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Everything posted by emmawoodhouse

  1. If you're a Bates boy, your girlfriend can kiss your face before you're even engaged! Escandele! πŸ˜‚
  2. This is pretty much what Emily D. Baker said. It's boilerplate language for basically any protective order.
  3. Probably. When they brought her home they said she still had to be spayed. Not sure why the shelter wouldn't do it beforehand. She was certainly old enough.
  4. I saw the court order earlier today. The Sun is reporting it accurately. I just can't think of any other minor witnesses that would be relevant here besides his kids.
  5. Oh, I forgot about the $20m loan from GK. If nothing else, Erika's on the hook for that.
  6. We'll never know who they're protecting, other than that they are minors. For all we know, some of the older M kids may have been questioned in some capacity. I hope not, but who else is there?
  7. It's very possible that they filed separate returns. And she wouldn't have anything to do with Girardi-Keese's returns.
  8. I imagine part of it is to protect the children in the CSA videos.
  9. It protects any minor victims/witnesses from being outed. The order further states that only Smuggar and his legal team can discuss matters. He is not to discuss the case with ANYONE, including Anna and his human ATM, Boob.
  10. Sam in the background! πŸ˜‚ IIRC, he took a tumble when he was 2 or 3. His mouth has been jacked up for years. I hope his permanent teeth grow in straighter and whiter.
  11. And they didn't even sing the right lyrics. Wanna bet Jill googled and got that incorrect version? πŸ˜‚
  12. They're talking about On Demand, not the website. I am on the west coast, and I can watch LCK after TC ends on the east coast. I've never tried to watch it On Demand.
  13. They just announced first and second places. I too was rooting for the Samoyed.
  14. All Jessa learned from this experience was that Ivy had good eye/hand coordination? What a mother. πŸ™„
  15. emmawoodhouse

    The NBA

    Get off Twitter! It's such a cesspool.
  16. emmawoodhouse

    The NBA

    Kyrie has been ruled out of Game 5. No timetable on his return.
  17. That nasty greasy hair could get into the food. Same goes for the guy on Seoul Sausage. Pull it back!
  18. Whitney's latest update. Things are looking MUCH better. https://www.instagram.com/p/CQGueyyhZrt/?utm_medium=copy_link
  19. That's true. Remember Erin's first Pepto pink bedroom? Absolutely awful.
  20. Hey Jill, God hates liars. Homeschoolers in Ohio no longer need to submit test scores or portfolio reviews for the 2020-2021 school year. HB 67, signed into law on March 20, updates previous COVID-19 legislation waiving the academic assessment requirement for families homeschooling pursuant to O.A.C. 3301-34. Here's the official announcement.
  21. There were issues with two or three of the kids' "port folios" last year. I think two got caught cheating somehow, and others were incomplete.
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