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Everything posted by GrammyPammy

  1. Yes, the half hour peeks made me hungry for more. The hour-long ones, not so much…just show how lame the full episode is gonna be.
  2. I thought she said Angie smelled cigarette smoke on her at an airport and bummed a cigarette. What, you don’t meet your friends that way?? Until next week, Snarkers and Snarkettes!
  3. first world dentistry! Unfortunately that device doesn’t work well in adults, their bones have solidified.
  4. Oh, wow, the fact that Liz was raised by her grandparents explains a lot. Her underarm area looks like a twat.
  5. Did Angela smell the dishcloth? And did anyone see those gigantic glass canisters of candy and lollipops on her kitchen counter??? She was just telling her grandkids to eat healthy at the buffet on last week’s episode…
  6. It’s probably still ongoing. It’s possible, I have had a few patients that confided this to me. One of them even went through having her jaw broken and resectioned, 2 years of braces, and then resumed her thumb habit again.😔
  7. I’m a dental hygienist and I’m almost 100% sure he was a thumb-sucker way past the age that his permanent front teeth erupted (typically six years old).
  8. I need to get to a vomitorium. Eye bleach situation, for sure…
  9. It’s true, the pics were leaked to reddit a while back. Also his yammy yammy in Megan’s mouth and she had some spread Eagle shots. Foot fetish pics, indeed! 🙄🙄🙄
  10. Megan and Charlie: remember the big fight at the bbq? Also, Megan and Charlie: yeah, I don’t remember anything like that ever happening… And, yes, Charlie shows wayyy more than his feet on his Only Fans.
  11. Come now, Megan, someone leaked your Only Fans pics on Reddit and you were showing WAYYYY more than your…feet!
  12. It’s hot here, too, but then it’s Dallas. 99 yesterday. Where, oh, where is FALL?!?!
  13. It’s brilliant! Nearly three hours long but I was enthralled, it never lagged. Baz Luhrman is a creative genius.
  14. “Jen is a total dance mom.” Well, of course she is😂
  15. Jenny thinks she is a sex goddess that can’t possibly improve upon her love-making skills.
  16. I don’t get the appeal of zip-lining. I’d be busy trying not to throw up or faint or have a heart attack to enjoy the view…
  17. Poor Yara! She feels helpless. Must be so hard. F*ck Putin.
  18. WHY does Liz put up with Pred’s crap? They have the most unhealthy relationship, no wonder his family doesn’t support it. It’s hard to watch on tv, can’t imagine having to watch it in real life…
  19. Who is end-stage kidney disease and needs a transplant.
  20. I buy stuff on sale. Takes me a while to drink it. That’s how we know you don’t have a problem. If you were an alcoholic, there would be nothing left!
  21. Pam: “having breakfast?” Andrei: “ no, just coffee.” Pam: (then what the hell is that big-ass açai bowl??)
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