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Posts posted by LetsStartTalking

  1. 14 minutes ago, nora1992 said:

    Poor Mr Progner - her mind was made up as soon as she read the age of the vehicle, and she didn’t even bother to get his name right.  But it just emphasizes the point of getting everything in writing, and that checks are still useful.

    Poor Mr. Progner looked like "Mr. Ed" the talking horse from the 60's TV comedy.

    • LOL 6
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  2. I still can't get over that Sunny actually said on today's show "For many African-American students, athletics is one of their only ways to get into college."

    Is she kidding ?

    Imagine if Meghan or Sarah had said this?  She'd be serving their heads on a platter.

    • Love 5
  3. Is anyone else as dizzy as I am watching the 'new episodes', and going from current 2020 to Spring, 2012 ? Seeing a much younger JJ with her original hairstyle, juxtaposed with the older 'RBG' Judge Judy ?

    • Love 9
  4. 21 hours ago, TheGreenKnight said:

    Personally, I completely agreed with Sara about Perdue not showing up for the debate. Why are you in this job if you don't want to answer to the people who put you there? One of the few times Sara actually made a comment that hit the bull's-eye.

    I agree with her, too, and as I said in my original post - when a candidate doesn't show up for a debate with their opponent, they will face the consequences later on.

    However, Sarah saying  'if you don't show up for something at any other job you're fired' is completely untrue, as I pointed out. If you're a union employee, you follow the perimeters of your contract. If you're an 'at will' (non-union) employee, you follow the perimeters of the job description you were hired for. That's all.  To go out of the perimeters of either, it must be 'mandated' by your employer, and you're compensated. If it's not mandated, it's voluntary - such as this debate - and you can't be fired if you choose not to participate.

    The show has made a huge error in not clarifying this so far, and providing wrong information to their viewers.  I expect better of them. I expect better of Sunny (our legal eagle) not to have corrected Sarah on the spot.

    • Love 2
  5. 14 hours ago, UpTooLate said:

    My feeling is that she will try to do what she can to convict the bad actors in this administration and then run for Governor.

    I'm thinking much  higher - depending on who is President in 2024. But we're totally on the same page as to how she responded. She chose her words very carefully, but said an awful lot between the lines.

    • Love 5
  6. 50 minutes ago, deirdra said:

    I liked what the AG had to say, but it appeared to be scripted, especially when she repeated herself verbatim when responding to Joy.  If Joy didn't understand the wording the first time, explaining it with different words usually helps.

    I think for obvious legal reasons, she had to be very careful and particular with what she said and how she said it. She doesn't want to jeopardize the cases they are building.  But I think Joy (and the audience, and especially the Trumps) can read between the lines of what she was saying. She said quite a bit without saying too much.

    • Love 6
  7. 1. Whose bright idea was it to stick the wig from The Cowardly Lion on Sunny's head today ? She looked like TCL when he was in the beauty parlor in the merry ol' land of Oz.

    2. Sarah, please look for a new job over Christmas break. I'm sure TVFN or HGTV would love to have you as one of their chirpy hosts.

    3. Glad to see the show is now promoting themselves as #1 Daytime show and Emmy winner in their commercial bumpers. They've certainly earned it.

    4. Letitia James is 'the real deal'. She scared me - I can only imagine she has the Trump family crapping their pants.

    • Love 6
  8. 1 hour ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

    5 p.m. both 2020-

    First (New, 2020)-

    Season Pass Scam?!-Plaintiffs Victoria Viamin, Jonathan Friedland, and Nicholas Shore, bought $500 each Ikon annual friends and family ski passes from defendant Vynessa DiBlasio.  There was another person who bought the $400 pass with blackout dates on holidays.    Passes are usually $1,000, but the $500 pass had no blackout dates.   Plaintiffs paid on apps to defendant.   ($400 pass isn't in court, so he's out).   

    Defendant says she received $1500 via the apps, for the $500 Ikon ski passes.    Then all three plaintiffs received an email saying that the three passes (and the fourth) were fraudulent.   Defendant says she was duped, and it's not her fraud.   However, she resold the passes, so it's her fraud.  JJ tells obnoxious defendant to find the person she bought the passes from.  

    $500 to each of the three plaintiffs, totaling $1,500.   

    Father Son Fight! (older case)-Plaintiff Cody Lloyd suing his father, Randall Lloyd for a car that Cody paid $4200 for.  Car was in father's name, because of Cody's age, and was supposed to be transferred to son when he turned 18.      Father was mad that son who moved in with him had a party in his house, when father was out of town.    

    When son became 18 he was supposed to turn car over to son, and instead the father sold the car, and kept the money.   Apparently son mov

    Father Randall Lloyd is slurping the Water That Must be Drunk like he's been marooned in the desert for years.   What a slime ball.

    Plaintiff receives $4200 for his car, father receives nothing.   

    Covid Strikes Again! (2020)-Plaintiff Alexander Nielsen suing former landlady, Mary L'Homme.  Tenant lived there for two years, and rent was $2,000 a month, and during Covid rent was reduced to $1500 for two months, paid it, and plaintiff then moved out with relatives, and still wants his security deposit back.   During Covid plaintiff's company stopped overtime, and his income was reduced. 

    Defendant says all conditions with the reduced rent dropped off of her phone.     Fortunately, plaintiff has the texts.  (Why did plaintiff take an apartment where he had to have overtime to afford it?   That's not the landlord's problem, it's his).    Defendant agreed to the reduced rent for two months, at $1500.

    Plaintiff receives his $1,000 security deposit.  


    Season Pass Scam?

    I couldn't help but wonder (or fantasize?) if Nicholas Shore and Jonathan Friedland were 'a couple'. Two sexy college dudes who were forbidden to 'chime in' because there is no chiming in JJ's courtroom. In any case, I'd love to be snowbound in a ski lodge with just the two of them.

    Back to the case - Judge Judy was giving defendant Vynessa Di Blasio three minutes - that's it! - to explain her defense. We now know 'three minutes' means 'three short sentences' on Judy's timeclock. Poor Vynessa got whiplashed by the judgement.


    Father Son Fight!

    There's a very good reason why this case was left in 'the can' for seven years. There's absolutely no good reason why it was broadcast today, as filler between two 'new' cases. We'll leave it at that.


    Covid Strikes Again!

    Thank you producers for this case with the incredibly sexy Alexander Nielsen suing Mary L'Homme, who looked like she was channeling Bette Davis in 'Whatever Happened to Baby Jane ?'  I was waiting for Ms. L'Homme to start bellowing "Blaaaaaaaaaanche! Blaaaaaaaaaaaaanche!"  Mr. Nielsen was a hottie in a businessman / nerd sort of way. Very sexy smile. He was one I'd want to rip off his glasses (which were dated), loosen up his shirt and tie,  and muss up his hair - I'm sure he's fun when he 'let's loose'.  If he needs a place to stay, I'm renting a ski lodge with Nicholas and Jonathan...

    The case was a 'no brainer'.  She gave him the place for $1500 for June and July 'unconditional'. Somehow Baby Jane Hudson forgot that....just like she forgot she had her older sister Blanche up in the room. 




    • LOL 5
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  9. 6 hours ago, PradaKitty said:

    Once again, The View is preempted by a politician. Governor Newsom has been speaking forever....  and yet it’s nothing I didn’t already know. 
    oh well... it’s still better than View Your Deal. 

    Oh no it isn't ! Did Newsom give you the chance to buy Oprah's favorite pretzels, truffle mustard, 'cheaters' (reading glasses), pillows, purses and tote bags all at affordable prices ?  Hmmmm? Did he ??? I don't think so....


    Gavin Newsom has nothing on Adam Glassman (except Newsom is so much sexier and better looking).

    • LOL 4
  10. Takeaways from today's show:


    1. Ana on Kelly Loeffler : "She sounded like my alarm system when it tells me my door is ajar."

    That one-liner has been circulating all over social media since the debate ended.  By this morning's show, it's stale and tired. Ana needs to be original if she wants to be funny.


    2. Sarah Haines on Senator Perdue (who didn't show up for the debate): "If you don't show up for something at any other job, you're fired."

    Sarah has said some pretty ridiculous things on this show over the years, but this takes the cake.  First of all, what she said IS NOT TRUE. The only 'things' you need to show up for at work are those which are considered 'mandatory' which are those which are 'mandated'. Everything else is considered 'voluntary', such as a senator debating his political opponent.

    If something is mandated - such as a department meeting - and it's on your day off or 'after hours', then yes you have to show up, and yes your employer has to pay you for your time (some states require a minimum of half a day's pay, such as my state, or as long as the mandated event takes place - whichever is the greater of the two). If the event - such as a meeting on your day off-  is not mandatory, it's considered voluntary and it's up to the employee on whether they want to attend. If the voluntary event is on your day off and you decide to attend, no pay is expected.

    Debates are not mandatory - they are voluntary between the candidates. If a candidate chooses not to participate, so be it. (He / she will pay the consequences later). It's not part of a senator's job to show up, even though Sarah suggested the opposite. No one corrected her - probably because she went on and on and on for what felt like 45 minutes, and everyone tuned out.


    BTW, who decided to dress her up as though it was Independence Day ?

    3. Adam Glassman - If they decide to do any more pale makeup on him with bright lighting and white shirts against a white background, he's going to be transparent. He looked like a ghost today,  trying to convince us that  Oprah's favorite pretzels and truffle mustard are great 'Christmas gifts'. Talk about sounding like Ana's monotone alarm system warning her the door is ajar...

    • LOL 2
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  11. 20 hours ago, TheView said:

    Monday's guest will be a snooze 

    Agree, but tomorrow we get to purchase the hottest items at affordable prices thanks to VYD!

    I mean - don't we all need more face creams, body lotions, bubble bath, candles, and truffle oils to get us through this week ? I'm going to open a new credit card tomorrow morning so that at 12 noon (EST) I'll be ready for 'the drill' ! Count down to Greta...

    • LOL 5
  12. On 3/3/2020 at 12:47 AM, scrb said:

    Actually a former pope can live in an apartment in the Vatican while another one is the current pope.  Ratzinger served as pope for a few years and then stepped down and lived in the Vatican until he died.


    Ratzinger is still very much alive at 93 years old.

    • Useful 1
  13. 5 hours ago, deirdra said:

    But that doesn't help viewers.  She could have explained it in one sentence (she has before) instead of wasting time on the sentence saying of course she understood it she has a law degree but didn't have enough time to go into it.  She berates others for that type of non-answer.  Most court cases involve lawyers who interpret/understand the same law differently, and viewers wanted her insight, not defensiveness and tea-sipping.

    THANK YOU! This is exactly what I've been trying to get across. For an experienced lawyer and former US Attorney as she frequently reminds everyone, she certainly could've answered his question - her understanding of the EC  - rather than cowardly move on.


    But she did answer. She said yes, she understood the EC. 

    He asked 'what' her understanding of the EC was, not if she understood it. She didn't answer. All she had to say was, "My legal understanding of the EC is..." and be done with it.  She couldn't do it. Now she's trying to spin this into 'he didn't know I had a legal background', which is not true at all.

  14. Looking forward to Tuesday's show with New York Attorney General Letitia James ! And I Iove Cyndi Lauper, but she's probably not going to perform.

    I'm assuming there is this week and next week left before they break for Christmas ? Then they come back January 4 ?


    And Thursday's show promises another Rakutan infomercial with Elizabeth Werner! Yay!

    • Love 1
  15. On 12/4/2020 at 6:59 PM, gatopretoNYC said:

    The idea that Sunny needed to "prove" her knowledge of the Emoluments Clause to an idiotic and condescending John Bolton is ridiculous.

    She didn't need to prove anything. They were having a discussion on the EC, and he asked her legal understanding of it, as he gave his legal understanding. He never asked her to prove anything. He simply asked her a question, which she didn't answer.

    • Love 1
  16. 2 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

    No, she couldn't. Whoopi controls the time. The producers control the time. Otherwise Whoopi wouldn't be cutting to commercial breaks every 7 minutes or so.


    Yet we've seen time and time again where hosts ignore Whoopi and the producers, and continue on and on and on about some topic or line of questioning with a guest (Joy is always guilty of this). Nothing would've happened to Sunny if she took an extra 30 seconds to explain her legal understanding, as he asked her to do so.

    As for Sunny, I do hope she gets over the fact that Bolton got the best of her because she couldn't explain her legal understanding of the EC. She's not wearing it well.

    • Love 1
  17. 4 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

    They were talking about Steve Mnuchin not knowing that Rep. Katie Porter was a lawyer, when she was questioning him, and he was being dismissive. Whoopi was asking shouldn't he have known that she was a lawyer? Didn't his lawyers inform him? Because when she asked if he was a lawyer, he said he had lawyers around him who helped him; and they talked about her reclaiming her time because of his assholishness.

    That's not what I saw. When Bolton asked Sunny if she knew what the Emoluments Clause was, she responded she was aware, but that there wasn't enough time for her to tell him what she knew, as they had to move on and she had another question. That is not Bolton "winning".

    Yes! Thanks for reminding me about Mnuchin and Porter.

    As for Bolton, he asked her understanding of the EC. Since she was the one conducting the interview, she could have very well extended the time on telling him how she understood it. She cowered, and jumped to the next question. No reason why she couldn't explain her understanding the way he did - the ball was in her court. She was caught off guard by his question, and probably didn't study up on the EC.  As I said earlier, this continues to sting her. 

    • Love 2
  18. Something was said yesterday about not knowing someone's background, and Sunny quipped 'Just like John Bolton didn't know my legal background'. She then did her sarcastic pout.

    Not true - Bolton never said he didn't know she had a legal background, just the opposite. He questioned her legal understanding of a topic they were discussing last week when he was a guest. One lawyer questioning another on their legal understanding is par for the course, especially when they are on opposite sides of an argument. He never questioned her legal background or asked if she was a lawyer - he knew, and questioned her understanding (and he won). That's still stinging her like a bee up her ass. Get over it Sunny!

    I liked when the camera did a close up on Sara, and she babbled on and on and on and on (this was the discussion of some Dems breaking COVID rules). The camera then does a full-shot of the hosts, and Joy had a puzzled look on her face (with a smirk) and shook her head, as if to say 'What the hell is she saying ?'  Meanwhile, Whoopi had the glazed look over her eyes as though she tuned out when Sara began talking.


    For the record, I miss MeAgain and her 'spilling the tea', 'reading tea leaves', 'moving the needle one way or the other', 'her wheelhouse', 'being the only republican in the USA', etc.

  19. 14 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

    5 p.m. episodes, first one new, second one 2020 rerun-

    First (new 2020), second case (2013)-

    Scary Air-Bag Recall?!-Plaintiff Olivia Benavides suing rental car company owners Sean Pirali for a fraudulent rental car.   There is a signed contract.   Car was rented for $160 a week, and $150 deposit.   Car was a 2009 model Toyota, and was rented by a previous renter (car was purchased two months before from a private individual).     There was a recall on the air bags, and recall notice is undated.   However, defendant claims his mechanic checked the car over, and the recall wasn't actually on that specific vehicle. 

    Plaintiff wanted to rent the car for a ride share, and terminated the contract, and return the car without two weeks notice.   Plaintiff claims she tried to give notice the first week, but had the car from 28 May, and returned on 22 June, for three weeks total.    Plaintiff only paid for two weeks, not the third week, but did pay the $150 deposit, and $50 processing fee.     Plaintiff wants her payments back, but had the car for three weeks.    

    Oh no, the "Ate the Steak" story is coming again.   

    Case dismissed, because of the deposit.   

    Babysitter’s Bounced Checks! (2013)-Plaintiff Brittany Taylor suing former babysitting employer Amelia McPeek. for the two bad checks defendant wrote her ($100, and $100 ) for babysitting her child overnight.  After both checks bounced plaintiff refused to baby sit for the child again.    Plaintiff wants bank fees, the $200 for the bad checks, and other fees.   Defendant claims she didn't know the account was closed that she wrote the checks on.  The checks were written against an account in another state, that the defendant had at a credit union.    

    JJ wants to know where the defendant went on both overnight babysitting sessions.    Defendant doesn't want to say. If she rolls her eyes again, I hope JJ gives the plaintiff everything she asked for.   

    In her sworn statement defendant didn't say anything about not knowing the account was closed, wrote the checks against the wrong account, and says the babysitter was incompetent. Defendant works at a hospital, scary isn't it?

    $600, ($200 for the checks, plus bank fees, and damages) to plaintiff.


    Judge Judy should have advised Olivia to spend money on a hairdresser and a dentist, never mind renting a car.

    Sean was quite sexy. I pegged him to be in his early 50s. However, when he ass-licked Judy at the end, he said he's been watching her since he was a 'teen'. She's been on the air for 25 seasons, so the math doesn't add up - it makes him 44 at most. He didn't look good for 44.


    Amelia McPeek - she was a nurse ???  She's got a nursing license ? How ?

    • LOL 1
  20. 22 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

    5 p.m. first one new, second one a rerun-

    First (2020 new)-

    Teen Pitches Fit Over A/C?-(2020 post Covid case)-Plaintiff Justin Hodge, age 18,  suing his mother, Christine Connel, for illegal eviction, moving costs, computer tablet, and broken phone  Son lived with aunt from 3 months to age 13.    Son had visitation with mother once a week, and aunt was his legal guardian.   Since age 13, plaintiff has been living with the mother, and the fight was over heat/ac conflict.   During the fight plaintiff says mother broke his phone, but she bought it.   Laptop was claimed to be purchased by the mother too.   Defendant claims plaintiff broke his own phone.     

    During the argument police were called, and plaintiff grabbed a skillet "to defend himself" from defendant.   Plaintiff admits he hit the floor with the frying pan a couple of times.    Plaintiff says police did not do a report, and were called by neighbors.     

    The fight was started by son, because mother turned the air conditioning off, and son wanted it back on.  Defendant claims son didn't have an issue about anything until his friend Devin told him what to do.     I think the defendant's right about that.   I bet Devin thinks that if son gets a restraining order, then mother will get removed from her own house, and he can move in a be another squatter.   

    Litigants are estranged.   Defendant will give laptop back to plaintiff, because it was a gift from the mother.  

    Plaintiff receives laptop back.       

    Just Don’t Do It!-(2012, 17th season)-Plaintiff Tracy Cooper is suing Jeff Black, claiming he stole her exercise machine.     JJ asks defendant where the exercise machine is, and smart ass defendant says I don't have it.   Defendant looks like he's been pole axed.   Defendant's fiancee says defendant sold the exercise machine to a friend of defendant named, Adam.    JJ tells defendant fiancee that she's with a fool, and as usual, fiancee just smirks.  

    Defendant claims plaintiff abandoned the exercise machine.   He claims plaintiff sold him the machine for $500, but plaintiff says he's lying. Plaintiff hired mover Jeff Black to move her household goods, including the exercise machine.   

    Defendant fiancee says defendant loser sold the machine to Adam for $500.    Machine is gone.

    Plaintiff receives $500 for the older exercise machine.  

    In hall-terview defendant's fiancee says that defendant was just nervous, isn't a bad person (for a thief;, my view, not hers), and how it's all a misunderstanding.   (Guess who was totally slammed on his FB page for his moving company, in 2015?   That must have been a rerun of the episode.    Yes, good old Jeff, I wonder if he's still a mover? ). 


    Teen Pitches Fight

    Poor kid had the communication skills of a 14 year old, even though he was 19. His cornbread isn't fully baked yet. His mother scared me! And she didn't even say much - it was just the vibe coming through the TV.


    Just Don’t Do It!

    A shout out to the sexy Jeff Black! Why were the producers keeping this in the can for eight years? This guy was beautiful - I'd love to see him working up a sweat on the exercise bike OR moving my furniture. 😁

    Back to the case...Judge Judy had it in for him from the get-go. Why?

    A. He was a handsome male.

    B. He was a 22 year old male.

    C. He was a self-employed male.

    If you combined the above three into a female, Judge Judy would've chalked it up to 'miscommunication' and a 'misunderstanding' between the litigants. She would have applauded the young woman for being self-employed. If it was a pretty 22 year old female, she would have never accused her of being 'a hustler', etc.  She very possibly would have ruled in her favor by telling the plaintiff 'Next time, get a written contract. She's not responsible for your belongings.' She then would have wished the 22 year old female 'good luck' with her entrepreneurship.

    Gender is everything with young adults on Judge Judy's show.



    • Love 3
  21. 23 hours ago, deirdra said:

    The Black Lives Matter & Defund the Police slogans were chosen for their shock value to wake people up, which was needed for the reasons Sunny stated.

    Unfortunately, as been discussed on the show, it woke the wrong people up and they ran with it - distorting all meaning and every word.

    • Love 4
  22. 38 minutes ago, cinsays said:

    Ugh, no!  She would just use the corrupted interpretation of the slogan and who needs that?


    Sunny needs that to understand what Obama was saying:  the message is not getting across. And MeAgain's corrupted interpretation would be proof.

    Sara was in no league to have this conversation with Sunny. She cowered to Sunny, where MeAgain never would have.

    • Love 3
  23. 3 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

    5 p.m. episodes, first one new, second one a recent rerun-

    First (2020, new)-

    Taser-Wielding Neighbor!-Plaintiff Channel Barnes suing neighbor in a four-plex,  Ponce and father Richard Ponce.    Plaintiff claims defendant father hit her car, and he admits hitting it, but says he car was parked illegally, and in the way.   Plaintiff wants her $500 deductible, rental car fees, and some other garbage.    Defendant daughter SSMOF (Sainted Single MOther of Four), and her four children moved in to the four-plex, and her boyfriend (father of SSMOF's youngest) argued with plaintiff over where the boyfriend parked.   Plaintiff claims she couldn't turn into her garage or park in front of her patio, because of the boyfriend's car.   Plaintiff wanted to park next to her patio, which is not a restricted parking area.    Plaintiff daughter says she told boyfriend not to park there, but he didn't listen.   

    To get into or out of the plaintiff's garage, the boyfriend would have to move his car.    Defendant daughter mentions that if plaintiff parks in front of her own patio, then other tenants can't access their garages.     Defendant father says he hit plaintiff's van when he was working on daughter's new car, and plaintiff has the garage adjoining daughter's garage.   When defendant father backed up, he hit driver side of plaintiff's car, resulting in a $500 deductible.  Was plaintiff in a legal space either?    

    Harassment case plaintiff claims people walking by are 'mean mugging' her (Is that the same as "He looked at me funny?"), and she thinks everyone is going to attack her, or come in her apartment.     Plaintiff claims defendant father is parking beside her patio, and claims the father, and another sister of the defendant started calling her names.     Plaintiff isn't suing defendant sister, so that's dismissed.    Plaintiff and defendant father were videoing each other.    Plaintiff also says there is 'high traffic number of people' going in and out of defendant's apartment.    

    Defendant SSMOF really has nothing to do with this case, just the father, and boyfriend (boyfriend isn't in court).    Defendant father claims plaintiff pulled a taser on him, as a threat, and I believe him.     Defendant father also says plaintiff called him a drug addict, and other slurs.    

    After the incident CPS showed up at defendant's house, what a coincidence.

    $500 to plaintiff for deductible.  


    Now here was a case where I wished Judge Judy snapped "I didn't go to post-graduate school to figure out who parks in a garage". This was one of the dullest cases in JJ history. I can't believe she wasted all that time on this one.

    • LOL 1
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  24. 6 hours ago, ForumLou said:

    I'm not sure if it was renewed.  According to the futon critic...


    10/22/19 - ???

    STATUS: on hiatus or fate to be determined

    TIME SLOT: completed airing its current season

    CURRENT SEASON:  1 (6 episodes)

    completed airing its first season on 11/26/19; has yet to be renewed for a second season

    I wouldn't be surprised if this show hasn't continued because of the pandemic. I never saw an episode, but I have a feeling that this was a show which Sunny had to film in a studio, or on location - and it wouldn't work with her 'Zooming' it in from her living room, like she does 'The View'. Perhaps it will come back when she returns to a studio.

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