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Everything posted by GrammyPammy

  1. I usually fast-forward through Bilal’s nonsense but I went to the kitchen to refill my drink and it played just long for me to begin to hear his foolishness and get irate. First his braggy virtue-signaling about his food pantry charity efforts. Give me a break. Then he calls the baby store and Shaeeda’s campaign to get pregnant “the plague”. Ugh. She NEVER should have married him or trusted him to take her desire to become a mother seriously. That pre-nush isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on. Now he is running to his mommy to once again throw Shaeeda under the bus about her “duping” him into having a baby. Just because that’s HIS M.O. doesn’t mean everyone is manipulative and shady. Yeah, Mother Bilal, her clock IS ticking wild because she is 37 years old and counting! It takes time to conceive and “incubate” a baby, not to mention if they have more than one…her 40th birthday will have come and gone quickly. So then Bilal says that in his FIRST marriage they had children right away. Are you talking about your SECOND marriage, to Shahideous, Bilal? Then Mother Bilal brags that Bilal has been a counselor himself in the past as an Imam!?!? WTF??? I would no more trust this gaslighting egomaniac with my mental health than I would use him as a realtor! Add on his uneducated grammar usage and…well, I will be ever more vigilant in the future to try to skip his ish in the future!
  2. Kimberly and Soja are trying to jam a square peg into a round hole. They both need to cut bait and fish elsewhere.
  3. Well, it’s shiny and not over bleached straw with split ends so it’s probably not her real hair
  4. This voice teacher🙄 The amateurish hand-painted word art on the wall of her studio🙄🙄🙄 Don’t quit your day job just yet, Libby…
  5. Lately, I spend Sundays trying to talk myself out of watching the show/snarking. But, like a moth to a flame…here I am.
  6. Kody is just mad he is losing one of his “wives” since their religion requires the men to have a certain number of wives to attain a good slot in heaven.
  7. Kathleen failed the English (language) exam portion of the work visa application (which is kind of surprising because her spoken English seems to be pretty good). Christine is in the UK on a Tourist Visa.
  8. I’m reading a book on polygamy written by one of Christine’s aunts. (Born In Polygamy by Rebecca Kimbel). This is a quote from the book:
  9. I can only what those six magazines were…I’m sure no one has ever heard of them. He is being a pompous ass. Even more than usual.
  10. We can only hope. It’s kind of scary that these two incompetent nincompoops are responsible for two dogs.
  11. Liz: “She looks like she has no neck.” BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
  12. Ugh, Kimbelly has reverted to the Hideous Hairstyle. Who is she kidding, she will NEVER allow Soja to have a second wife!
  13. Kimbelly was U. S. Army Airborne? Now THAT impresses me!
  14. Ugh, get pole-dancing Twitney offa my tv! Angela’s attorney is a hoot! We don’t care to know this crap, either, Lew!
  15. Did Kimbelly just try to WINK? With her whole face?? LOL
  16. Between Bile’s atrocious grammar and his gaslighting manipulation I just can’t. Gonna fast-forward and meet y’all at the next segment
  17. Liz seems to be on the verge of tears. At all times.
  18. There is such an undercurrent of tension and hostility to Pred and Lizard’s interactions. Pred hasn’t been in a serious relationship for 30 years. One year longer than Liz has been alive.
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