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Everything posted by emmawoodhouse

  1. I checked Carlin, figuring that's the most likely leak. Nothing yet.
  2. IBLP is against meds. If she's emotional at all, she's white-knuckling it to maintain control. Interesting that her only show of emotion was when her email and phone number was shown.
  3. I can't believe Anna sat there "stonefaced" during that testimony. Her little infant isn't much younger than the youngest victim. Sick.
  4. Wow, that was bad. I bet Kade speaks better, and he just turned 3.
  5. Laura Demaisie slid into Famy's IG defending the Duggars. The post is gone now, but she got roasted.
  6. Jonathan is preaching at a church in MS on either 12/30 or NYE. I imagine the Rods will travel there then on to FL for their annual Winter Grift.
  7. Your instinct to turn it off was correct. I didn't get much further, but it was bs like you can't be right with Jesus until you cast away your sin of homosexual attraction. The usual fundie crap. Interesting that he held onto this until the trial. It was filmed at the same conference as his first video that he posted around a month (maybe 2?) ago.
  8. From what I've read, Jim Holt will refute the defense of poor education/lack of computer knowledge by testifying that Smuggar discussed Linux partitions with him when he was still a teenager.
  9. Justin's brigade appears to have left for good at lunchtime. Given David Waller was with them, I would guess they were there to support Matthew Waller, who pissed off the prosecution he was supposed to be helping.
  10. No way she's testifying for the defense. She's there to give life to Bobye Holt's testimony.
  11. I read that some in the Philippines wanted to reinstate the death penalty, just for him.
  12. Anna was reportedly in the courtroom and may have seen some of the CSAM thumbnails, according to The Ashley: "The Ashley can also confirm that some of the disturbing images were visible to Anna and Derick and others in the courtroom. Although the CSA images were only supposed to be shown to the jury, judge and attorneys (with the TV screens to the general public turned off during those times), the prosecutor left his computer screen on for a short time, showing several storyboards of the CSA images and videos in question. Anna, who was seated right behind where the prosecutor’s screen had a view of the images. (The prosecutor eventually turned off his computer, but not before some of the child p0rnography file storyboards were visible to those in the first rows.) While Joy and Austin looked sad and disturbed by the descriptions, and several of the jurors looked away or wiped tears from their eyes, Anna remained stonefaced, even as the graphic descriptions were read and the CSA images were briefly visible to her. (The Ashley is choosing not to describe the files in question; however nearly all of them had disturbing file names indicating things like the age of the girls in the files, etc.,…”
  13. Emily D Baker is going live in about half an hour. I'll try to listen, because I am very interested in her take being a former prosecutor.
  14. I don't see Jessa as a cryer. She's a stoic. I think she truly believes the family party line that she parroted on Megyn Kelly that it was "no big deal."
  15. We don't know what was said. Derelict may have kindly reminded Smuggar that he is a lawyer now. 😁
  16. I think any husband who loves his wife would support her, regardless of religious affiliation. Even atheists would support their wives faced with this heinous situation.
  17. I totally blacked that out. 😀 But I do stand by my statement that the BILs never established much of a relationship. So yeah, Smuggar HEY STRANGER!!!!111 gallows humor. I wonder how Derelict reacted.
  18. Smuggar emceed Jill and Derelict's wedding! He got up onstage and told the guests to turn off their electronics. In the most douchey way possible, of course. But Smuganna were living in DC at the time, so I don't think Smuggar and Derelict were ever in the same place long enough to establish a relationship before Joshgate.
  19. IIRC, the judge said it didn't relate to CSAM. So, one if the few wins for Smuggar's side.
  20. No, they are not allowing the adult porn "addiction" or any of the Ashley Madison scandal.
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