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Boo Boo

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Everything posted by Boo Boo

  1. Given it's a reality show, I always take the crazy with a grain of salt...but Heather is bat shit. She is not acting.
  2. On Rick and sex, what Kelly doesn't realize is when you hit menopause, your sex drive takes a HUGE hit. Or at least mine did. In peri-menopause, I felt like a teenager -- always ready for sex with my boyfriend. My libido is so much different now versus a year ago. So now I keep hoping that my boyfriend's libido goes down too or mine goes back up! It sucks.
  3. I love Maurice. I really hope he stays out of trouble. He seems so tender-hearted.
  4. I have a love/hate thing with Kelly! She does make me laugh. And I would be she is a fun person to hang around if she doesn't go low. That scene with her saying "shake it off" to Braunie made me giggle. So Braunie makes a dramatic exit and then has to get back on camera? In addition to her alcohol problem, she really ought to seek help for her desperate need of attention. This must be Shane's redemption season where Emily is trying to show that he's just a sarcastic goofball.
  5. Ah that makes sense. I guess I'll just have to suspend disbelief like I do when these characters just easily adopt, easily switch jobs...
  6. Ah you're right they were. I was just thinking I don't recall Malik having one as he walked up to Randall outside. I mean, I know they're outside, but neither seemed to be concerned about not having masks on and there didn't seem to be a mask insight. Even outside on a busy street, I've got my mask nearby. I know they were distanced though but my other thought is: we're quarantining and yet Malik can come over whenever after walking without a mask on? I don't really care that they brought COVID-19 into the series, but I do think it's a bit tricky. Is it just going to get magically cured this season? Will they be consistent? I mean, obviously I don't really want to watch them talk through a mask all season, but I feel like they'll treat this inconsistently. Like the masks won't happen, they'll not social distance anymore, they won't worry about having random people just breeze into their houses. They'll all be able to speechify anywhere w/o masks on. I mean, rewatching the show, Rebecca has cops bringing her back to the cabin. No one is wearing masks, no one is distanced as they walk into the place. And if you bring in world events, there's zero talk about a 2020 election? No Trump?
  7. So they've had to quarantine etc, but did anyone on this show have a mask on at any point of the show?
  8. Exactly. It's just as preposterous to me as the premise of the show -- that a white couple who just lost #3 is able to magically adopt Randall so quickly.
  9. I also find it extremely hard to believe that race was never talked about in the Pearson family. I have friends who have adopted interracially and they are more acutely aware of racism than average white people.
  10. This new Randall direction feels like a soap opera tactic. Nicky's alive and now Randall's birth mom alive? Is there a twin we didn't know about?
  11. What happened to the original Madison? She is no longer this weird, neurotic annoying person? It's like they rewrote her character to make it seem possible for Kevin to fall in love with her.
  12. Agreed. There's holistic healing and quakery and I believe he is an absolute quack. Shannon seems to smart to fall for his bullshit, so I don't get it.
  13. The other thing that struck me about the text to Gina is he picked the one housewife that has the most negative history with Braunwyn -- like he was hoping that since Gina and Braunie aren't on the best of terms, she would get off on secret texts between the two.
  14. When I read the text, it sounds like he is saying he's just checking in to tell Gina that he got his drunk ass wife home and all is okay. Like Braunie got drunk again at a gathering and is sleeping it off now. That doesn't say he's checking into see if Gina is okay. This is the type of message a man writes hoping for "It was great spending time with you too, Sean!" to get the convo going. Probably hoping that by saying Braunie is sleeping that Gina feels comfortable texting him back w/o her knowing.
  15. If one of my friend's husbands put her to bed, then took the time to text me and say they put her to bed and they had a great time spending time with me, I would most definitely think it was putting out feelers to gauge my interest. Gina and Braunie have never been close friends. Why would he text her of all people? Trust me, that's a feeler. Gina may not be the most gorgeous girl in the world, but that doesn't mean he isn't interested in her.
  16. Right? Gina's the smartest one of them all. I mean, the houses they are renting are big and must be costing a lot of $. I get why people rent, but with families why wouldn't you buy? Esp. if they supposedly have $.
  17. An entire episode where the drama was calling someone's house sad and depressing. Yikes. That said, I totally believe Braunie. Shannon's defense "that's not in my vocabulary"? Sad isn't in your vocabulary? She def. protested too much. That said, I like Gina. I couldn't stand her first season. But I think she's very likable.
  18. Oliva thinks Brett was disingenuous and yet i feel like Olivia pretended to be a whole nother person for most of the series. I think she went from homebody with cats who then became the highly paid world traveler, fine wine person was the person she pretended to be after realizing early on that he wasn't interested in her. Her hurt face tonight said it all to me.
  19. Exactly. And unless the editing monkeys are at work, it followed her demand to room with Tom, so it seemed spiteful.
  20. Same. He's a humorless dud to me. He takes a great photo, so I understand how he could model, but on video, I don't see the hot. I'm sure like men who just want to date a model, there are women that want to date the model who posed with Taylor Swift.
  21. No question! For me, I have to be careful about how many hits I take. I can go from relaxed to anxiety attack b/c I don't like the feeling of being too high.
  22. If Hannah was supposed to declare her meds, she's at fault. She was done with being a yachtie, so I would not be surprised if production knew this could be her last season and were looking for the reason to fire her for drama's sake. Otherwise, how do you explain how others who have done worse -- being impaired while working -- were not fired (Kat under Capt. Lee, Travis under Sandy). That said, I'm amazed at the ignorance of Andy. He said something to the effect that no one is prescribed THC for anxiety and he could not be more wrong. I am in Maryland and got my medical card precisely for anxiety. It's one of several medical reasons for the use of THC that Maryland (and other states that have approved Medical MJ) grants. I used to take Lexapro and having that prior prescription helped me get the card. There are a TON of other conditions that the use of THC and CBD help which is why there IS such a thing as medical MJ. I generally use my medical MJ for sleep. i have a vape pen by my bedside. Sometimes I use indica, other times I use the CBD dominant pens. I actually just ordered a straight CBD vape cart and am interested to see how this helps me compared to the ones with THC. MJ isn't just for getting giggles anymore. (That said, the giggles is a wonderful side benefit to the medical card).
  23. Kelly Dodd goes off on Rick's ex on Instagram This woman is seriously unhinged. I stand by my original comment that Rick most get off on her volatility.
  24. Right. I don't want to hear how she's a "strong woman" if she's taking him back (even for a fake relationship). What kind of message is that for your daughters whether this is fake or real?
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