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Posts posted by emmawoodhouse

  1. I guess a baby is good for a ratings bump? Or is this consistent with other episodes? If ratings stayed flat, maybe that's a sign that people are tiring of the Bates' schtick.

  2. I also read earlier this week that Becki performed fellatio on a student band member who crashed at the Falwell's house (he was a friend of Falwell's son). This came from the former student himself. 

    I wish I could dig up the article, but I don't remember where I read it. At any rate, Becki also seems to be a horny piece of work. It's not just Jer.

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  3. 11 minutes ago, doodlebug said:

    Kudos to Joy's doctor.  At around 10 minutes, she talks about the visit to the doctor, the ultrasound and the interpretation of the results and is spot on correct as to what is happening and why induction is the best option for her at that point.  The ultrasound was surprisingly accurate at estimating the baby's weight, too, at 8lb 7 oz (I think she was 8lb 5 oz).  Ultrasound has a 10-15% range of error on estimating fetal weight, so that was really excellent.

    Joy is also very realistic in her expectations, she is doing everything she can to try to VBAC successfully, but is completely open to the idea that the situation can change and accepting that she might need a cesarean.  She even has a doula with her (Austin's sister).  It has been shown using a doula in labor is more likely to result in a vaginal birth and less need for pain medications.  Joy starts out at 2-3 cm, and her and the doctor plan to use pitocin and rupturing the membranes to get her into labor and that sounds like the best way to go to me.

    As for Michelle and the Duggar sisters giving her 'all kinds' of ways to start labor naturally like walking 4+ miles in heat and humidity; well, not so much.  Staying active has been shown to make it less likely for a woman to go overdue and tends to be associated with shorter labors, but you cannot stimulate labor by walking if you're not having strong regular contractions already. As for Joy thinking she must be in early labor because she had a couple of strong contractions while shopping in Bass Pro Shop which then disappeared; no, dear, you're not.

    All in all, though, I am impressed with Joy and Austin.  They went into this with good preparation, they paid attention to the advice the doctor gave them and they planned to do as much as they could to have a safe vaginal birth while not compromising her health or the baby's.  

    I was surprised at the number of people in her room. Has AR really lifted its Covid protocols? And where was Jill? She could have dropped Sam off at Cathy's and had Mima pick up Izzy from school (it was a midday birth, IIRC). I was surprised that she chose Megan (I think that's her name) to be her doula. 

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  4. 46 minutes ago, Cherrio said:


    She wasn't able to afford a place in the city after the divorce, so they lived in the Hamptons year round.  That spells living on a tight budget.

    Then the tiny places she supposedly had were not Countess worthy, ha ha........so she probably doesn't have the money aka a pot to "pied" in.

    I bet that monstrosity upstate goes into foreclosure if she doesn't sell it soon.

    Is it still on the market?

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