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Posts posted by emmawoodhouse

  1. 2 minutes ago, cmr2014 said:

    My take on it has always been, that he didn't really have much use for her in the beginning. He couldn't live at the TTH, and they wouldn't accept him living alone, so he had to get married, and Anna (and more particularly her father) agreed. I don't think he thought she was good enough for him AT ALL -- not hot enough, not smart enough, and not from a good enough family.

    I do think that they had a happy period while they were in DC. I think that for a short while there, they were a couple and actually beginning to communicate and act as a couple separate from their parents. Once they were back in Arkansas, though, I think that all fell apart.

    I agree that Josh never wanted a bunch of kids, and I think he had some hope in DC that the baby train might slow, but once they were back in Arkansas, that fell apart, too.

    He cheated on her in DC. He set up Ashley Madison and the other hook up account while living there. I think he thought he was hot shit then and could get any woman he wanted to sleep with him.

    • Love 14
  2. 3 minutes ago, isalicat said:

    Cream rises to the top! 😸

    Nice balanced attack tonight. Luka was -30! 😮

    Keep it up, Dubs! 

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  3. 17 hours ago, Tdoc72 said:

    Jessa said they were using their savings to do the reno.  I know she will sometimes twist words & do the hokey pokey with the truth.  But that would be a straight up lie.  🤷🏻‍♀️

    Yeah, I totally side-eyed the "savings" line. How could they set money aside with what little they had after taxes, raising 4 kids. Granted, Jessa pinches pennies until they squeal, but I just don't see how they had tens of thousands for this extensive reno. 

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  4. 5 minutes ago, YupItsMe said:

    I don’t know who in her family would have the room and enough income to support Anna and all her children, even if she should get a job or assistance.

    The family doublewide used to have 8 children in it. Anna's parents could house her, but as I said before, she'll never leave the warehouse. 

  5. 1 minute ago, babyhouseman said:

    This might be already known, but I found this in an article. 

    "Jessa once worked for her father Jim Bob, by helping pick out designs for homes he would flip."

    I didn't know she was so talented at house design. lol


    The Duggar "aesthetic" relies on very little "design." I doubt she was picking out cabinets and finishes. All Duggar homes look the same, so I figure Jason can order that stuff. 

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  6. 3 minutes ago, Zella said:

    He seems pretty cagey about it. LOL

    At one point, he says his preaching is volunteer, but then he says this magnificence of vagueness: “Since moving to California, because I've taken on a different role with, you know, where I'm not pastoring full time - an assistant job isn't like, you know, great pay or whatever."

    I can't tell if he's insinuating he has some sort of stipend that is much less than he made in Texas or if he's just blabbering and literally makes no money.

    He then says that they make very little from the show, about $2-3,000 per episode. He makes a weird comparison to working for McDonald's in relation to it that I really don't understand. 

    But yes reading between the lines, it does seem like Jinger is the one who brings home the bacon. Or the majority of the bacon. 

    Oh, I missed the part where he says they were compensated for CO. But since they weren't on every episode, and they were making far fewer episodes by 2020, that wasn't much money.

    • Love 4
  7. What interested me from the deposition was Jeremy saying he made "nothing" in 2020. I thought he worked in Mac Daddy''s inner sanctum doing lord knows what after class. That was all voluntary?

    So he's saying to that they lived off of Jinger's SM earnings until the book came out last year? What about the podcast? Their sad hats and mugs? And most glaring was the proof that they weren't compensated for their appearances on CO. 

    • Love 6
  8. 36 minutes ago, Absolom said:

    I wonder if he's thought for a minute what a dangerous precedent this is.  What if tragedy befalls JB and dies before Josh is released from prison?  Who takes on Anna then?  Will Michelle if she's still around?  What if another son has a tragic, fatal accident?  Will JB need to take on that family also?  They've seen family tragedies and should be thinking that could happen to us, too.  

    There's a fundie family named the Mortons. Their oldest daughter married and they had 8 kids. Out of nowhere, the husband is accused and convicted of child rape, some of the victims his own daughters. He was sentenced to something like 20 years. Katie (the wife) wasted absolutely no time divorcing his sorry ass and moving back home to her family. 

    I know Michael Keller wrote a letter defending Smuggar, but why couldn't he take Anna in if she chooses to leave Smuggar? I think she has become accustomed to a cushy life, even living in the warehouse. She wants for nothing, and we know that Smuggar hasn't been able to provide that lifestyle for her, save when they lived in DC.

    And so she will never leave. Boob will continue to support her as long as she is convinced that Smuggar is innocent.

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  9. One minor correction, @Zella. KJ and Famy are no longer besties. There was a big blowup over another YT creator's content. Remember Backwoods Barbie? 😀

    1 minute ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

    Do you really think Amy posted that open letter on her Instagram expecting Anna to read it?  I don't.  I think anytime someone airs family business on the internet means he/she/they are chasing clout and not because they want to help their family member.  

    Well, Famy got her clout. Several news agencies, including People, picked it up. 

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  10. What's ironic about the entire letter situation is that it's highly unlikely that Anna even saw it. She doesn't follow Amy and if Anna blocked her, she wouldn't have received a notification that she was tagged in Amy's post. 

    Even if there was occasion for Anna to read it, she probably just rolled her eyes and added Amy to her persecution list. As we know, Anna is still convinced that her husband was framed. 

    • Love 8
  11. 2 minutes ago, Heathen said:

    Miracle baby with help from a fertility specialist, or she lied about having partial ovaries. Or both. She's a fundie so it's a good bet that lying is involved. 

    Maybe. It's k own that ovaries hyper ovulate when a situation like Erin's happens. They kept the partial ovary to stave off menopause, but she claims that she is nonetheless headed in that direction. I guess it's a matter of how long it will take that will determine how many more miracle babies she can have.

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