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Everything posted by GrammyPammy

  1. Who else wants to punch Bile in his smug, smirking mug? Seriously, I doubt Bile is very successful in real estate with his gaping lack of social skills. He seems to have no control over his emotions, especially anger, and it’s bone-chilling to think what he may be capable of. Most people would not only be turned off by him but would run the other way! I also can imagine him being dishonest and unscrupulous in business dealings.
  2. Well, Steven Tyler makes me hurl. Dude looks like a lady
  3. OMG, when Kimbelly was hugging Mother Sojaboy, you could see that his mother had a gold tooth in the same exact spot that Potential Parakeet has hers! Oedipal complex in the making.
  4. Andrei wants to go to family therapy so he can call everyone out for their crappy behavior, haha! I hope they have security at the session, I think they are going to need it!
  5. Oh, gag. Libby and her “Babymoon” and “Push Gift”. Just like Loren. Couples have babies every day without all this trendy nonsense. Go on a couples trip before the baby is born, bring your wife flowers in the hospital…like new parents have been doing for ages. They act like it’s a privilege set in stone. I guess it’s for social media. “Influencing”.🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
  6. Ok, NYC is exciting, colorful, iconic. Especially to immigrants, I suppose, for whom it represents…The United States. And Central Park and other locales can be beautiful…but I don’t think of Times Square as “beautiful” or “the epitome of romance”…hmm. The noise and lights give me a little anxiety, to be honest. And sometimes, yes, it smells like a “posey”. Not the flower (posie). Bilal could ruin any trip . To anywhere.
  7. Not gonna lie, Sumit’s cooking looks delish! (Better than the biff stew Debbie had waiting for Larissa in the Las Vegas summer heat after her long plane ride.) “My first meal with Pops!”😂😂😂
  8. Of course Jenny ignores medical advice and takes off the sling. And her jeans with all the holes/tears in them are ridiculous! It’s like she is trying way too hard to show how young and hip she is. I do covet her white fuzzy hoodie, though… (It looks cozy, we had a cold front come through here)
  9. Yara was pretty cold to Talmadge. These “introductions to friends” NEVER go well, LOL, it’s a tired TLC trope. The preview of the meet-up between Bile and Uterus looks to be even worse!
  10. The outfit Jenny wore to the physio therapist seemed out of character…jeans and T-shirt when she usually wears the beautiful flowing Indian outfits and scarves. I usually dress extremely casually (think jeans or sweats) but I dress it up a bit to go to appointments. Just seemed weird to me.
  11. Of course your feet hurt, Yara. Instead of designer stilettos try wearing some comfortable, supportive walking shoes on those European cobblestone streets.
  12. Oh, please. These stupid LOL Surprise dolls are NOT “educational toys to foster your child’s imagination”
  13. Yeah, Nutalie, I’m sure Mike wants you to move back after you’ve made a fool of yourself, talked crap about him, and slept with half the men in Florida.
  14. People who are coerced or forced to go to therapy aren’t very receptive to it, but who knows? Chuck encouraging Libby and her siblings to forgive and forget and move on has not been working. The family’s biggest problem is that they just continually sweep stuff under the rug…eventually the dirt explodes all over everyone involved.
  15. Well, color me surprised that wimpy Mama’s Boy Sumit faints when he sees needles! (Remember when Cory of Cory-and-Evelin had to get his Malaria vaccination and he made his mom go with him and he was rolling around on the floor crying?)
  16. Why did Jenny need Sumit to come home from work to take her to the ER? Then to the physiotherapist? Can she do nothing on her own? She is pathologically dependent. She was also foolish to climb up on a chair in the first place at her age. Just like when she went roller skating with abandon. She seems to vacillate between “Oh, look, I am young at heart, not an old lady” and “Sumit, I’m ancient, you have to take care of me!” I am 67 but I know better than to climb up on stuff (or go roller skating, etc.) without someone there to steady the ladder or in case something happens. Our bones become weaker and more porous as we get older, it’s just a fact. There is a difference between giving in to old age and being sensible.
  17. Usman thinks he is making Parakeet an offer she can’t refuse…and is shocked when she refuses.
  18. Soja’s light blue outfit he is donning to go meet his “potential” reminded me of some poplin pajamas I had for my Ken doll ages ago. Or the kind of PJ’s Rock Hudson wore in the movie “Pillow Talk”.
  19. Mixed breeds (aka affectionately as “mutts”) are the best! Healthier, too! Don’t shop, ADOPT!
  20. Now Angela thinks Mr Chippendale-in-stage -four-kidney-failure is who she needs to be with? Andrei: “I don’t really care about these people”. SAME, Andrei! Predictably, Usman’s mom’s potential wife for him is young and gorgeous and Usman is giddy and googly-eyed.
  21. Could Kimbelly even get a K-1 visa for Usman if he is married to someone else? That’s a huge leverage she has but she is too dumb to use it!
  22. Jamal is so wise. Apple DID fall far from the tree.
  23. Be thankful they didn't add an extra hour for daylight savings. Which reminds me, they did a bait and switch on the Friday night “First Look”…After several weeks of switching from 30 minute to hour-long previews, all of sudden the first look is 36 minutes long then switches abruptly to the dumb Culpo sisters show. It feels like TLC is always trying to make me their bitch! 🤬
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