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Everything posted by GrammyPammy

  1. I know! The first time I saw the commercial I thought it was a new season and I was so excited! It’s better than all of these tired O. G. 90 Day shows…
  2. Even though she refuses to see him or talk to him. He is so self-centered. He won’t do anything he doesn’t want to do, no matter what. It worked in Jenny’s favor to get him to marry her but now it’s going to be a long haul for her…
  3. Kody: “Robyn always makes sure things are awesome for the kids” like trick-or-treating at their own house. Also, Robyn looked terrifying in that Cleopatra get-up…
  4. Mahadi sure does look like him! But Usman and Mohammed favor each other, too. Goodnight, Frozen Diva! Hopefully this thread will attract more snarkers if the new season has better content, this season is DOA.
  5. Armando and Kenny must be the most hydrated members of the 90 universe…they ALWAYS have drinks in hand!
  6. Robert: “It seems like he (Usman) is working to win over Jamal” Ya think? Kimberly: “I don’t want to look like that crazy white lady that’s come over from America…” Honey, that ship has sailed! i can’t believe Usman hasn’t even spoken to his brother about “adopting his son”. So weird and crazy
  7. John: “we’ll see if they play (ps5’s) together!” LOL
  8. In Robyn’s talking heads from her sickbed…even though she is “wasting away” sick…she still looks SO MUCH BETTER without those Sharpie-drawn eyebrows!!
  9. Christine is saying she has never had Covid. It was so widespread by then I really suspect she had it at some point and was asymptomatic. For as much as this family talks about covid they are woefully uninformed about it.
  10. My heart is breaking for Gabriel. All of Janelle’s kids, and Christine’s. (Don’t know enough about Kody’s relationship with his firstborn to really comment…) These kids are all craving attention and love from Kody, which always has been in short supply, but even more so since Robyn and her brood joined the family. And then to watch him put Robyn, her kids, and Sol and Ari on pedestals and shower them with favor just rubs salt into the wounds. I hate polygamy, it’s so toxic and never really works.
  11. Jovi: “maybe another baby will bring us closer together”. Yeah, right.
  12. Kimbelly, believe me you do not want Jamal to get to know Usman better. Jamal is sharp and will see through the SOJABOY bullshit right away. It will NOT make him more of an ally, only serve to make him determined to get you out of this mess!
  13. Probably no worse than having donuts or pastries or pancakes with syrup or a bowl of sugary cereal.
  14. I will, too. I was once married to a functional alcoholic. Until he stopped functioning and was just a drunk. It wasn’t pretty but thank goodness I got out. Watching Jovi is like watching a replay of that time in my life. It won’t end well.
  15. She could get work as a coffin model. Between Kimbelly and Grangela, 90 Day should serve as a good deterrent to smoking.
  16. Usman’s brother would just give his son to Usman? Sorry, but in my book that is extremely messed up!?!?
  17. Wow, Loren’s mom really came at her, with the bad language, too!😳😳😳
  18. Culpo sisters sitting there petting their hair…I just can’t.
  19. I’m on month 11 of Long Covid and I sleep soooo many hours a day. I take a long nap on Sunday afternoons in order to stay awake for 90 Day and Pillow Talk. Still often fall asleep halfway through.
  20. That engagement party cake is really cute. That’s all I have to say about that.
  21. Another engagement party. Since the first one went so well…
  22. Kody the fricking Drama Queen. It’s weird that none of them can see what we, the audience, has been seeing clearly all these seasons…Christine has been repeatedly ignored and mistreated and she has been miserable. Polygamy just isn’t realistic or sustainable unless you are willing to ignore your emotions, cognitive dissonance, and responsibility to yourself.
  23. I think this is what Kody is clumsily referring to: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crab_mentality
  24. What is the point of the five of them sitting around beating a dead horse??
  25. “It seems that Uterus doesn’t like me very well.” Get in line, Uterus! Or join our We Absolutely Despise Bilal Club!
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