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Everything posted by emmawoodhouse

  1. I read that Michelle mentioned that her report was 100 pages long. Really, sweetie? A hundred pages of what, exactly? Bitching about the router? ๐Ÿ˜‚
  2. Why didn't Duff dress up? He could have at least put on a leather motorcycle jacket.
  3. Oh, I forgot the biggest takeaway from the opening statements! He's dumb as a box of hair! ๐Ÿ˜‚
  4. Did we hear about the opening statements? I'm sure Gelfand or Story painted Smuggar as a godly family man. If they didn't try that tactic, they should be fired.
  5. Josh was aged 12-15 when he preyed, his victims were anywhere from 5-11.
  6. She's gone private, but from the back of her profile picture, she is a dark brunette, just like Hannah Reber Keller.
  7. No, the daughter in law is also named Hannah and made that post.
  8. He wouldn't contact the Dillards. They're persona non grata as far as he's concerned.
  9. Boob does not control Derick. They don't even speak. If he's there for Anna, it's of his own accord, not a dictate from on high. On another note, DOJ expert Fortrell has been with them since 2002. Michelle? She works for Mommy, and her forensics certifications are not quite four years old.
  10. I doubt that. He IS a selfish prick, but I don't think he loves himself. He's all about self-gratification.
  11. They're not adventurous enough to leave the resort to try real food or mingle with real Mexicans.
  12. I saw another written account that describes Smuggar as "red faced and sweating" during Bobye's testimony. I don't know how she could still love him,but his body language said that he's over her.
  13. *damage control. It's not even the anniversary of the proposal.
  14. All this bullshit about routers and codes can be put aside when you look at the prosecution's timelines that put Smuggar in front of the computer when the material was downloaded.
  15. I wonder what Joy said to Smuggar in the courtroom after Bobye Holt's damning testimony?
  16. Not sure how much peace Nurie gets. It's known that Jill talks to her for hours at a time.
  17. Not today. I would imagine one has to be 18+ to attend these proceedings.
  18. Okay, that makes more sense. I just saw the pictures on my phone, so the sparkles didn't register.
  19. Yes, JereME is due to graduate this spring. I wager Johnny Mac will keep him on, possibly as a high school or college pastor. Some sort of youth liaison.
  20. There's a Gymnastics thread. ๐Ÿ˜€
  21. I think that's correct because the judge is allowing Bobye's testimony. The presence of the police report is immaterial to what she said. I wonder if the police report will be introduced. It was part of Boob's testimony, but the judge threw it out.
  22. You are correct. It has nothing to do with the lawsuit. I responded to a different angle (re the judge), but the video I posted on the Smuganna thread explains the law very clearly.
  23. Yes, the same judge is presiding over the girls' lawsuit.
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