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Posts posted by emmawoodhouse

  1. 2 hours ago, SnapHappy said:

    He actually had that guitar when he started Idol.  He barely knew Gabby then, much less got guitar gifts from her.  

    Here he is with it over 2 years before Idol.  



    Well, good for him. But he's still riding Gabby's coattails. He should be home doing the housework, cooking, and child care. I can't believe Gabby doesn't have help. 

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  2. 25 minutes ago, Zella said:

    Wasn't there a deadline for both sides to file things that has come and gone anyway? I don't think the very well-qualified prosecutors need this dumbass's help. LMAO I also can't imagine how cringe-inducing her letter would be. When I took a nonfiction creative writing class in college, we were supposed to write about an interview with another person for an assignment, and one of my classmates who was super self-absorbed somehow manage to make his interview with his brother all about him. I can totally see Amy's letter about Josh being all about her. 

    The 11th was the deadline to submit memos for sentencing. Famy needs to get off her high horse. 

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  3. 1 minute ago, Cinnabon said:

    Making your pregnant wife crawl under the table to fetch you something is beyond deplorable . I wonder what David and Priscilla thought about it? Is that something Anna’s mom did?

    Suzette keeps her mouth shut. Anything we know about the senior Kellers comes from Mike. The Keller spawn who have spoken of them just praise them in general terms. But I'm sure Suzette has been dutiful and compliant.

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  4. 37 minutes ago, CalicoKitty said:

    Question:  Is Michell's signature with the heart as the dot actually her legal signature?

    Yes. She signs her LLCs that way. How stunted is she? 

    50 minutes ago, SmallTownMom said:

    Does anybody else remember an episode where Josh and Anna had friends over for dinner (I think they were in DC then).  Josh wanted something from the fridge, so a pregnant Anna CRAWLED under the table to get it for him!  Many other times, we saw Anna pushing a stroller and carrying things while Josh just strolled along in front of her.

    But at least she has a husband.

    I'm pretty sure that's when David and Priscilla visited. Smuggar has always made Anna sing for her supper, starting on their wedding night when she hauled luggage around.

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  5. 21 minutes ago, CalicoKitty said:

    I don't think the poor girl has much say in the matter.  That is not how this cult works.  Girls don't need to expand their world beyond headship and children.

    Sad, but true. Jinger didn't get to "expand" her world until her headship approved it. Jinger apparently cried with Meech during her announcement that she was wearing pants. That says it all. 

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  6. 3 minutes ago, Cinnabon said:

    I’ve never heard of any of these people/families. If a  20-something is “courting” Hannie, that’s sickening and concerning.

    Most of the awkward, odd names they come up with are cringeworthy. Either that or they try to be “trendy,” which is also cringeworthy in another way.

    There's a four year age difference between Carver and Hannie. I think it's about the same age difference with Joy and Austin. Sadly, I don't see Boob shutting this down if there is something between the kids. The Bowerses are old family friends, much like the Forsyths.

  7. Update on Carlin. They're back in Nashville, and back at the ER. She apparently fainted 3 times yesterday! Her hemoglobin is back to normal, and a brain MRI came back normal. They don't know why this is going on, but they did send her home with a heart monitor. 

    Evan has to go back to work tomorrow in Knoxville, and he doesn't trust Carlin to be home alone. She may stay in Nashville. They didn't mention her going home, but she would be okay with one of her sisters on hand, I would think.

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  8. So her hemoglobin is back up and the brain MRI looked normal. If I read her little blurbs right, they did send her home on a heart monitor. 

    In conclusion, they don't know what is causing the fainting, but she fainted 3 times yesterday! That's insane. I hope she just stays in Nashville or goes home with Addee or another sister in attendance while Evan is at work. 

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