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Posts posted by emmawoodhouse

  1. Just now, ALittleShelfish said:

    Yep I liked her youtube videos about Britney's case.  She also isn't afraid to call out other lawyers who seem to want their 15 minutes.  I wasn't aware she was in on this too, so I'm definitely looking forward to seeing her reporting on this! 


    She's been on this case since the beginning! I found her via the KJ/Tati Westbrook case, but stayed for the rest of her pop culture lawsuits. 😀

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  2. 11 minutes ago, ALittleShelfish said:

    Anyone know where? I'm afraid to do a google search and have my search history altered forever.  Someone once mentioned they were headed to Chambersburg, which isn't too far from me, but they keep their brand of conservative religiousness down there and don't send it up I-81 to us lol

    Per the church's website, they are at Elkdale Baptist Church, West Clifford, PA. Hope that's across the state from you! 😃

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  3. 10 minutes ago, lascuba said:

    Exactly. I might cut her a tiny bit of slack, if only because the delay in revealing the name makes me think that she was fighting until she was browbeaten into it. She wouldn't even say the name for the first few weeks until enough people online speculated that she obviously hated it. But...Spurgeon. She named that baby Spurgeon. She should have fought harder...what's one more thing for that manchild she calls husband to resent?

    She also placated Ben by allowing Wilberforce. Although many, myself included, called that one.

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  4. 5 minutes ago, Notabug said:

    Panic attacks are not easily diagnosable and usually are only diagnosed after other possible diagnoses are ruled out.  Anti-anxiety meds are not the appropriate treatment for them either and, since stuff like valium can be addictive, ER docs don't hand them out very freely.

    I was pretty easily diagnosed with a panic attack during my only trip to the ER. It was a long time ago, but I do remember that I was hyperventilating, and my heart rate/BP were through the roof. I didn't have a PCP, and I don't remember if I was sent home with a script. I just figured they would do that these days. 

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  5. 1 minute ago, Jeanne222 said:

    It says it was posted 7 hours ago. 🤷‍♀️. It’s longer than others. Maybe fast forward to see new things happening. 

    This time they took the baby so she could nurse. 

    No, the footage is from her last trip to the ER 4 days ago. There wasn't anything newer than that. 

    eta They always drop their vlogs on Saturday mornings.

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  6. 7 minutes ago, jacourt said:

    When I went to the er with anxiety I was told to go to my family practitioner for medication. The doctor said she does not prescribe it through the er.  

    Apparently, no one told this to Carlin. They said they have a follow up with a cardiologist in Knoxville, and needed to schedule an appointment with a neurologist, but no mention of a psych doctor.

  7. 39 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

    Derick's mom Cathy pushes her own book on IG fairly often. Maybe like every 5th or 6th post is her book. I have know idea how many copies she has sold.

    Didn't she self-publish? Or did she find a  Christian publisher? I don't recall.

  8. 15 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

    I wonder if Michelle has visited him in jail. Tomorrow maybe the last they'll see Josh, for what I'm guessing will be at least a month.

    Pardon my ignorance. Why the hold on seeing the FF? It's still a few days from Sentencing Day. And why can't they see him afterward? He'll be kept local until they find him a spot at the Fed Pen. 

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