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Posts posted by LetsStartTalking

  1. DAMN! Didn't take long for the Meghan / Joy blowup to make headlines:





    I was wishing for less Sanjay (who was boring, quite simply) and more blow-ups from Meghan and Joy.

    • LOL 8
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  2. What was behind Sanjay Gupta? I thought it was a spiral staircase, but it looked like a complete enclosed circle made of an iron railing and banister (and cut very close to the fireplace on the left). Was it some kind of  playpen ?

    Also, I've been watching him for years since he's started on CNN. I have to say, he's not aging well at all - looks much older than 51. His face is very drawn, which makes his nose and mouth look big for his narrow face. He used to be so nice looking in his 30s and early 40S.

    • LOL 1
  3. WOW! What a pair of lungs on MeAgain. How can she ramble on so fast without catching  a breath ?

    So glad Joy snapped at MeAgain, and completely threw her off the train track for the rest of the show. She was truly insulted by Joy's response, and now she wants to grab her crayons and go home. Welcome back, MeAgain ! I'd love to know what went on with those five during the commercial break.

    • LOL 4
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  4. 4 hours ago, Rainyhawk said:

    I think the fact that she also went on a morning show to cook and pretended to not know what a cucumber was called in english might have something to do with the backlash  "what doo you call theese?  a cookumber?".  She carried this farce pretty far.  

    As Joy pointed out, Madonna pretended she was British for years, and no one said anything to her. Sure, there were plenty of jokes made behind her back, but no one confronted her about her sudden British accent in interviews face-to-face. Nobody questioned her - they just let her be and went along with it.  And she's an Italian-American who comes from Michigan.

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  5. 3 hours ago, Rainyhawk said:

    First, I had to take a breather just listening to her several minute soliloquy on whatever...she’s learned to talk even faster on leave apparently. I had trouble keeping up! 

    It was like watching someone talk for the first time after being held in captivity and gagged for three months. The prisoner was finally released, and she had to tell the world all about her experience as quickly as she could, before she forgot something important.


    My God, I was hoping Adam Glassman would pop up on Zoom and start hawking Oprah's favorite crap just to shut her up.

    • LOL 11
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  6. 1 hour ago, After7Only said:

    She was on the cover of a Latina magazine.  She was portraying her self as a Latina.  And having her content in the Latina magazine did take away from other Latina stories that could have been told.    


    That's on the editors, not her. They chose her for the cover story, they chose to interview her. They should have done their homework more diligently and found out her true history  -  the way it has come out in the past few days via social media.

    • Love 10
  7. 2 hours ago, Pearson80 said:

    Sunny and I are usually on the same page but she is absolutely wrong about Hillaria.  People from Spain are White and they never call themselves Latino or Hispanic. Latino and Hispanic are American labels.  Not even people who live in Latin America call themselves that in their native lands.  They identify as Colombian. Venezuelan, Peruvian, e.tc.  Sunny saying that Hillaria took up space for a Latina is absolutely false. She pretended to not be a native born American and lied about being a Spaniard.  She could have pretended to be a Swedish, Russian French or Finnish. All this backlash against her is so stupid.  It was interesting how Whoopie, Joy and Sara had that point of view while Megan and Sunny were appalled like it was the worst thing ever.


    This reaction by Sunny and others is much ado about nothing. If she said she was from Canada, Italy, Germany - I doubt very much there would be such backlash towards her. It's ridiculous.

    • Love 7
  8. Let the races begin! Meaghan managed to monopolize the first seven minutes demonstrating her magnificent 'motor mouth' skills, as she fired off about motherhood and her maternity leave. She never took a breath, and talked them right into a commercial break. And never in my years of watching the show was I ever more happy when the commercial came on.


    Note to Meghan: Try Dunkin' decaf in the morning..

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  9. 7 hours ago, HerkyJerky said:

    I watched the Sugar Bowl last night.  The only reason I'm mentioning that on The View board was that Kirk Herbstreit was providing color from his home in Nashville while Chris Fowler was at the game and they did it seamlessly.  So, if they can do it, why can't The View do it?  (And I would say providing color on a fast-moving football game should be more difficult than a bunch of ladies gabbing...)

    Remove Kirk Herbstreit and Chris Fowler, and replace them with any two hosts from The View. Whoopi & Sara, Whoopi  & Sunny, Whoopi & Joy, Sunny & Joy, Sunny &Sara, etc.

    I promise you -  that seamless remote coverage will be just a faded memory.

    8 hours ago, sugarbaker design said:

    He's there to pimp his book.

    Shucks! I was hoping he would be there to diagnose Meghan's personality disorders. And yes, I said disorders - the plural. 

    • LOL 5
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  10. 8 hours ago, Haleth said:

    Snoozer of a lineup. Guess the only people answering their phones last week were people with shows to promote. 

    I can't imagine what Dr. Sanjay Gupta is going to talk about. Do you think it will have anything to do with COVID,  wearing masks, and the vaccines ? Tuesday can't get here fast enough !

    • LOL 6
  11. 5 hours ago, WinnieWinkle said:

    Just when I was really getting back into The View.  Now I need to decide if I watch it or just read about it here.  Probably check here first to test the water!

    If we're all jumping in, you have to come with us !

    • LOL 5
  12. Let's play a drinking game (sorry - coffee or tea only, that early in the morning).

    When the show returns Monday, take a gulp every time:

    Meghan reminds us 'As y'all know, I just had a baby...'.

    Whoopi asks 'Should we all be wearing a mask?'

    Sunny reminds us of her legal background...

    Joy says, "He's gotta go ...." (take your pick of a republican)


    Happy New Year! 😃


    • LOL 13
  13. 15 hours ago, deirdra said:

    Normally viewers are excited for their shows to return after breaks.  But this year we feel only trepidation.

    Now let's be fair...maybe a three month maternity break has softened her a bit, and calmed her down.

    OK - probably not. 😃

    BTW - am I the only one who thinks of the Liberty Mutual Insurance jingle when I see her daughter's name ?  "Liberty, Liberty, Liberty...Liberty". Won't it be funny if one of the hosts start singing this on air (that would be Whoopi) ?  Or if one asked her why she named her after a car insurance company (that would be Sara) ? That would crumble Meghan's cookies.

    • LOL 14
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  14. It looks like we're being spared any and all 'View Your Deal's this week. Can it be they have no leftover Christmas crap to sell ? No leftover facial creams, hand lotions, scarves, robes, 'readers', sunglasses, truffle jams, spicy mustards and paint-by-number sets from Oprah?


    And 2 "Day of Hot Topics" better go beyond conversations of 'So should everyone be wearing a mask?', 'Is everyone gonna get the vaccine?' and 'Ya think you-know-who will leave the White House on the 20th ?'

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  15. Scheduled guests for the week of JAN. 4-8 are as follows (subject to change):

    Monday, Jan. 4 - Co-host Meghan McCain returns from maternity leave after welcoming her first child, daughter Liberty Sage McCain Domenech, on Sept. 28; Day of Hot Topics

    Tuesday, Jan. 5 - Dr. Sanjay Gupta (author, "Keep Sharp")

    Wednesday, Jan. 6 - Ken Jeong (judge, "The Masked Singer")

    Thursday, Jan. 7 - Lil Nas X (author, "C is for Country"); Ralph Macchio and William Zabka ("Cobra Kai")

    Friday, Jan. 8 - Day of Hot Topics

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  16. 4 hours ago, Schnickelfritz said:

    Yes, it was new but almost no one saw it. Our local station ran it at 3am Saturday morning. That was one of the most head ache inducing episodes I've seen in a long while. Have you ever seen more family members on disability who were also taking care of each other as in-home health aides? And yes, the defendant was getting disability for being yelled at by an aunt. Must be great work if you can get it. NOT!

    This ran on time on my local station Christmas Day. It always intrigues me when litigants work together to screw the government and get more than they legally deserve, and then the whole plan inevitably falls apart. Then they team up to turn on each other, and take it to Judge Judy.

    • Love 5
  17. 11 hours ago, DoctorK said:

    That nasty woman repeatedly said she never got them, until the defendant showed documentation, suddenly, it turned into "I don't remember getting them". She was a blatant liar, and I wonder how many of her vendors were told the same "all of my other vendors refunded everything" story, and how many actually refunded all of her money.

    I wondered the same thing - did the others actually refund her money ? In the long run, it doesn't matter. The defendant is running her own business and not in competition with other vendors she dealt with. She covered her ass, and did right by the legal books.

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  18. On 12/24/2020 at 6:59 PM, CrazyInAlabama said:

    5 p.m. episodes, first one new, second one 2018 rerun-

    First (2020)-

    Covid Destroys Wedding Celebration!-Plaintiff Ardella Wade suing defendant, event coordinator Amy Ulkutekin (First Comes Love) for doing her (she eloped in 2019), and wanted to have a big wedding party.   March date was postponed, changed to July, and that was impossible too.   Plaintiff Bridezilla paid defendant $1200.   Signed contract says it must be in writing, no refund even in event of Force Majeure, or Act of Nature/G-d.   Refund will only for planning not done, but not in case of pandemic.    

    Bridezilla doesn't seem to understand that she signed a contract, and is SOL.   Contract says anything paid out already by defendant will not be refunded, but company will try to work with client to plan a new event.   Bridezilla still wants her money back for the day of services.   She claims planner did minimal work, not a lot.  The venue that was booked The Prado at Balboa Park, in San Diego gave bridezilla a full refund, some other vendors gave her partial or full refunds.   However, it was nice of the vendors/venue to give refunds, but not required by their contracts either.   Some only gave back the payment, minus the non-refundable deposit.   

    Defendant received $1200, $600 deposit, and $600 for services for coordinating and paying booking fees up front.   Defendant paid $954 in booking fees, and other costs.   Defendant doesn't have a staff, but third party contractors who get paid by the type of job they do, and what level of service.    Defendant has shown she's done a lot of work, meetings, bookings, etc for the wedding, easily $1200 worth.

    Plaintiff case dismissed.  (I wonder if the bride and groom are still together?   That might be why she's fighting so hard to get all of the money back). Plaintiff should have settled for refund of unused time and services, $265 that defendant offered her.  Now plaintiff gets nothing.


    RBG Judge Judy presiding:

    The defendant was 100% on target with her defense. She had all her bases covered, especially with "the event of Force Majeure" clause. Judge Judy, much to her chagrin, knew the defendant was correct and on top of the game. She was a no-nonsense business woman, who owned her own business - something Judy abhors. The plaintiff pretended she never got emails of the documents sent to her (she probably didn't OK the sender, so they went into her spam folder). She also knew she was in the wrong once Judge Judy explained it to her, but she thought by playing obstinate she would get her way (she seemed like a woman who never heard the word 'no' in her life). I'm glad JJ didn't even give her the $265 in the end.

    I don't know if anyone caught this, but... as they were leaving at the end (and the announcer was saying 'and on the next Judge Judy...'), the defendant turned to the plaintiff and said something to her before she went through the swinging door (her witness followed).  The plaintiff looked surprised and answered her but her mouth was pixelated so we couldn't read her lips - so this tells me she must have swore at her. I'm sure the defendant didn't say anything too nice to her when they were face to face. However, for the 'hall interview' she wished the bride nothing but the best.

    • LOL 2
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  19. 18 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

    5 p.m. episodes, first episode first case new, second case?, second episode rerun-

    First (2020) new-

    Buffalo Head Mystery (2020)-Plaintiff Michael Carpenter is suing defendant for the stuffed buffalo head that was in her bar, but plaintiff claims was his stolen buffalo head, and disappeared from the bar after plaintiff wanted the buffalo head back.   Defendant Kimberly Morales is the bar owner.   Plaintiff says he took the buffalo head to a taxidermist 40 years ago (he's 70), and his father picked the head up, but he never got the head back.  For many years, plaintiff claims the buffalo head in the bar was his, and came to Ms. Morales by her recent purchase of the bar from the previous bar owner.   There is no way of knowing what plaintiff's father did with the buffalo head he picked up from the taxidermist.  My biggest question is why did the plaintiff's father pick up and keep the buffalo head from the taxidermist?  Was plaintiff out of town (incarcerated? On a trip to Mars?). 

    Plaintiff asked previous bar owner where he got the buffalo head from (hearsay, inadmissible).    10 years ago, plaintiff claims he found his buffalo head in the bar was the same head he had mounted, and was hanging in the bar.     Plaintiff had no room to hang the head until recently, and then he went to get the head.   (Buffalo heads aren't that distinctive, so I think he's out of luck).   Plaintiff is moving to Wyoming to open a restaurant, and has three semitrucks to move his stuff, including the buffalo head he wants back.   Defendant has a bill of sale for the bar, and says two buffalo heads were loaned, but it doesn't say who they were loaned from.   The one buffalo head is still hanging in the bar, but plaintiff's buffalo head is gone, and defendant claims some other customer picked it up over a year ago.   

    Case dismissed, defendant doesn't have the damn buffalo head.  Defendant says another person came with proof, and took the head.   Defendant says even plaintiff's daughter told her that the head wasn't plaintiff's buffalo head.   Plaintiff can get another one for about $100 and up on ebay.  

    Plaintiff ridiculous case dismissed. 

    Stop Stinking Up My House! (2020)-Plaintiff Divanny  Ledesma suing former landlord Allison Hunt for security deposit.  $1700 was for two months rent, and security deposit.   Plaintiff moved in mid-September, and moved out in October, before plaintiff's notice until November.   

    Landlady thinks because $1700 check was written by plaintiff's parents, then that is important.     Plaintiff says defendant's rules were ridiculous.   Plaintiff says defendant didn't like the smell of cooking eggs, and other items.    

    Plaintiff says between Sept. 30th and Oct. 5th, she figured out from the HOA documents that the room rental was illegal.   On Sept 30th plaintiff gave notice, and then on October 5th, plaintiff said she woke up to defendant pacing, and peering in her bedroom window.   Plaintiff moved out on the same day.   Plaintiff moved in temporarily with a co-worker, and rented an apartment with another co-worker, she found the apartment the same day she moved out.    JJ doesn't believe that plaintiff found another apartment on the same day she moved out of defendant's place, signed a lease, and moved in.   That is pretty quick if the new landlord does a credit check, and other procedures before signing the lease. 

    Since plaintiff lived there the first five days of October, so she owes the October rent.   Defendant claims plaintiff stained the granite in her brand new house.    Defendant seems to have confused landlord with mommy.   Defendant claims half of security deposit isn't refundable.  Defendant wants to see a picture of the granite, with a bill to repair it, $130.   Defendant claims there is an oil ring on the counter that was the plaintiff's fault.  (Defendant's granite wasn't properly sealed I bet). 

    $400 security back to plaintiff.




    Buffalo Head Mystery

    RBG Judge Judy presiding:

    Once again, Judge Judy went to post-graduate law school to deal with a buffalo head hanging on a wall in a saloon. Obviously, she didn't give a buffalo's ballsack about this case, but she wasted 15 minutes on this case.


    Stop Stinking Up My House!

    RBG  Judge Judy presiding:

    Boy, did JJ get this wrong. She kept telling the defendant 'you're not her mother', when the defendant was telling her she had to teach the 21 many things on a daily basis. Obviously, JJ doesn't spend one-on-one time with many 21 year olds these days. If she did, she would realize that the majority of them - both male and females - need to be 'coddled' by older adults. They grew up with helicopter parents for the past 20 years, and now expect any other adult to helicopter over them once they 'go out on their own'.  They need to be coddled, they need everything done for them - they were not raised to be independent and think and do for themselves. I know this for a fact because I work with them each day at a college. I, myself, have to remind them I'm not their parent - but I realize they are completely lost if I (or another adult) don't guide them.  They need constant hand-holding.

    So yes, the girl may be 21 but I do believe she needed a 'mommy', and the landlady knew that as well.  JJ scolded the landlord and said 'living with a roommate is not for you'. She should have scolded Divinny and said 'living on your own is not for you'. Divinny - who lied through her teeth - needed to return home.

    BTW, am I the only one who thought Divinny looked like a female impersonator ? I really wasn't too sure if she was a she. But maybe that's just me...

    • Love 2
  20. 15 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

    5 p.m. episodes, first case on first episode new, the other two are older, second episode 2018-


    Simulated War Game Gone Wrong! (2020)-Plaintiffs Kenneth and Rosemarie Bass suing defendants Richard and Travis Monson over the trashing of property they rented to defendants for simulated war games/paint ball games involving hundreds of participants, over several days at a time.  Company was Weapon Blender, from 2014 to 2016.   Property rent was $3,000 a year, and a signed contract.     Contract requires that property be cleaned up, and it's totally trashed.    Plaintiffs were supposed to get a cut of entry fees, and were paid less than $2,000 for each of the three years.   The company shut down in 2016, after contract ended. 

    Plaintiffs say they have an estimate to clean the property up that is over $5,000.    Defendant smart ass #2 says he had people lined up to clean out the property, but didn't bring any proof to court.   

    Plaintiffs have several estimates, so they receive $5,000

    Angry Grandfather Demands Payback (2020)-Plaintiff George Teixeira grandfather, suing grandson Michael Malone over a car loan (personal loan to pay off the car note).   So grandfather co-signed for grandson.    Grandson lied to grandfather that he would repay the loan.   Grandson stopped paying on the car loan, then collections kicked in, and the collections people told the grandfather (2018).    Grandson now says he doesn't think he should have to pay the car loan, and his grandfather.

    Defendant's mother made three payments for him.  Then the grandfather paid off the loan, because he was notified that there was a judgment against him, and he paid attorney fees to settle the loan.     Defendant is now in law enforcement, that does not give me a good feeling.   Defendant says he was ready to go to court over the debt.   Defendant and his two children live with his mother, the kid's mother is close by, and his wife is living with her mother too.   

    $4424 to plaintiff for deadbeat grandson.

    Child Daycare Provider Dispute (older, has an audience)-Plaintiff Tina Dayton suing defendant Bessie Miller, over day care she paid to defendant, and a  $90 inconvenience fee.   Defendant sent plaintiff a letter saying the daughter's potty training issues meant that the child had to leave the day care program.    Charges were $35 per day, plaintiff says child there for four days.  Defendant claims child was there two days a week, for a month.    Defendant says daughter wasn't potty trained, but it's not in the contract that kids have to be potty trained.  If the defendant wants to run a business, then the contract should list all of the rules. 

    Then defendant's much older boyfriend, chimes in and irritates JJ, and I'm sure Officer Byrd.     

    JJ says plaintiff will get the $210 deposit back.     

    Simulated War Game Gone Wrong!

    RBG Judge Judy presiding:

    This is one of those many cases where you ask yourself, "Wow ! Judge Judy went to post-graduate law school to decide a case about a lot filled with trash ?"  or  better yet, "Doesn't Judge Judy have better things to do today ?"  I know I had better things to do than listen to this case.

    Child Daycare Provider Dispute

    Estelle Getty Judy presiding:

    Plaintiff asked for $90 'inconvenience' fee, but Judy claimed she was the one being inconvenienced (doing her job, no less). How many of us can tell clients and customers we're 'inconvenienced' by them when it's part of our job to deal with them each day?  Would we last 25 years and get a hefty pay raise each year ?  Hmmmm...

    As for potty-training, I thought the defendant was going to pee herself standing in front of Judge Judy, as she was so nervous. Best part of the case was when her orangutan of a boyfriend decided to join in and 'mansplain' to Judge Judy. That went just as I expected.



    • Love 3
  21. On 12/21/2020 at 6:59 PM, CrazyInAlabama said:

    5 p.m. episodes, first case of first episode 2020, others date?, second episode 2013-


    Passed Out on the Lawn! (2020)-Plaintiff Marco Polo suing Gary Zapata, his former landlord for return of deposit, $250.          Defendant says one incident was plaintiff being passed out on the lawn, and plaintiff was arrested for public intoxication, and spent a day or two in jail.   Defendant also says plaintiff damaged the garage door, by hitting it with his car.      Plaintiff was given a 30-day notice to leave and claims he was only given the notice because defendant told him he was going to rent the entire house to a big family.   Defendant, and the other two roommates who lived there when Marco Polo lived there are still in the house.     Plaintiff says his car only 'kissed' the garage door, and it didn't hurt the door.  When defendant opened the garage door, the car parked against it ruined the garage door mechanism.   The photo of the plaintiff's car against the garage door also shows a flattened tire, from plaintiff hitting a curb (driving drunk?).     

    Since defendant never presented plaintiff with the bill for the garage door, then the damages are dismissed.   

    Woman Demands Quiet Time (older ?)-Plaintiff Ernesto Rios suing Sarah "Sally" Fulmer, former landlord for return of his security deposit.  Plaintiff moved to California, and rented a room at defendant's apartment.  Plaintiff paid $1300, first and last month's rent, and $200 security deposit.   Plaintiff received a notice to leave after two months at her apartment.   Defendant likes quiet time, and said plaintiff was too noisy, and was home during the day.  Defendant claims she offered to give the last month's rent back, but not the $200 security deposit.    

    Plaintiff left in September, but notice from defendant said he could stay through October.    $550 for last month's rent to plaintiff.   Defendant claims damages are holes in the wall, no estimate.

    Plaintiff receives $750, a month's rent, and security deposit.  

    Tenant Conflict (older ?)-Plaintiff Erna Stark ( a woman) suing former landlord-to-be Derek Larson for rent and deposit.    She was going to rent a room for $500 a month, and security of $600.   She asked when she could move in, and was told she couldn't move in on the first of the month, because the room wouldn't be ready yet, but could move in the middle of the month.   Erna has a text from the landlord, that he will repay her rent, and deposit.   The move in issue was defendant's parents own the house, and didn't want roommates immediately.  

    $500 to plaintiff, and jerk defendant's mike cut off.   


    Passed Out on the Lawn!

    RBG  Judy presiding:

    Judy totally disappointed me on this case. I was waiting for her to say to the plaintiff: "Marco Polo ? That's the most ridiculous name I've ever heard."  But Marco Polo has other problems, namely drinking. Along with destroying his landlord's property, namely garage doors. But the landlord has his problems, namely Marco Polo, so he evicted him. Along with a damaged garage door, namely with no repair estimates. So Judge Judy ruled in the case - namely 'dismissed'.


    Woman Demands Quiet Time

    Estelle Getty Judy presiding:

    Sarah "Sally" Fulmer needs to find a new way to support her income. Not wanting her housemate to spend time at home, is like being a prostitute but not willing to have sex with her clients. If she's desiring the 'quiet life' in her golden years, maybe she should consider a convent.


    Tenant Conflict

    Estelle Getty Judy presiding:

    I knew when sexy, handsome stud muffin Derek Larson walked up to the defendant's table, his goose was cooked. If there's one thing Judy can't stand is handsome young men. Derek couldn't get his defense out because Judy believed she had the whole case figured out. Even Erna got giggly and turned to Jell-O at the mention of Mr. Larson, and couldn't help admit that she took the room to rent because he was nice looking in his appearance. But when she met him a second time, he was disheveled and unkempt, with a different personality. Certainly not 'marrying material' for Erna, and not 'housemate' material, either.


    • LOL 1
  22. 23 hours ago, parrotfeathers said:

    In the end I believed her also.  As JJ says sometimes, she couldn't have made all those details up.

    I think Tamika was talking through a stream of conscious and anything which went into her head came out of her mouth. Her details were confusion and contradictions (IMO).

    On 12/19/2020 at 11:43 AM, Florinaldo said:

    I did not find her very believable either. But the defendant acted like a smirking and smug asshole, who did not take any aspect of the case or of the hearing seriously. Perhaps that's what prompted JJ to overlook the absence of evidence and rule for the plaintiff.

    I must say, I didn't take much of the case or hearing seriously. He was being sued by someone who had no proof of anything, and talked endlessly while changing her story around. And JJ didn't ask the basics once she knew the plaintiff was driving the car - proof of insurance and registration. The case was a joke. I guess JJ didn't have 'other things to do' that day.

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