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Everything posted by GrammyPammy

  1. Get out the Turkey baster, Shaeeda! It’s not just for Thanksgiving any more!
  2. Shaeeda doesn’t want Bilal’s family to get all involved in their parenthood issues…so she brings it up with them again and again…
  3. Maybe they could all be roomies, a lá Three’s Company! Ed could be the Mr. Roper character…
  4. Jenny had to live with her daughter before she moved to India. I don’t know that she and Sumit can afford to live in California after the 90 Day gravy train inevitably ends…
  5. Having children when you don’t want them, only to make your parents happy, is the WORST REASON EVER to have them. Maybe Sumit’s parents didn’t want him but had him to make their parents happy.🤷‍♀️ They certainly don’t show that they love him with their cruel actions.
  6. Oh, Bilal would be wearing that sauce on his head if he came into my kitchen with that crappy superior attitude. The whipping cream, too. He does realize Shaeeda is from another country, right? Thats rich that he is correcting HER grammar. Bilal teaching correct English is like Vladamir Putin teaching empathy.
  7. Liz is so co-dependent. She needs to fix herself and stop looking for men she can fix…I bet her previous husbands were both fixer-uppers, too.
  8. Is that PRIVATE DRIVE sign prominent enough? I wish she would get arrested for trespassing…a night in the slammer might sober her up and give her some time to think about her poor choices. She has a child. She needs to take a break from relationships, get a steady job with benefits including health insurance, use that insurance to go to a few years of therapy, find a stable long-term home for herself and her daughter (share with a platonic female if she needs help with rent) and raise her daughter. Poor little girl has already been through too much.
  9. Thank God they didn’t tape the convo where Christine told Truely about leaving Kody. These kids have their privacy intruded upon more than enough.
  10. Kody and Robyn will be rewarded with Robyn’s kids unable to adult and never moving out. Serves them right.
  11. Don’t you have to be a resident of the county the community college is in to enroll? Or are they going to use the old polygamy trope of “defrauding the government” and pretend Ysabel has been living with her sister and brother-in-law all this time? I do think it will be good for Ysabel to be away from the “divorce” drama…
  12. I wouldn’t want any of that stale, possibly moldy old crud, either!
  13. San Diego has a large homeless population because of the temperate year-round climate.
  14. I agree, but it bothered me more when Yara and her mother did it than when Usman’s family did it.
  15. Wait, isn’t this the same bar Kimbelly came to with Usman and friends??
  16. Dang, might be part of the reason he is so tense and intense.
  17. Libby should have soothed the interviewers with some nursery tunes…
  18. Jovi and Mrs. Gwen need a geography lesson. Or a map. Czech Republic doesn’t even border Ukraine.
  19. Mylah jumped into Mrs. Gwen’s arms, rested her head on her shoulder. I call fraudacity on the storyline that they didn’t see each other for months on end…
  20. Sumit’s mother had a maid! Yes, Jenny is a poor housekeeper but Sumit doesn’t work and could certainly pitch in to help.
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