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Posts posted by LetsStartTalking

  1. Poor Sunny was dissed by Whoopi and Joy today.

    The question was 'Are you doing Thanksgiving differently this year than in years pass?'  It was an easy 'filler' question and required a short answer to get everyone in before the next commercial break.

    Sunny told us she's cancelling her day-after 'snacking' celebration which she hosts every year on the Friday after Thanksgiving, inviting 50 people each year. Thanksgiving dinner is limited to her immediate family, as she follows the guidelines (only people you live with).  She could've ended it there, but nooooooo....she then went on a tirade about the virus spreading throughout the country and 'Doctors Without Borders' sending docs from other countries to America to deal with the pandemic, since it's out of control, blah blah blah. They discussed this earlier in the show, and she could have said her rant then. It wasn't part of the topic at hand.

    Whoopi tried to interrupt and cut her off (to go to the next host). Joy was making faces of disinterest on her camera, and Sarah looked like she was being lulled to sleep.

    Finally, when Sunny took a moment to catch her breath, Whoopi chimed in with 'We got it', and Joy echoed with 'OK, Sunny - we got it! We got it!' and a chuckle. 

    Sarah tried to stifle a laugh, but Sunny had her 'serious pout' on her face. She was not too happy with her cohosts.

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  2. Thanks for posting this falltime. It looks like it was at the very end of the show, and the show was pre-empted at the last 5-10 minutes (I luckily missed VYD on Monday) when they cut in for George Stephanopolous with breaking news, which was nothing.

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  3. 16 hours ago, WinnieWinkle said:

    I always thought McCain had married before Cindy and that she was Meghan's step-mother.  Not that step-mothers can't be close to the kids (if Hallmark movies have taught me nothing else they've taught me this) but aside from that Meghan has always seemed to me to be distant from her mother and from her other siblings.  That may be my perception and not an accurate one.

    No, she is the child from Cindy and John McCain. I believe she is their only child from that marriage - correct me if I'm wrong.  I believe her older siblings are from her father's first marriage, and then there is her younger sister who was adopted.

  4. 5 hours ago, OnTime said:

    Wow, Cindy is 66. Why did I think she was much older???

    I think because her husband was much older than she (I believe he'd be 85 this year ?).  She comes across as an 'older' than 66, IMO.

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  5. 10 hours ago, howiveaddict said:

    Why hasn’t Cindy been to visit Megan?   We are in the middle of a pandemic.  In reality she should quarantine 2 weeks before visiting the baby.  And that would be after arriving in NY.   She doesn’t want to risk the babies life.   These are not normal times.   I’m sure she’d be right there if things were normal. 

    I know we are in a pandemic, but let's face it - Meghan had the baby over a month ago (Sept. 28?). Arrangements could have been made in advance for Cindy to be out there with her daughter before her due date / delivery, or shortly after with all precautions in place. As I've said before, to me they don't come across as a close mother / daughter relationship - certainly not as close as she was with her father. 

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  6. Cindy McCain still comes off as very cold, unemotional, and stiff. I always get the impression she thinks she is better than the four women hosting this show. And why hasn't she been to visit her daughter and the baby yet ? Something's odd there.

    Interesting that Behar mentioned Biden is considering her for a 'Secretary' position in his administration. She tried to dance around it and focus on helping him now, but you could tell she'd love the position.

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  7. 9 hours ago, magicdog said:

    I am looking to start a freelance writing business.  I also have been considering a vending route to make more money and fire my boss.  Any thoughts? 

    Freelance writing business is your best bet. You have a lot of opportunities with that, and the pay is pretty lucrative depending on the job (I've been doing something similar for a friend who does internet ads for local businesses - I do the copy writing for him, as well as the quarterly newsletters. I charge differently for each job).

    A vending route - that I can't recommend. I've never done it, but two close friends have done it in the past and absolutely hated it. The pay just didn't match the work and time they had to put into it. Hope this helps.

  8. 27 minutes ago, heysmilinstrange said:

    According to The View's Twitter, Cindy McCain will be on tomorrow to react to the election.

    That should be interesting. I have a feeling going forward this will be a new show with new energy.

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  9. I've been watching her regularly since January, 1998 when she first started airing in my area as a mid-season replacement (I know she's been on since 1996, but for some reason she wasn't airing in my area the first 18 months).  I remember the days when she didn't understand the fairly new eBay, and would laugh at people who had 'online auto insurance' and think it was some kind of scam.  I hope they start re-airing those again ...they were fun.

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  10. I was a small buisness owner from 1987-2011, selling luxury gift items / personal care. I was very successful,  got a lot of recognition in the media, started out very small, and then grew bigger in my 9th year (bigger location, better neighborhood economically).  I loved every minute of it, but three months before my lease was to be renewed again (June, 2011) I knew it was time to call it quits and start 'stage 2' of my life at the age of 48. The economy was not great for job-hunters at the time, but the economy and internet was slowly eating away at my business, and I wanted to end on a 'high note'.

    Feel free to ask me anything! From business loans to leases, to  competition, to retail in general.  BTW, if anyone is thinking of opening a retail store these days - don't do it. The internet will kill you these days. So many independent retailers have closed in the past nine years, like I did.

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  11. 9 hours ago, SRTouch said:

    I share your confusion....... made worse as JJ was in one of her moods and in attack mode out the gate. First off, one of JJ's buttons is anyone making money in a real estate deal besides herself. Here lady bought a house, had it insured for replacement value, house burned to ground, and lady received more more than she paid. Apparently JJ decided it must be some insurance scam and grilled Lady about cause of fire..... several other irrelevant items, but really what case was about was Lady wanted a return of money paid to defendant for site clean up - but we heard very little about that until he butted in at the end after case was over...... if i heard correctly amid all the irrelevant distractions, it was a simple case - the woman had already collected what she paid D from his bonding/insurance and now expected D to pay more because she lost time and hired someone else who charged her twice as much

    Thank You - that makes some sense now. The woman insured it for today's value (2019-20) rather than what she paid for it in 2007. It did look suspicious that the fire happened shortly after, yet she had proof from the FD report it was an electrical fire. What the woman ended up doing with the money is really no concern to this case. So she didn't rebuild ? She bought a condo at half the price of the settlement ($115,000) ? So what ? Many people who have their car totaled in an accident get money from the inusrance company, but don't spend all of it on a new car of the same amount of the settlement.

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  12. 11 hours ago, parrotfeathers said:

    That was a very confusing case.  Still don't quite understand how much money she put in the deli business.   JJ seemed to imply (to me) that it was not an accidental fire.

    I have this on my DVR and so far, I've tried to follow this four time. I still can't understand this mess. I think much of it has to do with 'editing' for a fifteen minute time frame. This should have been an hour episode because too much was going on in this three-ring circus. Plus, the plaintiff's "Tina Turner wig" from 1990 was very annoying.

    What is 'creative financing' for the mortgage ?

    I didn't understand the insurance settlement, the mortgage, the money invested in the deli (where did that come into play?) , the condo, the cash, the bond settlement ? WOW !

    Then she stormed out of the studio and started yelling at everyone behind the scenes. She was a delight.


    If anyone can pick through this and let us know what we saw and why her case was dismissed, please let me know !

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  13. The week looks promising. Wonder if Meghan will make it back for the Veteran's Day show, since, well...we all know..."She comes from a military family"? I don't think she will let that episode pass her by.

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  14. On the East Coast it was pre-empted for ABC News coverage. On the political panel was that woman Sarah Fagen (Monday's guest) and Rahm Emanuel - I didn't realize RE was a (paid) political contributor for ABC, since they never introduced him that way on 'The View' - yet it does explain why he is frequently on 'The View' now.

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  15. On 1/5/2020 at 5:02 PM, BaskingsharkGTX said:


    This is turning into, I dunno, "Millennial Dexter". It definitely doesn't have the twisted magic of the first season and it does feel like a bit of a retread. Also, I really want to know how Joe got his plexiglass cell set up in the storage unit. Did he have it disassembled and shipped from NY? Or did he buy a new one?


    I'm late to the party as I'm just watching season 2 now, trying to escape the never-ending election coverage. I wondered the same thing - how the hell did he get his pexiglass jail to LA, from the basement of the bookstore in NYC ? The series is enjoyable (thanks to Penn) but they really do reach too far !

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  16. 14 minutes ago, Haleth said:

    I’d love the distraction. This suspense is making me ill. 

    I'm hoping Greta Monaghan and Adam Glassman team up for a special 'View Your Deal: Election Edition' ! We can have the chance to buy a half-price abacus, so we can tally the election votes at home. I know the drill, so I have my CC in my hand.

  17. 20 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

    5 p.m. episodes, first one new, second one a rerun-

    First (New)-

    Broken Nose Cat-fight!-Plaintiff (Silvia Marino) is suing her step-sisters (Julie and Clara Munoz)for assaulting her, and breaking her nose.   Plaintiff step-mother moved in when she was 6.  Plaintiff was living with her mother, and moved into her father's house, with step-mother, and two step sisters.   At the end of July 2020, the three got into a kerfuffle with the step-sisters.    Trial for protective order was denied by judge against defendants.

    Plaintiff says Clara lured her out of her room, and the two confronted plaintiff over wine and other stuff.   Defendant tried to order plaintiff back to her room, plaintiff told her to stuff it.    Then, step-sisters started arguing with plaintiff again, claims Clara punched her a bunch of times in the face, breaking her nose.   Then Julie got into it, after Silvia defended herself against Clara, and started punching the plaintiff again.   

    Clara claims Silvia stole her wine, and the fight was on.    Plaintiff witness split the woman up, and she filed for a protective order. 

    Plaintiff moved out of the father's house, to a rented room, but the wicked stepsisters still live there in the father, and his wife/girlfriend's house.  .    Defendants are counter suing for a false restraining order. 

    My guess is father sided with the wife/girlfriend, against his daughter.  I can only imagine what would have happened if the father sided with the plaintiff.  The father lived with stepmother since plaintiff daughter was six, and I'm guessing he never intended for daughter to move in, and wanted her out.    Another person who wants to erase a first relationship, and the children that result from it.  

    Plaintiff receives nothing.    Defendants receive nothing. 


    I was hoping the plaintiff Sylvia  would receive $5,000 and Judge Judy would have quipped 'Go get your nose fixed.'

    • LOL 3
  18. In today's fight discussion, I have to take Sunny's side. She really scored some solid points, and didn't back down.

    Ana and Joy were on target, and Whoopi was more distracted trying to fit in the commercial breaks.

    As usual, Sara was dragged in from the JV league, and didn't belong on the team. I feel bad for her, as she gets intimidated too easily, and chokes up on her words. Can't wait for tomorrow's show...I think we're treated to a 'Feel Good Friday' VYD !!!!

  19. 17 hours ago, Florinaldo said:

    Overeager plaintiff tried flattery on JJ , only to be smacked down. He should have known she does not tolerate being upstaged, in this case as the ultimate Self-Brown-Noser-in-Chief.

    I am glad this did not lead to his case being dismissed as defendant and her witness were either obviously lying or totally incoherent. Daughter is well on her way to give her mother serious competition for the Big Scary Eyes hall of fame.

    He was quite handsome, and he knew it. He's also a professional actor in Hollywood and on stage - so he knew how to 'act for the camera'.

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  20. Quote

    First (New)-

    Gay Pride Activist Denies Felony Charges!-Plaintiff suing event promoter for fees owed for a performance, and bank fees.  Plaintiff says he performed with band at event for defendant, and defendant paid him with two checks that both bounced.     Plaintiff says defendant paid his some money.    Performance was at event, and pay for staging, lighting, and sound, plus performance fees.     $1500 for bank, $4,000 for sound, and other things.   Defendant wrote two checks for $750 each, and they bounced at the bank.  

    Defendant says checks were returned because his account had too little money, because he thought that the charity sponsorships would pay him enough to cover the checks.    Plaintiff says defendant eventually paid his $950, and there's another bad check from defendant too.   Third check was to sound guy for $2,000, and plaintiff covered the check to sound man with his own funds.

    So $2550 remaining on balance due, plus bank fees.   Lawrence "LP" Lawrence stiffed the sound guy for $2,000 too, and admits that.  Defendant is lucky the two men didn't file criminal charges against him for check kiting, a felony.

    Plaintiff receives $2550 for banks, plus fees of $10 totaling, $2560.

    Covid-19 Stimulus Check Stolen?!-Plaintiff (Derrick Anders Jr) suing his former friend for stealing his stimulus money from his bank account.   Plaintiff received $1200 from IRS electronically.   Deposit was through "Cash APP" on plaintiff's phone, after he applied on the IRS website (what a shock plaintiff is a singer/songwriter, entrepreneur).   Defendant's bow tie is very crooked, and it's driving me nuts (yes, it's a short trip).

    Plaintiff claims defendant (Tevin Warfield) stole $1100 of the $1200 from the Cash App.      (The giggling by the defendant is very irritating, and makes him sound guilty)   Tevin is also known as "Little Poochy Daddy" online.

    Personally, I think the defendant's laughing, and giggling is so irritating, he should be thrown out of court right now.  (I found both litigants so irritating that I wish Officer Byrd had taken the Fly Swatter of Justice to drive them out of the court room). 

    Plaintiff case dismissed for lack of proof.     

    First case -

    Is the defendant for real ?  How did JJ keep a straight face without laughing ?


    Second case -

    See first case.

    Note: Plaintiff was very cute, but there was something wrong with him 'For sure' (as he kept answering).

    • Love 2
  21. 23 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

    5 p.m. episodes, first one new, second one a very recent rerun-

    First (New)-

    Social Media Oblivious to Pandemic!-Plaintiff (Keshwan Clark) suing over a Youtube channel she wanted, over the cost of props to start her Youtube channel.  Plaintiff purchased a camera, lights, and props.  Plaintiff claims defendant (Kory Ingram) had the idea of the Youtube channel, but defendant says the channel was always only plaintiff's idea.   (What a shock, plaintiff is an aspiring actress and model, and a fitness model).  They stopped filming videos in June 2020.    The litigants had a major disagreement over the work plaintiff wanted defendant to put into the video channel.  

    JJ tells plaintiff to sell equipment if she wants money for the props, and equipment.  

    Case dismissed.    

    Eyelash Heist-Plaintiff (Carina Schumacher) suing for a security deposit, eyelashes and other property stolen.  Plaintiff claims defendant picked up her package of eyelashes, and she's returning them to her in court (after some JJ minion fetches them).     Plaintiff claims defendant's dog chewed plaintiff's vacuum cleaner cord.   

    Defendant claims plaintiff brought two rats into the apartment, and one died on defendant's pillow.   

    Security deposit was $ each, but every tenant lost their security deposit (there were two dogs, and four roommates), and two rats.    Plaintiff claims the carpet damages were the reason for the security deposit loss.  

    Eyelashes are returned to plaintiff, and everything else is dismissed.  


    First case:

    Keshwan Clark was dressed for a cocktail party in her low-cut black cocktail dress. Why didn't JJ remind this one that she was not dressed appropriately for court? She does this to male litigants if they (God forbid!) show their chest with their shirt unbuttoned a bit. Tells them no one wants to see their chest (I do). Why didn't she do this to the plaintiff and have her 'go put on a sweater' ?

    Second case:

    The plaintiff watches too much 'Law & Order'. Twice she said "I object, your honor" - and there was nothing to object to. Oh, these fun millennials.

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