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Posts posted by emmawoodhouse

  1. 26 minutes ago, Ljohnson1987 said:

    Carlin Stewart (Bates) has been hospitalized many times over these past few weeks. Hope she's okay. 

    Actually, she's had 5 ER visits. She's only been hospitalized once, after her episode on Saturday. No updates since yesterday. 

    I hope Kelly got her sorry ass to Nashville to be with her daughter. She managed to avoid her all last week. 🙄

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  2. 41 minutes ago, Fukui San said:

    Boston has been weirdly good vs. Golden State in recent history. Since the 2015-16 season, Boston has won 9 and lost 5, sweeping in 2019-20 and 2020-21.

    The years the Celtics swept were the years the Dubs were awful, missing the playoffs (well, got knocked out by Memphis in the playoff prelude last year). Not even close in '19-20. I'd guess pretty much everyone swept them that year.

  3. 4 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

    I feel Tyler is 'safe' from too much snark as we don't know a lot about him. The thing I remember most is how he killed it in (I think) their scavenger hunt.

    Was that the scavenger hunt in which Joy had problems with simple math? 

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  4. I have a feeling Dallas will take game 4, but the Dubs will rally to win game 5 on Warriors Ground. 

    But I'm all for Miami and Boston beating up on each other in 7. 😀  I don't have a preference. The Dubs swept the Heat, split with Boston.

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  5. 11 minutes ago, cereality said:

    I’m sure G&K will show up for an IG pic, maybe stay a few hrs or one day and that’s that - that’s what Alyssa got.

    Evan looks exhausted and somber. I fully agree they are social media whores but come on look at his face — they aren’t doing this and then gleefully being like we got 100k views; not to mention even if he has great insurance - hospital copays etc +potential unpaid leave at work - are going to exceed what social media brings in by a long shot. Not to mention obv something is medically going on to admit her - it’s not like some ER dr said hmm you’d make $1000 on YT for this, ok you’re admitted?!

    E has to stay in the hospital bc someone needs to be there if Carlin needs to move around - say to the bathroom; hospitals are so understaffed sometimes there’s not nurses aides to help with that. If G&K could come sit at the hospital for say 6-8 hrs, they could send him home to sleep. Not that the Stewarts couldn’t use a hand if they’d rather be there — they’re age 65+ full time handling a newborn + a 2 yr old likely freaking out bc mom and dad both left abruptly. Staying at the hospital for a while also let’s Evan go home and calm down his toddler.

    I don't suspect Kelly would be so charitable. In the most recent update, poor Evan looked like he hadn't slept last night. It would be the least Kelly could do to stay at the hospital and let Evan go back to his parents' home and get some sleep.

    Edited to note @cereality's update regarding the BBQ. That could have gone on without Kelly. Sure, Gil's the pastor and has to be there, but no one would have batted an eye if Kelly took off after the service. 

    These people are despicable. 

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  6. Since they're moving right near the highway, it's not a bad commute for Derelict. It's farther from Cathy than their current house, but still reasonable. Izzy will have to change schools though. Thank goodness he's still so young and seems to be a friendly kid.

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  7. 1 hour ago, 65mickey said:

    I sure hope they can get a diagnosis and treatment plan for her. I feel for Carlin and Evan. Evan must feel like he has the weight of the world on his shoulders. Wonder if Kelly will make time to go see her daughter now that she is in the hospital.

    Kelly? Now that there's a photo op for the Gram, she'll show up. She might already be there, headed out after church. That's what she did for Alyssa.

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  8. 22 minutes ago, Absolom said:

    Just picking a town off the map it's 36 minutes from Siloam Springs to Stillwell as the traffic is now on a Sunday afternoon.  Perhaps they picked a kind of halfway point from his job and his mother?

    I picked the town they currently live in. It's off the highway, apparently. 😀

  9. 5 minutes ago, Jeeves said:

    I searched the property records for Benton County, Arkansas. Where I found that the Dillards bought a house there earlier this month. It's located in a town close to the state line, so if Derick's going to work in Stilwell he won't have a big commute. I'm not going to post the details of the location - I believe that kind of personal information is not to be shared here - but I think it's okay to say they are still living in Arkansas. 

    Interesting. It's about an hour commute to Stillwell from Benton County. 

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