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Everything posted by GrammyPammy

  1. I’m getting Jerry Springer vibes from all of the fake screaming/arguing. Ugh.
  2. This “professional singer” lady is rude. That’s what happens when your husband makes “friends” only with people who can do something for him. Ellie’s room was blah, I was expecting more. I did like the feathered light fixture.
  3. Vicki Gunvelson was a trainwreck herself but my daughter and I use several of her wise quotes often! Our favorite one is “Push away the ICK!” Pat the GILF is in LaLa Land. I’m getting strong Sumit vibes from Sam, he is telling her one thing and his family something else. It will end badly for her. Her friend was Su funny with her facial expressions! I actually teared up when Christine was professing her gratitude to Shaun at the expensive restaurant while simultaneously freaking out that they were spending money they didn’t have (of course Christine doesn’t know that yet). This show is SO much more gratifying than the tired U.S. versions…
  4. Anyone watching 90 Day UK? I am enjoying it so much more than the current U.S. versions this season! Join us on the forum! Please?
  5. British Shaun (as opposed to Japanese Shawn) is just lazy like South Africa Ron or Connecticut Tania…waited until their partner got there so they could take up the slack in preparing a nice place to live. (Ron tried harder but letting the cardboard get stuck to the paint on the floor kind of negated that. Plus no groceries/not enough money to buy them🙄) Shaun’s money issues are going to blow up in their faces…and could seriously impact Christine’s family’s survival. Won’t be pretty. I’m still enjoying this much more than the U. S. shows this season.
  6. It’s gonna be a lonnnnnng season, sigh. Thank goodness for snarking!
  7. Jenny, how are you going to go back to America and get Sumit over there? You couldn’t qualify financially to bring him over on a K-1 visa before, and now you have lived in India for several years with no job? Delusional.
  8. Mother Sumit’s arms are fatter than Jenny’s! What a low blow. Im not a big fan of Sumit and Jenny but his mother is a cruel woman. And both parents are lying through their teeth…we have videotaped evidence of what they said!
  9. Is Sumit using a leaf-blower to clean the living room?😳😳😳
  10. Could these blonde bimbo’s be any more shallow/boring/despicable? Ugh.
  11. No reason on earth that Shaeda and Shahida need to have any more interaction than a semi-polite head nod when exchanging the kids. This is ridiculous, just another power move by Bile to make Shaeda feel uncertain.
  12. Mother Libby is the typical co-dependent, my-child-can-do-no-wrong mother of an addict/alcoholic in deep denial. Just like every mother ever on the Intervention show. You can’t ask everyone to put aside their hard-won boundaries for a two-hour birthday party, it doesn’t work like that. I’m glad the sisters have figured out how to address Charlie’s addiction and behavior. They are still twits, though.
  13. Right? You know he was hitting the bars and clubs every night after work. (Doesn’t he work on an offshore oil rig?)
  14. Kimbelly, you don’t need to ask permission to FLOUNCE off! It kinda dilutes the effect…
  15. Dang, that house is DIRTY. Why are they living somewhere else, to hide from The Parents Sumit? Seems expensive and ill-advised…
  16. I thought she def looked chubby....you're prob right on! Her neck/chin is approaching Jenny status.
  17. Her girlfriends also mentioned she has been in some sketchy relationships. Her emotional IQ is that of a 13-year-old girl. We will probably be treated to her presence on a future season of The Single Life, where the undateables end up after exhausting all other paths to “romance”
  18. Every member of The Family Potthast has a filthy mouth. And disgusting attitude. They are like crabs in a pot crawling over each other to get out but they are fighting for Chuck’s money. Poor little Eleanor is obviously crying and distressed by her parents’ loud arguing but they just ignore her. Has anyone heard Libby sing? I have a feeling she is about as talented as SOJABOY, Binyam, and Spahkles…
  19. Freaking Bilal can’t bring himself to hug or comfort his wife when she becomes emotional about the things that were said about their future as a couple and professes her love for him and dedication to working things out. What a douchebag. I truly can’t stand him and I wish Shaeeda had left him at the altar. I hope she sees the light sooner rather than later and leaves his ass. Whoa. Those text messages between Mohammed and the mystery woman…well, I doubt I would be able to forgive him and work things out. To quote Dinyell: “You’re a USER, Mohammed!!!” What an asshole.
  20. Tim has made available publicly several photographs of himself when he was a child and teenager, he was obviously a male then as he is now. And just because a man wears eyeliner and knee-high boots does not determine his sexual preference!
  21. He was on Pillow Talk (TLC) last week at his house in Mexico and Veronica was his guest co-commentator. Not sure who the Pillow Talk couples will be tonight.
  22. Not a fan of Ari but I am so glad she brought attention to Jibri and Miona making fun of Bini trying to express himself. They are horrible!
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