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Posts posted by emmawoodhouse

  1. 6 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

    They might be cowards. They might be politically correct. Or they might just preach to the choir. 

    Could you remind me what it is they're doing behind the scenes to take away rights of others outside of their own circle?

    Personally I like folks to keep their hate to themselves, because IMO, each time someone spews hate it emboldens the next person to do the same, and the next and then the next one might cause actual financial or physical harm, rather than only emotional harm.

    Dillard thread - Derick's hate filled rants certainly could fuel someone to act upon their hate.

    Jeremy was a primary signer of a little petition designed to take away the rights of the already marginalized. LGBT was specifically mentioned. Other fundies like Voddie Baucham and MacArthur were also on board. The petition made the rounds maybe 2-3 years ago. Perhaps @Churchhoney or @Zella could produce the document, their google-fu skills being much stronger than mine. 

    Derelict has the public remarks about Jazz to his detriment. 

    eta I found this article regarding the petition. There's a link to the actual petition therein, but the article pulls liberally from it. I can't believe it's been nearly 4 years.

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  2. She was given anti-seizure meds in the ambulance and didn't have another episode at the ER, so maybe there is something to that. Evan also said that some levels were elevated, suggesting something neurological. 

    I hope they left with a referral in hand and that Carlin can be seen soon. 

    It was also noted on the Carlin thread that Kelly posted on Carlin's post this morning. Of course, it's what you would expect. They're praying. Want a quick diagnosis. What I didn't see was Kelly saying she was on her way to Nashville. As usual, she just shows up for the photo ops. 🙄

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  3. 4 minutes ago, Zella said:

    That's why I'm so curious what their lawyers told them. You don't exactly have to be Perry Mason to see how weak their argument is. 

    I'm sure their lawyer advised them to mention the InTouch article as much as possible when they sat for the depositions. Someone like Jessa would grab onto that nugget and run with it.

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  4. Just now, Zella said:

    I don't think she is that sheltered. I think she knows and agrees with him but keeps quiet because they keep hoping that sweet endorsement money will roll in. 

    Well, they're the ones who are shut down the most when they manage to score an endorsement deal. It's really easy to lump Jinger in with Jeremy's publicly stated beliefs. I know I've tattled on the Vuolos, but I have left the others alone.

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  5. 1 minute ago, Cinnabon said:

    Hard to believe. Maybe they should pay attention to some of the negative comments they get on SM and figure it out. I have a hard time believing that Jeremy, at least, doesn’t know that people have issues with their anti LGBT stances. And if Jeremy knows, so does Jinger.

    I wonder if Jeremy tries to keep Jinger in the dark? I think he likes her kind of airheaded.

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  6. 4 minutes ago, cereality said:

    So looks like they are leaving the ER as they posted at midnight. Looks like whatever testing they did tonight shows the blood levels/markers pointing to seizures is up — but they won’t have answers until they see a neurologist. Carlin seems off in the way she’s speaking - she’s being sarcastic + likely is exhausted but it’s the speech that seems off not just the attitude. Walking thru the parking lot Evan is literally holding her so she won’t fall. It’s been rough for them - you can see it in both their faces even though Evan appears to be putting on a good face for Carlin right now.

    Isn't Nashville CST? I thought they were an hour behind Knoxville. Still, they didn't admit her. Again. I hope they have some referrals in hand.

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  7. 1 minute ago, Cinnabon said:

    Then she shouldn’t be claiming that she’s been having seizures. If the hospital released her without any seizure meds, it seems unlikely. Surely they spoke to her about possible other causes for her symptoms.

    It's possible she was given meds this trip to the ER. She was still there when they made their video.  We just don't know, because they don't give us every single detail of her prognosis, likely because it's unknown. Additionally, C&E probably don't understand half of what's being said. They don't seem to have another way to convey what's happening other than to say she's seizing. They've described what happens to her, and her symptoms are bizarre. But seizures? I'm not sure. 

    Hopefully, the ER visit yields referrals to the specialists she needs to see sooner rather than later.

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  8. Just now, Cinnabon said:

    He has his own YouTube channel? Oh, FFS. I’m sure it’s just riveting. He really thinks he’s relevant, doesn’t he?

    True dat. I think he started it with the weird as hell engagement video. At any rate, Jer and Hannah appear in Part 1 of the birth story, before they head out to the hospital.

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  9. 1 minute ago, Notabug said:

    I'm not sure why she thinks she needs to keep going back to the ER rather than following up with specialists.  If the ER was really concerned that there was something significantly wrong with her, she wouldn't have been sent home each and every time.  If she'd shown signs of having had an actual seizure, they would've probably admitted her.  Chances are, it wasn't a seizure.  Interesting, too, that she just recently spent multiple days gallivanting around California without a single 'episode' but has now had 4 of them in the first day or so after returning home.

    I think she may well have a physical condition underlying some of her symptoms, but it looks like there is also a significant emotional component to her problems.

    POTS can manifest after a bacterial or viral infection. She had bacterial meningitis shortly after having Layla, and of course she had Covid, Summer 2020, IIRC. 

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  10. Carlin's update. She was at the ER again today after passing out again, this time with seizures. This is the 4th time in about 10 days. The hospital where she ended up at couldn't do an EEG, so she has to see a neurologist. She also mentioned POTS, so that's on their radar, and they're going to see a cardiologist. 

    She's really ill. What a mess. 

  11. This was probably the worst one yet. They said that Evan's dad caught her as she went down. IMO, she is seriously ill.

    She's talking about POTS. Also needs an EEG, but wherever they are now doesn't do them. They plan to make appointments with a cardiologist and neurologist.

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  12. 1 minute ago, Gemma Violet said:

    Re what Jill & Derick were paid, I just read that Derick testified that they were paid from the beginning of 2017 to May of 2017, so I guess 3-5 months.

    As I understand it, they got paid for some of the run of CO before they left/were fired. That's not enough for a,down payment on a home or partial tuition for law school. 

    I wish we knew how much their settlement with Boob was.

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