anywhere near Ohio in years, I'd swear that pic was taken in Jilly's lovely master bath with Boob in the fecal chair. 😃
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