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Posts posted by LetsStartTalking

  1. I'm looking forward to Joe Scarborough and Mika. I never liked them or their show, but I started watching them in August, and really liked what they were doing leading up to the election. Too bad MeAgain won't be there to battle with them.

    As for John Bolton, I wonder if he is going to greet Sunny with 'Nice to meet you' again, and she will have to correct him...again. That was classic (and I'm still trying to find it on-line). Yet of all the political guests - why him ?

    For the two repeats, they have chosen those two wrecks that they just broadcast ? Why ?

    As for Monday...you know how excited I am for 'View Your Deal' !!!!! I can't wait to invest in more janky leg warmers and questionable facial creams, as well as overpriced truffle sauce! Oooh-wee, "I know the drill" and I've opened up yet another new credit card just for this !

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  2. 19 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

    Bitter Ex-Wife or Deadbeat Dad?-Plaintiff Clarise Fernandez suing her ex-husband,  Manuel Fernandez, and he didn't repay the amount she loaned him, $1500.    Plaintiff had one child with defendant, and has custody of her husbands other child.   Plaintiff wants payment for school supplies for both children, and for a car repair loan.     Defendant is paying child support, and that should pay for the school supplies for both children.     When both litigants went with the children to Vegas, and Knotts Berry Farm, defendant's car broke down, and plaintiff loaned him the money for the repair.   Then the daughter blabbed that daddy lived with a girlfriend for over a year, and plaintiff got mad, and decided the money was a loan.  

    Neither litigant brought receipts for the transmission repair to court, must have thought they were going to a Tea Dance or the beach today? 

    Plaintiff can't find the $1500 charge for the card charge.  

    Plaintiff case dismissed without prejudice, and sent back to a local court to refile with proof.


    Dear Miss Clarise,

    When you have a head shaped like an egg-plant, it is not too wise to have a burgundy 'Janky Wig' sitting on your head. And lipstick to match. And a dress that matches, too. Perhaps the store was out of Daffodil Yellow and Easter Egg Blue, but here was still Grass Green and Cotton Candy Pink you could've chosen. That's all I'm sayin' about this case.

    Thank You

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  3. 18 minutes ago, Rainyhawk said:

    Exactly right...the show didn’t start out as a political show. It was various issues, some fun some serious.  And, as you said, it was women at different stages, different backgrounds, etc providing their own personal viewpoints.  I’m not sure when it became so political several years ago with having to have a Republican view, etc but most recently it’s really become more of a political show.  I’m hoping it can revert to its original Barbara Walters premise now.  

    In it's first year (1997-98), they covered what was going on in the political world by covering the Monica Lewinsky / Bill Clinton story almost every day. They then covered his impeachment. After that was the 2000 election, and they covered the 'hanging chads' in Florida. Elisabeth joined the cast in 2003, and shared her conservative/Christian political views on very hot button political topics, especially abortion. In the 2006 season, Rosie joined and the show really took a turn towards politics. 

    I think their format is a winning strategy - their ratings have been through the roof every season. The only season they faltered was 2013-14 (Jenny McCarthy) when they returned to pop culture fluff, competing with 'The Talk' and 'The Real'. Their audience is too advanced for that stuff.

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  4. Just when you hope the show is going smoothly, one of the hosts slips on a banana peel. Today it was Sunny with her hairdo.

    Was she going to a formal holiday luncheon after the show ? Appropriate for a formal social gathering, but sitting at home on a work-related  Zoom call for an hour ?


    Let's see what next week brings...this week was rather lifeless.

  5. 3 hours ago, ifionlyknew said:

    Whoopi has always been more outraged over the taxes and fees on her phone bill. And I can honestly say I'm right there with her on that.


    I am, too. As WG has always said - she doesn't mind paying taxes (including income taxes) so long as she knows where the money is going. But when it comes to the cell phone bill, there are different taxes, fees, and surcharges added on and no explanation at all for what they are for - just a generalization. I agree with her, as well.

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  6. Aside from Meghan's fireworks each day, I think what's really notably missing is the energy from a live audience. The hosts  played off the energy from the studio.

    When Joy told a joke and the audience would laugh hysterically but her cohosts chuckled, Joy loved that it and it energized her.

    Whoopi would get the audience on her side laughing when she would turn her head over her shoulder, and give facial reactions to what was being discussed at the table. The audience hooted at that.

    And Sunny loved it when she would be getting into a debate with a guest or cohost who opposed her, and the audience would clap and cheer her on. Sunny needed that positive feedback.

    All that is missing now.

    If Joy's jokes fall flat with the cohosts there's nothing she can do but smirk in disgust.

    Whoopi can't make her rubbery facial reactions over her shoulder to get a reaction from the audience - now she has to look confused on camera.

    No one cheers Sunny the prosecutor on - so she pouts.

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  7. 2 hours ago, ifionlyknew said:

     The show was far more enjoyable when the co hosts just discussed the hot topics (politics included) and it wasn't presented as your team versus my team. I miss those days.

    It was a different place and time back then (1997-2006). Politics are not the same as they once were - more and more evident every day.


    Whoopie is also a liberal who does not want to pay a lot of taxes.. 

    Not really - when Congress passed those big tax breaks for the very wealthy a few years ago, she acknowledged she benefits from it, but would rather pay her fair share and let those with low incomes take the tax break.  Joy said the same thing.

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  8. There was a scare this morning that Whoopi and Sarah were going to host the whole show today by themselves !!!! Talk about an impending plane crash !  Everyone in their 'crash positions' now!

    However, Sunny joined the crew just as the plane was ascending, and took over the controls. Joy came in after the commercial break, and all is right with the world.


    Please, Sunny and Joy  - don't ever scare us like that again!

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  9. 16 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

    5 p.m. episodes, both new-

    First (New)-

    TV Appearance Fee Held Ransom?!-Plaintiff Chloe Raymond-Smith (a very young age 19) suing Alphonso Cruz for return of money she paid him for a car, $3200, and he resold to someone else.   Car was listed on Facebook Marketplace.    The bill of sale was written by a friend of plaintiff, named Nick, but she can't remember his last name (it's Koe or Poe).    Plaintiff paid $3200 for car through payments, on Venmo, and another app.   When plaintiff took tow truck, and went to pick up car, defendant said car was gone, and hung up on her. 

    JJ askes defendant what's wrong with him, apparently terminal gall, and stupidity.    

    JJ tells defendant that when he pays plaintiff her money, he will receive his $500 appearance fee.   If no money is paid to plaintiff then show will pay plaintiff $3200, but defendant will receive nothing.   (Officer Byrd is really enjoying JJ's ruling). 

    Freeway Pile Up!-Plaintiff  Paulo Recio  suing fellow motorist Jerome Joseph plaintiff was first car in three car pile up, and is suing the last car #3 for car damages.  Defendant says police came to accident, but only asked people in first car (Recio) and second car, for their proof of insurance, but didn't ask him.    Defendant was driving his grandmother's car (since totaled in another accident), and wasn't insured, and police failed to cite him for that.   

    Traffic was stopped, Car #3 Recio was fully stopped, and car #2 was also stopped, and Car #1 Joseph wasn't paying attention, slammed into the back of Car #2, and pushed that into the rear of Car #3.    Defendant Joseph was speeding at the time of the accident, failed to stop in time, slamming into the rear of Car #2, and causing that car to hit Car #3.   

    Defendant was on his phone at the time of the accident.   Defendant was driving for Postmates at the time, looked at his phone for the map, and hit the plaintiff's car,  and the other car.   I wonder if defendant's car was insured, but he wasn't a legal driver for that car? 

    Cause of collision on police report is defendant, speeding, and looking at his phone while driving.

    Plaintiff receives $1200 (or he can get it fixed, and come back to court with the actual costs). (Plaintiff says defendant was trying to leave the scene before police got there, and failed).


    TV Appearance Fee:

    Let's analyze Judge Judy's option for the defendant, Mr. Cruz...

    Defendant can either refund the $3200 to plaintiff and get $500 in return, or keep the $3200 and not receive the $500 appearance fee. This is not a hard choice to make for Cruz - why would he return $3200 for $500 in return? Keep the $3200 and tell Judge Judy 'See ya!'

    (The plaintiff will get her $3200 back from the show anyway plus $500 from the show, so she's fine).


    Let's analyze the plaintiff, Chloe Raymond-Smith:

    In my best Judge Judy voice I can muster:

    "Miss Smith,  where did you think you were coming today? To an audition for 'The Bachelor' as one of the bimbos looking for TV sex? This is a court! You come prepared ! Now tell me what is Nick's last name, or I'll dismiss your case right now!"


    Freeway Pile-Up:

    Jerome Joseph had a police report (just like the other defendant Ziro did the other day) and this time Judge Judy believed everything on the police report. Imagine that ? I felt bad for Jerome - he was either very nervous or had a speech impediment, and was very conscious of his stuttering. I wanted to give him a hug !


    Forbidden Pandemic Eviction:

    Judge Judy pointed out recently the government's block on witholding eviction during a pandemic was ONLY for those people who had lost their income during the pandemic - and they had to show proof. I don't believe the tenant proved her income was effected by the pandemic, and I don't think she mentioned she was even a victim of the pandemic !  Let me know if I'm mistaken... Otherwise, the eviction was lawful in June, 2020.

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  10. 1 hour ago, debbie311 said:

    Have to say I agree with you.  We're eight months into this thing and people STILL need to be told to wear a mask and wash their hands? I figure anyone who isn't doing those things at this point is not going to start.

    Exactly! Yet Whoopie brings this up for discussion almost every day, as though it's a brand new subject they haven't discussed yet. I want to yell out, "YES, WHOOPIE! THEY ALL BELIEVE IN WEARING A MASK DURING THE PANDEMIC! CAN WE MOVE ON, NOW ?"

    I'll be the first to admit it - I'm really missing MeAgain. She gave this show a jolt of energy each day, whether you agreed with what she said or not. Now this show is becoming as lame as 'The Talk', where everyone agrees with the other host.  Something tells me MeAgain won't be back until after the new year, since they usually go on Christmas break by the second week of December.

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  11. Can they have a moratorium on the discussion of masks for the rest of 2020 ? Please ?  Every day they bring up the discussion of wearing masks - since March!  I know how they're going to respond before Whoopi starts her 'Round Robin' of questioning. We know where each of them stand on the issue, so do we need Whoopi to ask every day, "What y'all think? Should we be wearing masks ?"

    • Love 3
  12. Am I the only one who is enjoying the show without the 'audience' (re: paid actors and models) behind the litigants ?  Sometimes I would focus on the people or one person behind the litigants, and not pay attention to the case. Now it looks like they're standing in an empty basement - which I kind of like better to concentrate.

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  13. 1 hour ago, Bigfatcat said:

    Is there some kind of janky wig store or mobile truck that sells wigs outside Judg Judy's studio? There has got to be.

    That's what I was wondering. And they had a special on 'Easter Egg Blue' and 'Daffodil Yellow' the day of this taping. The RBG wig was sold to Judge Judy a long time ago. It's no longer in inventory.

    • LOL 7
  14. Monday's show was all over the place, but I'm glad they gave us a second chance within a matter of weeks to buy Oprah's favorite paint-by-numbers paint set for just $21!! I guess they didn't sell enough first time around in October, and they need to empty the warehouse - so they're pushing this again. Lucky us !

    • Love 1
  15. 16 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

    5 p.m. First one New, second one a rerun-

    First (New)-

    Red Light Crash?   Emergency Room Dash!- Plaintiff Ms. Riley suing other driver  Ziro Leyva over a car accident.    Plaintiff had liability insurance, but defendant had no insurance.    Defendant ran a red light, and was driving a co-worker's car, and the car was uninsured at the time of the accident.   Plaintiff's insurance paid $5,000 to her for bodily injuries, but nothing for her car.    Plaintiff's insurance company, and attorney said there was no insurance on the car.  JJ calls plaintiff's attorney to ask about the insurance issue.   

    Defendant has a counter claim for the value of the car, that he didn't even own on the night of the accident, he bought the car the next day, but the car was already totaled.     However, I bet they thought they would pull a fast one, and get paid for the car by plaintiff's insurance.   That doesn't work when you run a red light, and crash into someone the way defendant did.  

    Plaintiff ended up in hospital, was in the hospital, and needed physical therapy for quite a while.   

    It was a four way intersection, and when signal turned green plaintiff turned left, when defendant hit her car.  while running a red light.   

    $5,000 to plaintiff.   


    Do I need to be the first to say that Ziro was one of the cutest, sexiest, and most polite 20 year old litigants JJ has ever had on her show? And she acted like a crazed pit bull with him?

    He presented a police report to her which showed neither driver was at fault. The police report also said he had AAA insurance on the car. She didn't believe the police report for either fact. Since when does she believe the police are lying in a report ? She always asks for police reports to back up what the litigant is saying.

    On the other hand, she called the plaintiff's lawyer who went by her first name only (no last name). The law firm didn't answer the phone (since when do law firms not answer a phone? they even have 24/7 answering services now just not to miss a call!). I believe she did reach them, and they didn't wish to talk to her since she has nothing to do with this case (the whole scene where she called and quickly hung up suggests this part was heavily edited). So to save herself from embarrassment, she pretended they didn't answer the phone.

    Still, with all that sketchiness - she believes the plaintiff. She doesn't believe the defendant armed with police reports.

    She also didn't believe the defendant paid for the car he bought, as he promised to do so the next day. Since when does she not believe in responsible people ?

    • Love 5
  16. YAY!  Monday is a 'VYD' episode - can't wait !!!! We haven't had that since yesterday. How did we survive the weekend?

    Ruby Bridges - I can't wait for Sunny to fawn all over her, and tell her what 'an amazing woman she is' and an inspiration to Sunny growing up, and now to her daughter Paloma, and probably to Kamala Harris, too.   Sarah won't know what the hell Sunny is talking about so she will mention 'Joe Biden voters' just to try and keep up. 

    The rest of the week looks like one big yawn again, although Mario Lopez is always eye-candy on TV.


    • LOL 5
  17. 16 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

    5 p.m. episodes, first one new, second one a rerun-

    First (New)-

    Covid Inspired Start-Up Turns Violent?!-Plaintiff Chantea Jackson-Washington decided to start a mobile beauty salon because of Covid, and is suing her former employer (chair rental at salon),  defendant Lucretia (Cree) Munns  Salon owner Munns leases the salon from the shopping center owner.   Plaintiff wants hair extensions that she left behind at previous salon when the salon shut down because of Covid, but defendant says she doesn't have them.     Plaintiff is suing for defamation from defendant on Facebook.   Plaintiff says defendant owed her $1200 on FB for booth rent, this is the period when the salon was shut by Covid, and defendant didn't pay up rent until after salon reopened.    FB postings weren't done until  September.   

    Defamation by plaintiff dismissed, hair extensions are gone.   Counter claim by defendant is for plaintiff filing a restraining against defendant for a threat to put gun to plaintiff's head, and other nasty statements (18 pages of statements from FB).  Defendant claims plaintiff took wigs, and blow dryer, and they are returned in court, but defendant wants the money, not the items back.   Defendant claims she should pay her $1200 rent for when salon was shut down. 

    Both Cases dismissed.   

    You Ate the Steak: Now Pay for It!-Plaintiff Michael Taylor (I'll call him Man Bun) suing for return of rent, for a time when plaintiff and his mother lived in defendant's rental property. they were renting from Lucy Wilde.  Plaintiff wants return of rent, moving costs, and damages for an illegal lockout (It's legal because defendant wasn't supposed to be renting it, according to the Housing Authority).     The plaintiff and mother moved into a place that defendant owned, $1400 a month was the rent.    Plaintiff paid rent until December, when he complained to Housing Authority, when Housing Authority said it was uninhabitable.     

    However, defendant wants back rent for the time plaintiff didn't pay the rent, but still lived in home.   

    Plaintiff will not be getting rent back, because he ate the steak by living there.   Defendant will not get unpaid rent, because it wasn't a legal rental.  

    Cases dismissed. (I agree with defendnat






    First Case (Hair Salon) -  This case was too far complex for JJ to hear for a 'tv show'. Small business owners such as hair salons were really caught between floors during the pandemic, as state and local communities had different regulations on what would open, and what would not. Added to that, the federal gov't as well as state and city gov'ts were helping small businesses with their payrolls and their rents - and small business owners were at their mercy as all three levels of government were trying to work together (I know my state was one big mess in all this for small business owners).

    Cree was trying to explain this to JJ, and it looked like she had all her forms and paperwork to back this up. She did not 'default' on her rent for business or personal reasons (or mismanaging finances) - she was caught in a battle between government rulings. When she reopened in June, she paid her rent that was due (sounded like she got the financial aid from the government by then).  JJ wasn't having it.

    Chantea, on the other hand, was a self-employed hairdresser who paid rent to the owner - jut like the owner paid rent to the landlord.  She also owed for those 12 weeks, whether she had clients or not - just like Cree owed for those 12 weeks. As a self-employed hairdresser, she also qualified for similar government aid as Cree did, and owed rent for her chair. For some reason , JJ didn't want to hear this.

    As I said, this was too complex for JJ's 'court'.



    AS for the second case, between the plaintiff and defendant (and from what I could see of the defendant's witness)  I thought Judy was holding auditions for a revival of 'The Rocky Horror Picture Show'. I couldn't focus on the case, as I was distracted by their appearances.

    Whenever there is a 'dog case' on -  especially the never-ending pit bull attacks - I no longer watch. As a dog lover, I can't bring myself to hear about dog attacks and know the outcome of the case before it even starts.


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  18. Her birthday show was one big mess. And I emphasize 'big'. The Billy Crystal segment ran too long, and ran out of steam quickly. Stevie Wonder (whom I also didn't recognize at the end, I thought he was a 'Masked Singer' until I realized there was no mask on him) was a disorganized catastrophe. And don't get me started on Whoopi hawking her products at the end for the HSN-QVC segment.

    If they wanted a surprise guest for her, they should have asked Joe Biden or Kamala Harris to make a quick appearance.  That would've been much more interesting.

    I guess this show has proven one major thing over the past eight months: It needs to be conducted in a studio atmosphere, with an audience for some much-needed energy.

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  19. 50 minutes ago, ForumLou said:


    W's birthday is Friday 13th!  Lucky Gal!!  And didn't they say something about a 'special guest'?  Ugh three guesses...dot dot dot lol

    Hopefully, the special guest will be 'that guy in the White House', his wife, and his daughter! 

    Whoopi will be thrilled !!!

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  20. Quote

    I noticed it too.

    Her demeanor has definitely changed.  There is a strident tone that I don't think was there before. 

    I guess being a 52 year old career woman locked in the house with your elderly mother, husband and two teenage kids ain't the picnic she thought it would be.

    The first few weeks may have been 'fun and cozy' family quality time with plenty of cooking and baking, as she shared with these experiences with us viewers.

    The second and third month was probably 'tolerable' over the summer, with the nice weather they could escape to the yard.

    But now, the fall and winter has settled in with no relief in sight, not even holidays to celebrate and be with others in person. I don't think it's as tolerable as it was six months away trapped in the house with four others. It would change my demeanor, too! 

    Don't get me started on Sarah's situation. LOL!

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  21. 6 hours ago, WinnieWinkle said:

    I used to brace myself whenever shows were cut into with "breaking news"  now I just get annoyed that my show has been interrupted as 9 times out of 10 it's not breaking news at all!

    This has been a 'scare' tactic since 9-11. Every local newscast does this no matter how lame the 'breaking news' is, and the network and cable news does it, too. It's to grab the viewer's attention so you don't click off the remote, and scare you into staying tuned. Let's face it - news is "breaking" all day long, minute by minute - so for George to pre-empt the end of 'The View' with the breaking news that there was no update to report was deceitful, at best.

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  22. Tomorrow we're treated to Whoopi's birthday show, so I guess she will be joining the ladies tomorrow. And she's going to share her 'favorite things' ! So if you're not in debt up to your eyeballs already this week with the VYDs, you will be tomorrow !!

    I'm thinking, Whoopi should update her closing each day with:

    "So that's our show for today. Thank you for joining us, remember to wash your hands, wear your mask, cut up your credit cards, return all the crap we encouraged you to buy this season, and take a little time to enjoy whatever view you happen upon...and let's hope it's not bankruptcy court, thanks to us."

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  23. I saw Aaron Lazar back in the summer of 2010 opposite Bernadette Peters in the revival of "A Little Night Music", right before he left the show. He has an incredible voice and quite a sexy stage presence.


    So far, I've DVR'd all the episodes which have aired. I'm on the fence with this show. The main characters are rather unlikable, and I'm not sure who to root for. This episode was very confusing - even though I like shows which make you think outside the box, and expect the unexpected. But this episode went beyond, and I don't think it was all that intentional.

    Not sure if I'm going to stick with it or not. It's testing my patience ! LOL

  24. Thank Heavens we can buy the best pillows and face creams today because Gretta Monahan pushed this crap at the end of the show. Gretta loves everything, but she has to read off her index cards to promote this junk. You'd think she'd practice what to say beforehand - it's only five products. 

    Honestly, I'm just waiting for Sarah to ask Gretta, "What should we do with the other 52 brands of face cream you told us to buy this year because you felt it was 'the best' ? Can we send it back to the companies and get a refund ?"

    I'm beginning to think the show would have even better ratings if they left ABC and broadcast from HSN or QVC. That seems to be their competition right now.

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