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Posts posted by emmawoodhouse

  1. 37 minutes ago, YupItsMe said:

    I don’t think she’s anywhere near ready to admit, even to herself, that he might not be innocent. If she does that then she also has to admit that their whole marriage has been a lie. I can’t imagine how that would feel. 

    That's why she keeps herself in a,state of denial. Admitting the truth would be a betrayal of everything she has been taught and believes.

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  2. 6 minutes ago, andromeda331 said:

    Sort of. Erin said that they no longer followed Gothard but at that time he was no longer on the board so it really didn't mean anything. 

    We said the same thing two different ways. 😀

    They denounced Gothard the man, but they never denounced the IBLP. They're walking a thin line of deceit.

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  3. There is a documentary on the IBLP in the works. I think it will air later this year. I don't know if Dr. Paine will be featured, as he left the Board of Directors a while ago, but it will certainly feature Gil Bates. Chad and Erin publicly denounced Gothard several years ago (after the scandal), but they certainly continue to live by his teachings. 

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  4. 3 minutes ago, lovesnark said:

    I'd love to see the IRS start digging into Boob's financial dealings. I'm sure he's done everything he can to pay as little tax as possible, and I don't believe he's smart enough to have covered it up very well.

    With Travis Story as his attorney, I expect there to be mistakes made. 

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  5. 4 minutes ago, Namaste said:

    Does anyone remember how many years Josh was facing when he was offered the plea deal? Was it less than the sentence he just received?

    We never knew for sure. The number bandied about was 10 years, but that came from tabloids and other equally unreliable sources (WOACB). 

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  6. 15 minutes ago, andromeda331 said:

    I'm surprised their moving to Florida. That seems expensive for them. I'm glad that Chad's getting out from under the Bates's thumb. I wonder what the Bates boys are going to do for jobs with Chad no longer around to employ them. 

    Trace is taking over the reins at Paine Construction. There might be a name change, but many of the brothers worked for Chad. 

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  7. Don't the Celtics have a gazillion titles? Share the wealth! 

    Of course, if the Heat come back, my logic fails. 😁

  8. 2 minutes ago, jcbrown said:

    And that's the thing, isn't it? Even if Boob and MEchelle had done the right thing it may not have helped. They needed therapy themselves to break out of their patriarchal cult before any real help for the kids would have been that effective. Imagine the kids having therapy and coming back to the comparative cognitive dissonance of their home life. The cult is the first problem.

    I think that's where Jill is today. She can see from outside in a way her enmeshed siblings (or parents) can't. 

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