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Everything posted by GrammyPammy

  1. I find it hard to believe that the Shauna Rae show was ever number one on any network, even TLC
  2. Oh, boy, now Kimbelly is nauseous. And now, so am I!
  3. He needs $ for more cheek implants. Or for some hair plugs.
  4. I doubt Bilal has the kind of money required for fertility treatments. If he does, I can’t imagine he would agree to spend it on that. Shaeeda is screwed.
  5. Why is Bilal SMIRKING at Shaeeda’s nausea? Asshole/Sociopath
  6. “Michael drew that behavior out of me”…classic transference.
  7. I thought diarrhea was forbidden in Sumit’s family…
  8. Are Robyn and Christine WEARING THE SAME BLOUSE?? LOL
  9. I would be embarrassed to be in this yoga class even if I were in my twenties!!
  10. “Oh, look! This guy brought his grandma to yoga class, how sweet!” ”I hope she doesn’t suffer any injuries”
  11. Great, I probably have those (thankfully benign) brain tumors! LOL The Word Art in Bilal’s museum/house is so cringe. Also, I want to play Shaeeda’s earrings like a triangle percussion instrument! Has she ever BEEN AROUND A BABY??
  12. I have every Wetbrush, de-tangling spray, etc. on the market. My hair is very fine and my head is very sensitive. Maybe I will look for my old “Bump-It”!😂
  13. “Liz and a guest got into a heated argument” Of course they did.
  14. MotherLiz looks just like her parents. Maybe because they are all old and heavy. Liz gets her overly-emotional crying from mom.
  15. I’m a retired dental hygienist and same. I’m pretty sure the malocclusion is from thumb-sucking well after his permanent front teeth erupted (about age 6). His back teeth may work okay but he can’t bite into a sandwich or apple, that’s for sure!
  16. I am 67 and my scalp has been getting more and more tender the past few years…I used to tease my hair for volume (I live in Dallas, home of Big Hair!) but it’s too painful to brush out the tangles now. I do use lots of root-lifting/volumizing products, though. Maybe Jenny and Kim are also getting tender scalps in their old age. Nah…
  17. The look on Sumit’s face when he hears Jenny’s daughter/daughter-in-law are coming to visit! 😂😂😂
  18. I grew up in the Rocky Mountains. I am not impressed with the view Sumit finds so beautiful, sorry.
  19. Why would Liz even listen to her mother’s criticism? She let Lizbe raised by the grandparents and should have zero input. But Co-Dependent Liz lets everyone push her around…until she breaks down and runs away crying. Let me guess her story arc for tonight…
  20. What is this obsession Liz has with a surprise wedding?
  21. Until they started talking about Jenny and Sumit’s frickin’ SEX LIFE!
  22. Damn, Sumit! Jenny could seriously break her hip if she trips on those shoes and falls.
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